II- the boss

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(Y/n) walked back into the warehouse following lunch, she always felt mixed feelings when going away from Malachi.

She liked him so much, and was pretty sure that she loved him, but he was just so in love with someone else that it was borderline painful to be around him. Some of the things he said made it even harder.

She stopped by Darcy's office to clock back in after her lunch break, but was surprised to see that there a few people in suits talking to her already. (Y/n) paused and made eye contact with her boss as if to ask if she should come in later, but Darcy called her in anyway.

"Oh, (Y/n), just who we were talking about."

(E/c) eyes turned to saucers. Why the hell were they talking about her? There were two men and one woman talking to Darcy, all three seemed very important... And far above her level.

"Āvo wants to talk to you." One of the suited guys said, (Y/n) was even more surprised to hear that and looked at Darcy who seemed a little nervous- a rare emotion to see on Darcy.

"Āvo as in... Our boss? Āvo Lūsis?" (Y/n) said in disbelief.

She was met with nothing but silence for several seconds.

"He really doesn't have a lot of time." Another one of them deadpanned. The trio headed for the door, but didn't exit until (Y/n) showed signs of leaving too.

'Fuck, I'm getting killed aren't I? But why? Shit! Is this just becuase I was late???'

"Um, am I in trouble?" (Y/n) asked as she was swiftly escorted out of the warehouse and into a sleek black car with tinted windows.

She got in the back with two of these guards on either side and one opposite.

(Y/n) repeated the question after they said nothing.


"Then why... Is this happening?"

"Āvo has requested you specifically."

'That really doesn't answer me, but okay.' (Y/n) thought to herself but decided not to say aloud.

She was getting precious little out of these people anyway.

The car ride was only two minutes. She had known that they were going to the mansion that had always belonged to the Lūsis family. It was where much of the more glamorous aspects of this lifestyle took place. (Y/n) rarely went there apart from a few mixers that were held once or twice a year.

Really, they could have walked and getting driven there was overkill. It only served to make (Y/n) feel more nervous and more confused.

(Y/n) checked her phone again as she waited outside the office that she assumed was Āvo's. There was a disproportionate amount of guards around, but she supposed it was fair considering the amount of people who'd want him dead.

Luckily for Āvo, the people who worked for the Lūsises tended to be loyal. The family was known for treating their workers well, paying them a good amount and offering them protection. Multiple business around town were owned by the Lūsises and regularly sang the praises of Āvo and his predecessors for the support they've been given.

No, the Lūsises' enemies came from the outside most of all which was why the amount of guards there took (Y/n) aback.

Yet another suited guard entered but this time from the office doors.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." The woman said unemotionally.

(Y/n) stood up shakily and brushed her clothing down, she felt underdressed, but granted this was pretty out of the blue.

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