LXIX- maps

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Unsurprisingly, Āvo couldn't return to work after it sunk in that (Y/n) was gone. He could barely even breathe and used the rest of the day to calm down which was only partially effective- he was still brokenhearted in the morning.

He was alerted, however, that Malachi and Rudy had said something about Cosmo and suspected that he was behind it. In a way, Āvo hoped that were true, and that (Y/n) had been taken and didn't leave voluntarily because she was just so miserable with him.

Either way, he was wrecked by her absence and felt both unwilling and unable to take care of himself.

It was only a few days later that he had such a despised face brought into his home.

Malachi was taken into Āvo's office by Agnes. Āvo had not been working though, oh no, he was going through old pictures of (Y/n) on his computer, staring at one picture for several minutes before moving onto the next, occasionally zooming in and out just to make it feel like he was looking at more than pixels on a screen.

"Why is he here?" Āvo barely pulled his eyes away.

"He has something to ask...about (Y/n)." Agnes said delicately, knowing Āvo was in a tricky state. "You haven't given us any direct instruction so I thought-"

"What does he want to ask?" Āvo asked calmly, cutting her off.

"Well, ah-" Agnes paused and cleared her throat, looking to Malachi and motioning for him to begin.

Malachi stepped forward proudly, far more optimistic than he should have been. "We think you should help us get (Y/n) back from Cosmo." He stated.

"We? Us? Who's us?" Āvo sneered, now looking away from his screen if only to glare at (Y/n)'s best friend. "You haven't finally lost it, have you?"

"I mean me and Rudy." Malachi clarified with a childish huff. "He's waiting outside."

Āvo scoffed. "And why on earth would I help you?"

"We've been with Cosmo these last couple weeks, and we know that he's in a weak position because of Perdax." Malachi explained. "I also happen to know (Y/n) better than anyone." He added the brag with an unintended smug grin.

"That's all very nice but I'm going to have to pass."

Malachi took a step back, shocked for some reason by Āvo's response. Rudy had insisted this wasn't going to work but Malachi had tirelessly convinced himself it would, he knew that he'd need resources if he wanted to stand a chance against Cosmo and this was his best shot at securing them.

"What?? W-why not?!"

"I don't trust either of you at all, you'll both be little help to me, I don't want you and (Y/n) to ever see each other again... Need I go on?" Āvo leaned back in his chair, growing bored and wishing to return to his earlier activity. "Agnes, show him out."

"Can you believe it??" Malachi groaned, running his hand through his thick hair that had become slightly greased from being neglected in a panic.

"Can I believe that thing I told you would happen actually happened? Yes." Rudy rolled his eyes. "Getting help from Āvo is pointless, he'll just take her back for himself."

"Bu-but how are we meant to-"

"We'll figure it out." Rudy stood up from the bench they'd sat themselves on. He looked back at Malachi whose lips was wobbling as he appeared to be holding back tears. "Hey, (Y/n)'s gonna be fine."

Malachi sniffed loudly and then looked up to keep his tears at bay. "Is she? What if Perdax finds them both? What if Āvo gets to her first?" He clenched his fist. "If I couldn't trust Cosmo then how am I supposed to trust you?"

Rudy shrugged, it was honestly a terrible idea to trust him, but Malachi was both easily fooled and an extra pair of hands that could be useful. "I don't know. You don't have to trust me."

"Are...are you in love with her too?" Malachi's eyes darkened, burning into Rudy inquisitively.

"No." Rudy was fast to answer. "Gr-gross." He looked away, afraid his expression would betray him and reveal his true feelings. "Am I not allowed to be concerned about my friend?"

"You threatened to kill her!" Malachi exclaimed. "How could she be your friend?!"

Several passersby looked in their direction at Malachi's loud proclamation. Rudy cursed under his breath and then quietly answered. "It's more complicated than that-"

"I'm meant to trust you and yet I know nothing about you."

"I already told you- you don't need to trust me." Rudy folded his arms and looked around, still paranoid that someone could be listening.

"What do you even do for a living?"


Malachi laughed dryly. "See!"

"You think I fully trust you? No. But I do know that we have the best chance of getting (Y/n) away from that creep if we're working together." Rudy started to walk away. "We don't need to get to know each other to do that."

Malachi wanted to call out for him to stop but didn't and just watched him walk away. He sunk down into the bench hopelessly, missing (Y/n) more with every passing moment.

Meanwhile Rudy was tempering over feelings of his own. Malachi still annoyed him immensely, maybe it was still that same old jealousy. Jealousy over the fact that Malachi could openly display how he felt over this while Rudy had to hold back all the time.

He was scared too! He longed for (Y/n) just as much!! Yet he had to keep his mouth shut and his lip stiff over the whole thing, it was exhausting.

strange craving ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now