XIX- on my mind

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"Should... Should I knock?" (Y/n) asked a guard who stood by the door uncertainly. She was waiting in the hall outside of Āvo's study.

"You'll be told when you can enter." Was the stoic reply she received.

She sighed and sat on one of the velvety chairs, she'd been waiting for around twenty minutes despite how urgent Darcy made this sound.

"Are you sure Mr Lūsis wanted to speak to me?" She checked with the guard who nodded slowly.

(Y/n) fiddled absentmindedly, she was attempting to take her mind off of the anxious thoughts that swirled around her head.

She had been asked to see her boss.

The boss.

Although this had been more frequent in the last few weeks than ever before that did little to dull her nerves.

"How long have you worked here for?" She asked the guard in an attempt to strike up conversation.

He looked at her for a moment but quickly turned away, totally ignoring the fact she even opened her mouth at all.

'Rude.' She thought disdainfully.

A further fifteens minutes pass before two people exited the study with grumbles of displeasure, followed by a woman who (Y/n) recognised to be high up in the rankings.

"You must understand that Āvo is a very busy man. We are more than happy to reschedule to fit in whatever else needed saying." The woman said to soothe the other two.

"Agnes, that's far from the point and you know it."

'Oh yes, Agnes is her name.' (Y/n) recalled hearing about her several times as being a close friend and subordinate of Āvo's.

Agnes was about to continue talking to other two when she caught onto (Y/n) in her peripheral. Something flashed in her eyes and she then turned to the guard.

"Will you let her in?" Agnes demanded.

"B-but I've been told to-"

"Do not make me repeat myself. If Mr Lūsis is displeased then tell him that I instructed you." She concluded before hurrying down the hall that the couple were already headed down.

(Y/n) stared back at the guard who fumbled to open up the door for her. "I suppose you should go in." He mumbled.

She quietly thanked him and walked through, immediately weighed down by the tense air.

"Hello, s-" She stopped herself, and remembered that he asked to be addressed with his given name. "Āvo."

"(Y/n)." He regarded her stiffly. "Do sit down."

As she took one of the seats, (Y/n) watched his odd demeanour. He appeared slightly fearful and almost... Out of his depth in a way.

He was looking at her quite intently, the blue of his eyes was cold and she could feel his gaze.

After some silence she decided to speak up. "May I ask why you wanted to see me?"

A long breath left his parted lips and he looked down at some paperwork. "I just wanted to let you know that... We've decided to give you the rest of the week off."

(Y/n) felt a spurt of excitement. "Wait, really?"

Āvo nodded slowly and finally looked up. "You're still to recieving your full pay... We just wanted to reward your hard work with Cosmo Exeter."

"It's not been too hard." She smiled. "He's in pretty good shape."

"Yes... As you know he's quite a complicated case."

(Y/n) expressed her agreement, she still had a grin on her face from how pleased she was with her time off. Too pleased to really question it all that much. "Will that be all?"

Āvo appeared taken aback at the question; he's been acting off the whole time.

'What am I thinking?' She thought. 'I've only spoken to him twice - who am I to say when he's being out of character?'

"Unless there are any issues that have come up then you may leave."

"... There was one thing." She mentioned.

The words clearly caught Āvo's attention as he leaned forward very slightly.

"It's not really an issue per sé but.. I was wondering why room seventeen was bugged when no other room is. I figured it may be a security risk." She said.

Āvo readjusted himself awkwardly. "I'll look into it, thank you... (Y/n)." Her name was added onto the end of the sentence in a hushed tone. One she could barely hear.

The drug that Cosmo had been injected with still had a slight gnaw on his brain but was beginning to fade out. He had a growing sting in his chest.

(Y/n) wasn't back after what must have been around two hours.

Cosmo felt his heart seemed to speed up with worry. 'What if she doesn't come back?' That was the question that plagued him relentlessly.

Would it even matter if she didn't? He'd had friends before and they were all gone now, some dead, some miles away, some missing, but all gone in one way or the other. Cosmo hardly spared them a second thought yet the idea of (Y/n) never walking through that door again... Never touching his skin again, never talking to him, never smiling at him...


He had a thing from her, didn't he?

Consider shook his head in an attempt to shake off the thought. 'Who cares if I like her? I can't let that get in the way of what I need to do.'

He looked to the door and tensed against the restraints he was in.

He'd been in this damned room far too long, too distracted to do much about it. Cosmo knew that if he didn't get out soon hat he'd die here which was obviously not ideal.

Continuing to desperately pull at the restraints, he detected a weak spot.


Continuing to tease at it, Cosmo pictured what he'd do once he got out. Sure, he'd miss (Y/n) but she was necessary to leave behind for his own good.

For her own too! She'd be in more than just hot water if there was any hint of her involvement. It was the best for both of them to part ways even if Cosmo did want to see what a relationship with her would be like...

That wasn't necessary now.

He'd forget her in no time and move onto some equally lovely person.

Yes, that was just what he'd do.


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