XLII- in between

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Malachi was nothing short of livid when seeing Sofia's post. He opened it up the very second the sound for her notification chimed on his phone, excited to see a new picture of her that he could admire.

Instead it was a photo of some food. Whatever. It was still a nice glance into her life even if it wasn't a picture of her. Malachi had been feeling like he hadn't been paying Sofia the attention she was due, he was too consumed with the (Y/n) of it all.

He was ready to dismiss the post all together until he read the caption:

'On the best first date ever!'

That's when the earlier mentioned lividity kicked in. It was bad enough that she was on a date of all the things. But the best?? It was just some dumb food!

Luckily for Malachi, that dumb food's obnoxiously classy plating made it easy to figure out where she was.

He couldn't even hear his surroundings, his heartbeat was right in his ears. It was pounding away loudly, at least it gave him something to focus on rather than his sweetheart being led away by some...some lowlife!

How did Malachi not know this before? He'd been distracted with his own problems and was unable to save Sofia from this- she'd obviously been tricked and manipulated into this! Yes... That had to be it. There was no way on earth that she actually liked someone else.

After some pretty reckless driving that was bound to have him end up with a ticket, Malachi stood under the shelter of store umbrella that was across the street where Sofia was eating.

He silently seethed thinking about her on a date with another man. At least he knew it was the first one so he could put an end to this as soon as possible.

It was a pretty simple plan, once she and her date walked out of the restaurant and parted ways Malachi would follow the man in question, ambush and get rid of him.

This plan relied on Sofia not being invited back to his place or vice versa but Malachi couldn't imagine her doing that with someone else... To even consider it was unthinkable to him.

Every further second he had to wait was like another punch in the gut. For the first time since he had met Sofia, a certain thought crossed his mind:

Was she truly worth all of this trouble? All of this pain that he felt everytime she was with someone else?

The constant fury was nothing short of exhausting and just depressing for him too.

While her existence made him tremendously happy... The net impact was rage and jealousy...and always worrying and chasing after her and feeling small and like she'll never love him.

But that thought was crushed, ground down and discarded of in an instant. Of course Sofia was worth it. It would all be worth it one day, and he'd cheerfully get this idiot out of the way to reach that day sooner.

Somehow his anger was increased tenfold when he saw Saffi and her date walk out. She looked so pretty and was laughing that positively angelic laugh with her hand in none other than Rudy's.

In Malachi's opinion, no one deserved Sofia other than him, but Rudy? He was least deserving of all.

The hug was heart-wrenching to watch but thankfully they split off in two different directions. On another night, maybe Malachi could have watched Sofia walk home and ensure her safety, but not tonight.

He followed Rudy a little further before pulling him into a secluded alleyway.

"I'm gonna kill you... You...you...assface!!!" Malachi spat out.

"Assface?" Any of the initial shock and/or fear Rudy felt when he was pulled aside was quick to subside when he saw Malachi. Even though Rudy was aware of the violence he had inflicted, he couldn't find it within himself to actually fear the other man. "You wanna try that insult again?" He taunted.

"You're dead." Malachi reached into his pocket but before he could, Rudy had a gun of his own in his palm and was pointing it at Malachi in no time.

"Watch it, pipsqueak."

"Why the hell did you bring that with you on a date?" Malachi asked as he raised his hands, thoughts of Rudy planning to hurt Sofia were all that crossed his mind.

Rudy shrugged. "I got enemies." A lazy smile crossed his face, this was fun for him. "Ones who I'm a whole lot more concerned about than you. I could kill you right now but that's too much effort for you. Besides, I've got someone neutering any chance you have with her behind the scenes."

"Wh-what are you talking about..?" Malachi was attempting not to seem at all unnerved but his voice had betrayed him. It wasn't that he was no longer mad, it was just difficult to remain intimidating while being intimidated.

"I'm taking about (Y/n)." The mention of her name cut into Malachi like a spear. "She's been helping me out since day one."

"You don't get to talk about (Y/n)." He said shakily. Malachi was not prepared to believe in his best friend's betrayal. "That doesn't even make any-"

"Who do you think introduced me to Sofia?"

"Why would she-" Malachi stopped himself. (Y/n) was in love with him. Was this some way to vent her jealousy and keep him from Saffi? It had to be.

Rudy saw the defeated look on Malachi's face and put the gun down, seeing as it was no longer needed. He snickered as Malachi didn't even seem to notice, stuck in place as the realisation dawned on him.

"Have a great night, man." Rudy said snarkily as he left Malachi in the dust.

Malachi: i know what you did

Malachi: i know about rudy

The text conversation read very strangely. It was days of texts that had Malachi practically begging to talk to her with no response, a gap if a few days followed by those two cold messages. But she'd know exactly what he meant.

Sofia really had a way of screwing his emotions. He was meant to feel mad at (Y/n), and he kind of did but mostly he felt...emptied.

Very much emptied and tired.

He had to be angry at (Y/n) though. Even if it pained him to extend this stalemate with his sunshine, she had kept him from Saffi and that was unforgivable.

So he could play whatever rage filled part would convince both (Y/n) and himself that he massively cared about her throwing a wrench in things, feeling tired and emptied all the meanwhile.

strange craving ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now