XV- best friends

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(f/a/d)= favorite alcoholic drink

The weekend had rolled around and (Y/n) found herself in Malachi's apartment. It was pretty large and was a steal considering the low cost of rent... She supposed the sketchy area he lived in made up that part.

"Did they tell you anything at that... That meeting you went to, the one about Cosmo Exeter?"

"Barely anything. I'm telling you, Malachi, if they get any information out of him then I'm not the one who's gonna hear it." (Y/n) took a spoonful of the curry they were sharing and put it on her plate with some rice.

"Can you introduce me? Oh! Have you mentioned me to him?? Please say you have, sunshine!!"

She giggled softly at her starstruck friend. "Maybe a little. He mostly talks about breaking out."

"Oh my god!! That's so cool- how do you think he'd do it??" Malachi rambled excitedly, picturing the scene of Cosmo breaking out like something akin to a high budget action movie.

"There's no way he'd get out... He thinks Āvo is being soft on him."

Malachi snickered. "Āvo? Soft?"

"Cosmo hasn't been interrogated in ages, he barely needs me... I don't know why they're going so easy on him."

"It wouldn't surprise me if he got out... Āvo sure ain't soft but Cosmo's... " Malachi paused to think of an appropriate descriptor. "He's awesome! Have you heard about some of the shit he's done?"

(Y/n) laughed a little and rolled her eyes. "Half of the stuff you hear isn't true."

"That means half of it is... And that still means he's a badass." Malachi reached out to take (Y/n)'s hand. "Please let me meet him."

Her heart almost stopped as he tenderly held her hand, his was significantly warmer than her's and she felt she could keep her hand in his for the rest of her life quite happily. "I-I don't know if I'll be allowed to."

"Sunshine." He pleaded with her, his chocolate eyes glistening as he widened them.

"God, I can't say no to you.... I'll see what I can do."

"Yes!" He cheered.

"How are things with Sofia?" (Y/n) asked, curious as to how she was approaching the problem of Malachi's clinginess.

"Quiet... I think she's still upset about her ex." Malachi scoffed. "God knows why. I'm way better for her than that guy... Right?"

"I didn't really know him, so..." She trailed off slightly.

Malachi raised his eyebrow.

"Yes." (Y/n) settled on saying. "Yes, you're far better for her." Even if she didn't feel that way it was often better to just go along with what her friend wanted than to challenge him. (Y/n) chose to leave out the fact that Saffi had contacted her to say that she, in fact, didn't feel that way about Malachi.

"Are you... Um, into anyone?" Malachi asked, recalling his conversation with Taylor from a few days ago.

(Y/n) was taken aback by the question, Malachi never seemed all that interested in her love life and that was probably because she barely had one. She'd liked Malachi for as long as she'd known him so no one else really caught her attention in the same way. "Nope." She answered, (Y/n) knew that she'd sooner die than tell Malachi of her true feelings.

"That sucks... You gotta find someone!" Malachi was experimenting with his own feelings more than anything. (Y/n) was his best friend in the whole world! He needed to be supportive of her love life because what type of friend would he be if he wasn't?

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