LXXVI- whiny

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Cosmo was still unsure if he was making the right decision. He gulped while looking on at the gates of defeat...otherwise known as the outside of the Lūsis headquarters where Āvo lived.

He was well aware of how pathetic this move was but his valued (Y/n) above his dignity and integrity. She'd only left that day but Cosmo knew he wouldn't be able to track her down in his own, he needed the help of not just Āvo but Rudy and Malachi too- part of the reason for all of his troubles was the number of enemies he'd created for himself, turning them into allies made things significantly easier.

It wasn't long before he was spotted after hanging around outside while barely concealed. Cosmo was intercepted and dragged inside, only having to wait a few minutes under heavy scrutiny in some tiny side room before being bustled into Āvo's office.

Cosmo was held tightly either side by his forearms, two emotionless guards kept their grips firm.

Āvo felt a sense of smug satisfaction when seeing the way Cosmo's head dropped and the shame in his eyes.

"Tell me where (Y/n) and this will be a lot easier for you."

A bitter scoff left Cosmo. "I wish I knew."

Āvo's eyes immediately narrowed, his defence went on high and a panic pierced through him. "I know you have her. Don't lie to me."

"She ran this morning...which is actually why I'm here." The smallest of smiles crept into Cosmo's face. "You didn't think you could actually catch me, did you? I came here on purpose because I think we should be working together to find her."

Āvo stared at Cosmo, he clenched his fists in annoyance.

(Y/n) ran away??

She was now just out in the open and he had no way to keep tabs on her! Something terrible could potentially happen to her!!

"Why should I work with you?"

"I saw her last... You clearly can't outsmart me and the entire reason (Y/n) keeps getting away is because of infighting. If you, me, Malachi and Rudy all-"

"Rudy? He would surely fold if he was to learn that she was unwilling in all of this." Āvo speculated, surprising even himself with his willingness to hear Cosmo out. "Rudy only wanted her to have a safe return."

"I spent time with the guy...I think he wants more from (Y/n) than he lets on..." Cosmo trailed off, deliberately being as vague as possible so as to not give up any valuable information that gave him the upper hand that he very much needed. "We're stronger together than we are apart. Once (Y/n) is held down somewhere and we know she's not gonna leave, we can have it out and let the last man standing have her. But right now none of us have a clue where she is."

Āvo was relatively unmoved by Cosmo's points, only really seeing the benefit of keeping him and the other two pests closer purely to keep an eye on them.

He could get rid of them quite easily when the occasion arrived after all.

(Y/n) held her breath after knocking at the door, praying that Prin was still living in her old residence.

After a few seconds she breathed out a sigh of relief when hearing a familiar voice yell "just a second!" from inside the house.

Prin swung the door open, revealing herself to her old best friend. She had changed a bit over the years, her dark hair had been cut shorter and her petite frame had filled out more. There were certain hints in her face that showed more maturity, she looked great and (Y/n) was glad to see her so well.

"(Y/n)..." Prin said in awe. "Oh my god." She seemed at a loss for words. What was she meant to say when her past best friend who she hadn't seen in years is suddenly at her doorstep unannounced?

"Prin, I..." Even though (Y/n) had the whole bus ride to think about what she was going to say, all plans had escaped her mind. "I'm really sorry about when I left and-and I wish I could be seeing you under different circumstances but I really need a favor."

Threaded eyebrows furrowed inwards, Prin took a slight step back. "Why are you here? You haven't called or anything in years and now you just show up?"

"I can explain." (Y/n) sighed. "I understand if you don't want to hear me out but I was in danger back then and...and I'm in danger again."

Prin bit her lip, looked down at her feet and then back up. She still appeared frustrated but lowered her guard a bit. "I suppose you should come in."

"Thank you." (Y/n) breathed out immediately. "Thank you so much."

"Hey, I never said I'd do your little favor." Prin warned as the pair walked in together. "I'll let you explain but I can't guarantee you anything."

(Y/n) nodded as she stepped inside. It was strange to be talking to someone who she actually wanted to be around, having this human interaction of her own volition had become alien.

The house looked almost exactly the same as she remembered, it was nice in a way to have that nostalgia- not just for her life before she was kidnapped, but for her life before she was involved in crime at all.

Prin lead them into the living room and sat down expectantly.

"So?" She said. "What happened to make you leave? And why are you only back now?"

(Y/n) rubbed the nape of her neck in an awkward fashion, thinking about her to condense the whole story as best she could. "Just a warning: you're not going to believe me."

She said everything she could think to be relevant. Starting from when she was approached at the hospital and ending with her fleeing the motel room where she and Cosmo were staying. It was hard to say it all out loud but also refreshing to vent out her thoughts and feelings.

"That's insane." Prin said quietly once was done. "The Lūsis conglomerate? They...they're huge, (Y/n), how are you going to avoid Āvo?"

"I really don't know. I just needed a place to stay for a while. A-at least until I can get a loan."

"You're gonna need more than a loan." Prin's eyes were wide, she didn't express her own fear of what could happen to her if any one of the men (Y/n) described figured out that she was haboring (Y/n).

(Y/n) massaged her forehead. "I just want to take a minute before I figure this all out. This is my first moment of...well, of freedom!"

"Of course." Prin stood up and placed her hand gently onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. "I'll set up the guest room for you. You should get some rest."

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