LXXXI- union

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Āvo denied the whisky glass that was placed in front of him, he wanted to keep a clear mind. Gregor Perdax, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind the offered drink.

"Loosen up." He chuckled, lifting his glass and allowing the liquid to swish around. "We've got a lot to celebrate."

"I fear this isn't the appropriate forum for such a celebration." Āvo looked around the study he was sat in.

A smile spread across Gregor's cheeks. "You're absolutely right, Lūsis." He took a long sip of his drink and then heartily put it down with a thud against the hard wood desk. "I'm throwing a party to celebrate. I've got a spare place not far from here, deck it all out for your workers and for mine to officially join in an alliance."

Āvo tilted his head to the side, considering Gregor's words carefully. "Our workers?"

"Get the rich folks in another time, this can be quick thing to end any animosity." Gregor wafted his hand around carelessly as he spoke, the different styles of leadership were abundantly clear to both of them.

On the edge of condemning such a thing, Āvo stopped himself. Assuming that (Y/n) had been taken on by Perdax then she would be invited.

"Ensure the medical staff attend." Āvo noted.

"The medics?"

"Yes...they're a crucial element that often go ignored." His true reasoning was kept under wraps but if he could locate (Y/n) at this party then she would be back in his arms. Āvo leg bounced up and down at the thought, his excitement having to escape his body with some kind of motion.

"Sure, whatever." Gregor didn't look too deeply into Āvo's motivations. "I'll throw a team together to get this shit organised in the next few days. The sooner the better."

Āvo smiled softly, though that element of softness didn't quite reach his blue eyes that instead portrayed a sinister determination. "Absolutely. As soon as possible."

He began to drum his fingers on the desk, looking around the room in a seemingly more happy mood than how he had arrived. "I wanted to thank you for your hospitality. It hasn't gone unappreciated."

"Well, thanks for handing back that bastard of a loose end." Gregor clicked his tongue and shook his head at the thought of Cosmo. "What a trouble he's been. Worst part is, I can't even kill the weasel!"

Āvo leaned back, his smile now shifted to reflect the same darkness that lingered over his gaze. For as much as Gregor hated Cosmo, Āvo was sure he hated the spy even more because of how a significant amount of his hatred came from him being a rival for (Y/n)'s affection. "Well...accidents happen all the time, don't they?"

Another bleak day saw (Y/n) stitching up some poor soul who truly didn't stand a chance of survival. She had noticed that the torture here was significantly more brutal and potent than anything conducted under Lūsis.

Everyone seemed to have visible bones, limbs twisted out of shape, missing chunks of flesh and other disgusting ailments. The howls of pain were constant and had given (Y/n) a distinct ringing in her ear.

There wasn't even a break once she was done, it was right on to the next- a dreadfully dull and quite emotionally laborious system.

(Y/n) carried her supplies down to the next room she was sent to, her expression was downcast. Her interactions with other medical were limited, most seemed okay with what they were doing or at least numb to it. She always scorned herself for never reaching that point even under Lūsis. It was even worse here working in captivity.

"Room forty-six." She muttered under her breath, she had thirty minutes to be in and out before she would need to move onto the next in her schedule. It was often too short a time frame to make any real progress, and half the time (Y/n) knew that they wouldn't last much longer after she left them.

She pushed the designated door after being allowed in by a guard outside. But once the door slammed behind her, she nearly leapt out of her skin.

Even slumped over, she recognised Cosmo in less than a second. Her head snapped back to the door, hoping she could run out but inwardly knowing it was too late for that.

'What the fuck??' Was the only thought that could cross her mind as she began to hyperventilate, holding her chest to guide it through her own ragged breaths.

Her panic only increased when the slumped over figure shook slightly, a small chuckle was heard as he lifted his head.

"Long time no see, sweetie." He spoke slowly with snide tone of voice, a smug smile painted across his features despite the small cuts and bruises that also dashed his skin.

Unable to respond, (Y/n) stumbled back against the wall. This action only made Cosmo laugh again, finding her fear to be very cute.

She backed away as far as she could, as if he weren't already tied down. As if she didn't have significantly more power than him in that very moment.

"Not long 'til I'll be getting you out of here." He sighed happily, his loving gaze bringing a chill to (Y/n)'s spine. "Tell me, have they been treating you like shit here? I'll kill them if they are."

Her eyes narrowed, her breathing beginning to slow to the point where she could form a sentence. "You can do fuck all." She was aware that it was a low blow to point out his tough position, but she felt the torment he'd put her through warranted it.

Cosmo, however, didn't seem too deeply wounded. He merely kept his smile on, looking all too proud of himself. "We'll see." His eyes followed her figure from head to toe, no attempt was made to be subtle. "And you look beautiful by the way. Very pretty as always."

"You look..." (Y/n) was too overwhelmed to think of anything clever "-bad."

"That was a good one."

She scoffed, gathered her supplies up in her arms and strode toward him.

As she knelt by the base of the chair, a sense of warmth surrounded Cosmo. His breath hitched as he realised that she was going to touch him, she had to touch him.

"This remind you of the good old days?" He asked her, looking down at her.

(Y/n) tried to pay him no mind and not let him see how much he was scaring her. The next thirty minutes went that way, Cosmo's teasing comments becoming fewer and farther between.

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