XXXVI- too far

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When (Y/n) woke up the next morning she could sense something was off. She couldn't put her finger on what though.

That was until she walked into the kitchen and saw Rudy hunched over her counter. That was precisely what was 'off'.

"Why are you here??" She squealed, it sounded more as if she was reacting to seeing a particularly large mouse than another human.

"Having breakfast." He said, pointing to the toast and eggs he'd make himself and was currently taking a bite out of.

(Y/n) leered at him in anger. "You're eating my food?"

"Chill out. I made you some too."

Too proud to actually take it, she just continued to stare at him suspiciously. "Is this some weird psych out?" (Y/n) wondered if he had somehow found out about what she said to Sofia yesterday and was here to kill her. "Is this like the last supper?"

"Can you calm for one second? Please?"

She glared at him for a little longer to see if he would explain himself any further. 'Is this guy serious???'

"You good?" Rudy said through another mouthful of toast. "You do realise you're just looking at me right now? You look like you want to be yelling at me...but you're not saying anything."

'Deep breaths, (Y/n), deep breaths.'

"Why. Are. You. Here??!!!"

"I wanted to see you." He said as if it were obvious.

"You broke in while I was asleep." (Y/n) was trying to stop herself from scratching his eyes out just to remove the smug look on his face. "I swear to God if you broke my window lock again-"

"Don't worry, I didn't break your window lock."

"Oh, thank God. I just got that thing fixed and-"

(Y/n) was cut short by Rudy speaking up once more with a matter-of-fact tone. "Turns out your door lock can be easily broken too so you're gonna have to get a new one."

She balled her hands into tight fists.

"Hey, you should be thankful. Now you can replace that crappy ass lock with one that will actually keep intruders out." He laughed to himself. "You're lucky it was me breaking in and not some creep."

"Thankful?? Lucky?! Are you insane??? Don't answer that." (Y/n) was attempting to keep her volume low for the sake of her neighbours but that was getting to be difficult. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I have nothing to tell you about Malachi or Sofia. Can you just go?"

"If I knew you'd get so pissy about it then I wouldn't have come." He pushed himself away from the counter. "I just wanted to have breakfast."

(Y/n) almost felt guilty when she saw that big-eyed pout looking back at her. Key word being almost. He seemed to have grown attached to her over the time she'd been unwillingly helping him with his strange creepy romance, and that was...fine, she supposed. Whatever worked to make him not kill her.

"Why me?"

"I'm scrappy! It's what makes me so endearing."

She scoffed. "Endearing? Don't flatter yourself."

"If it's good enough for Sofia." He grinned.

(Y/n) walked over to the now cold plate of food he'd made her. "Come on, I'll eat breakfast with you then I'm going to work."

She didn't see the way his boasting smirk transformed into a genuine smile.

"And then you're paying for a new lock for my door!"

strange craving ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now