XI- lividity

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"Reed... Reed... Reed..." (Y/n) mumbled as she scrolled through Sofia's followers on social media.

Not a word had been posted about him on Sofia's account, so (Y/n) assumed that Malachi didn't yet know about him.

She hoped to get in contact with Sofia's new boyfriend before Malachi or Rudy got their hands on him, (Y/n) didn't need that sort of thing on her conscience.

It was times like these when the envy she sometimes held for Sofia was replaced with great amounts of pity.

"Reed... Yes!" She cheered when she spotted a profile matching the name given, (Y/n) could safely assume this was Sofia's new boyfriend considering he seemed to be around her age and the only person of that name who followed her.

(Y/n) immediately went to his profile and started to write him a message, she didn't care how out of the blue or strange it was but she had to contact him somehow. She didn't have those same worries she'd had when asking to meet Sofia, this guy's life was in serious danger and she felt a certain responsibility in that.

But before she can even think of what to tell him, her phone begins to ring with Malachi's contact displayed on the screen.

'Oh fuck.'


"She has a fucking BOYFRIEND!!"

(Y/n) rarely heard Malachi this mad but at the same time it wasn't totally foreign to her, he only got like this when it came to rivals for Sofia's affection.

"What?" (Y/n) tried her best to sound shocked but it really didn't matter what she was saying, Malachi was barely listening.

"I'm gonna kill him." Malachi hissed. "I'm driving to his place now."

She could vaguely hear screeching of tyres in the background and was sure that her best friend was speeding through the town.

God knows how he even found Reed's address so quickly... Or how he even found out.

Love knows no bounds she supposed.

"Malachi, maybe you should rationalize this-"

"You don't get it, sunshine, I need him dead. Saffi is mine, not his, not anyone else's. She's MINE."

With those words he hung up and (Y/n) darted up from where she was sat.

'Charming.' She thought.

She grabbed a clump of her own hair and began to think of how on earth she would be able to stop this.

(Y/n) reopened Reed's profile and thanked her lucky stars as she clicked on one of his most recent posts that had his location gracelessly tagged. While she was grateful that she could now hopefully stop anything too awful from happening to him, (Y/n) also realised this was likely what doomed this idiot in the first place.

Skidding to where her car keys were sat, (Y/n) was out of the door in a moment in the hopes of preventing something that seemed inevitable.

(Y/n) banged at the door in urgency, she had seen Malachi's car not far down the street and knew that he must have already descended on an expecting Reed.

She cursed beneath her breath before going to grab her phone in the hopes of calling Malachi before he could do any irreversible damage.

He didn't pick up.

Of course.

'He's probably too busy killing this poor guy.... Shit, this is not good!!'

From beyond the front door, (Y/n) heard the sound of something smashing which only increased her worry.

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