LXXXIII- bedlam

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(Y/n) was at a point in her life where she had run like her life depended on it far more times than she had hoped she'd need to. It was a lie to suggest that she'd never run this fast before because running away from maniacs seemed to happen more and more frequently.

'What's the point??' She thought through pants, taking a random turn in the hopes of throwing Cosmo off. 'He's faster than me... There's no way I'm getting out of this now.'

She felt utterly fucked, too afraid to turn around and check how close he had gotten. The sound of his pounding footsteps were surely much too close for comfort.

(Y/n) devised a plan in her head as she ran: if she could reach the restroom she was in earlier then she could lock the door and buy herself some time. There was a window in there, right? 'Am I actually gonna jump out of a fucking window?? What has my life come to?'

She scrambled down the hall. Cosmo had seemingly fallen behind at that point but (Y/n) didn't get comfortable just yet, sure he had something planned. She threw the door open and slammed it behind her, fiddling desperately to lock it.

A high pitched scream came from behind her.

"Shhh! Shut up!" She whisper-yelled, not even fazed by the fact that someone else was in the bathroom. (Y/n) turned to see who it was and her eyes widened.

Rudy was staring back at her, aghast, with an eyeliner pencil in hand that he had been applying in the mirror. He dropped the makeup appliance to the ground in a mixture of shock and slight embarrassment.


She went to take a step back only to realise that she was pretty much against the door already. "Rudy...? What are you doing here?" Her voice was low, still trying to avoid detection.

Rudy neglected to answer her question, only muttering (Y/n)'s name once again.

Both of them were totally frozen in place. (Y/n) was almost certain she'd never see him again, and while Rudy had known their reunion would be happening tonight that didn't mean he expected her to rush into him all of a sudden.

"(Y/n)." He said again. It was the third time he'd uttered his love's name in shock.

The corner of (Y/n)'s mouth ticked up. Despite herself, she was relatively amused by the state Rudy was in- a far cry from his usual self. However, her amusement could only last so long with her own shock brewing.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She hissed, looking over her shoulder at the door. "Actually, forget that. I need you to get me out of here!"

"Get you-?....oh." Rudy seemed to be acting different from how (Y/n) was used to seeing him. She grabbed onto his forearms, sending a pleasant feeling up his spine at her touch.

"I don't have time to explain!"

He tried to snap himself out of his daze and focus on the matter at hand. Rudy couldn't allow (Y/n) to get away from him. In a way, he was in a better position than anyone in that moment. He could just get her out using that false sense of security and then keep her for himself.

As nice as that sounded to him, it wouldn't quite work out with the others in the equation.

Even if that was possible, his chances were cut short by a loud interruption.

"I know you're in there!!!"

(Y/n) inhaled sharply at the sudden outcry that had obviously come from Cosmo. She looked to Rudy desperately and mouthed the word 'help'.

Pounding came from just beyond the door and (Y/n) was sure it wouldn't last much longer.

Rudy saw that this was only going to one way and gently put his hand on (Y/n)'s waist in order to push her out of the way of the door.

"What are you-?"

He unlocked it and Cosmo was sent careening in.

"Rudy, what's wrong with you?!" (Y/n) yelled before trying to push away past Cosmo, of course she was unsuccessful and ended up in his arms.

"Āvo's got a car waiting." Cosmo said, holding onto (Y/n)'s as she tried to kick and hit at him. "Let's go."

'Āvo?? Rudy? Oh my god, what's going on?!'

Rudy was still uncharacteristically frozen, seeing (Y/n) so terrified and hearing her trust him prodded some type of remorse out of him.

"Rudy!!" She yelled out, clearly wanting his help. It was beginning to sink in that he wasn't on her side at all but that didn't stop (Y/n) from being in denial.

"Just be careful with her, okay?" Rudy demanded with his more normal attitude.

Cosmo rolled his eyes. "I'm always careful." He went to adjust his grip so he could lift her over his shoulder, (Y/n) took this opportunity where she was momentarily out of his hands to knee him very harshly in the abdomen. Cosmo wasn't so affected by physical pain but he did stumble back a little, that gave her just a big enough window to begin to sprint away.

"Fuck! You idiot!" Rudy yelled rushing out of the bathroom and stopping to watch her figure retreat, she already had a large headstart and he was certain she'd run into someone else sooner or later.

'Don't look back. Just run.'

(Y/n) knew that Āvo was waiting outside which gave her a hint of what to do next. She needed to avoid the main exit at all costs.

On the cleanly polished floors, (Y/n) felt as though she was going to slip over at any moment.

'A window.' She thought. 'I need to go out of a window.'

(Y/n) had no idea why she had attached herself so closely to this window idea but it was the best she could think of under these circumstances.

She threw a random bedroom door open and went inside but quickly realised she wasn't alone.

Her footsteps came to a very sudden halt when she laid eyes on her very own best friend.

Malachi stood up and smiled, a drink in both hands. "Sunshine. You're here."

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