ENDING - lovey-dovey

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Rudy held a flat box out in front of him, an envelope sat on top of it with (Y/n)'s name scribbled across it.

"Happy anniversary." He said quietly, averting his eyes away from her.

They were sat in bed together, (Y/n) had only been up for around thirty seconds before she had the gift pushed towards her.

"Anniversary??" She said in alarm and shame, she didn't even know what the date was. Rudy of course couldn't blame that on her.

"Don't worry about it. You've been living with me for a year and I wanted to mark the occasion."

(Y/n) gulped as her mind went back to a year ago, it wasn't a fond memory for either of them. She had least expected to see him again of all people, the feeling she had couldn't be described so easily. It wasn't exactly betrayal since she had already come to expected so little of him. Perhaps it was just the pure shock and then the dreadful foreboding sense of knowing that she was getting locked away again. And this time there was no nifty escape.

As (Y/n) hesitated in taking it, Rudy became filled with insecurity. She seemed happy with him now but maybe this was too much.

"Do you...do you not want it?"

"No, no, I'm sorry." She took the box and smiled at him. "I'm just surprised...good surprised! Thank you."

Having some of his fears eased, he let out a scoff. "Whatever, if you didn't want it then I'd just find some other girl to give it to."

"Oh really?" (Y/n) paid his teasing no mind, knowing that Rudy had neither the heart nor the will to do such a thing.

"Totally. I'm something of a lady-killer, haven't you heard?"

(Y/n) laughed and got to opening up the envelope. Rudy shifted with embarrassment as he recalled what he'd written in there.

It was strange, because he hadn't been this way around Sofia. With her, he was so focused on being someone who he thought she wanted and put on an act. But with (Y/n) he could be himself, unfortunately 'himself' was not great at the whole romance thing. His love for (Y/n) was on a whole other level to what he had ever felt before, she brought on his worst nerves and the most calm serenity at the same time.

It was frustrating though. He always wished he could express just how dearly he adored (Y/n) with words but they just wouldn't come out. Rudy avoided using the 'L' word at all costs, only having said it to her a few times over the year, he preferred to use his actions to show that he loved her. There was still some uncertainty that she didn't realise just what she meant to him.

They weren't even officially together, whatever that meant. They just fell into a routine that seemed to reflect that of a couple, neither of them commented on the change but just indulged in the opportunity to be affectionate to one another.

She read what he'd written with a slight smirk, her eyes would flit up to look at Rudy between sentences only to see him look away, sufficiently humiliated.

My (Y/n),

Happy anniversary (I know you didn't know but save the date for next time, idiot)

You already know you're my favorite person in the world, and you already know I think you're hot, so I'm not sure what I could write that you wouldn't know.

You're the love of my life- even when I call you stupid or annoying, I'm thinking at the same time about how amazing you are. You deserve everything good this world has to offer, and I'll stop at nothing to get that for you while keeping you safe from all the bad things in this world too.

Blah blah blah whatever you get it.


"Awwww..." She cooed teasingly in his direction, she must have been some kind of sadist from how entertaining she found his embarrassment to be.

"You better keep that thing safe, don't be expecting writing like that on the regular." He huffed and then gestured towards the gift. "Open it then."

(Y/n) lifted the small flat box and shook it gently. "Is it a car?" She joked.

"It would be if I wasn't blacklisted from the dealership." Rudy said. She gave him a confused look as she started to take off the wrapping paper. He waved his hand in the air dismissively. "Story for another day."

"I still don't even know what you do for a living." (Y/n) mumbled as she discarded all of the wrapping and was faced with a rather plain box. "A box? You really are spoiling me."

He chuckled a little and kissed the top of her head softly. "I told you I would, right?"

She slowly removed the lid and let out a gentle sigh accompanied by an appreciative smile; Rudy's heart swelled when he saw the look on her face, knowing he'd made the right choice after much deliberation.

In the box was a necklace that had a delicate and thin chain. Attached, was a circular pendant with the letter 'R' engraved into it. It was a simple piece of jewelry, but beautiful nonetheless.

"Knew you'd love some lovey-dovey bullshit like that." He said smugly. (Y/n) ignored his comment and silenced anymore snarkiness out of him with a longing kiss, she placed her hand on his cheek ever so gently. The kiss held for a few seconds, yet remained sweet and filled with love from both ends.

"Thank you, it's gorgeous. Happy anniversary."

She stared up into his caramel eyes to find him staring back, they shimmered with adoration and glowed with pride. Momentarily looking away, Rudy snatched the box away and took the necklace out.

"Turn around, I wanna put it on you."

Before (Y/n) could get in position, Rudy seemed to have changed his mind and pulled her by her waist to be seated in his lap. He placed the chain on her and placed a quick kiss to the back of her neck before doing the clasp.

He turned her around to get a look at it, a grin found its way to his features. He knew in that moment that he didn't need any anniversary present from her, just this simple indicator that she was his was gift enough for him.


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