XXXIII- questionable interest

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(Y/n)'s head whipped around to see Darcy standing in the doorway of the medical supply room.

"Hello, Darcy." She said politely, still in emotional recovery from her interaction with Cosmo.

"There's a car outside for you. Āvo wants you." She took the first aid kit out of (Y/n)'s hands. "I'll put these away. You get going."

(Y/n) was about to point out that she still had more people to treat but stopped. She predicted that had already been sorted as it always had been when Āvo took her out of work.

"Good morning, Miss (L/n)." The driver said warmly as (Y/n) climbed in the back.


He started the car and set off towards the base.

"Do you know what Āvo wants me for?" (Y/n) leaned forward to ask.

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Mr Lūsis didn't specify."

"Oh.. thanks anyway." She sat back and looked out of the window.

It was a very short journey as it always was. Sending a car seemed unnecessary considering how close to the warehouse he was.

She hardly even had a minute in the waiting room before she was called in. A far-cry from her first meetings with Āvo.

"How are you this morning, (Y/n)?" He asked with a gentle smile as she walked in.

(Y/n) took the seat across from his desk. "I..I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm very well." He seemed more at ease than he usually was around her, it appeared that going to the dinner had opened him at least a little towards (Y/n). "I just wanted to thank you for attending the dinner party over the weekend with me."

"I should be thanking you for inviting me." (Y/n) tucked some hair behind her ear. "I had a really lovely time."

"As did I. I'll keep you in mind if there are any other events that have an opening."

(Y/n)'s expression faltered at this. It brought up the question in her mind of what Āvo's intentions with her were.

'Only one way to find out.' She told herself. She wasn't truly sure what answer she wanted. Her heart was still set on Malachi but perhaps Āvo was just who she needed to move on. At the same time, her life would be simpler if he wasn't trying to persue her.

"I have a question.." An unusual shyness penetrates her tone. "I've spoken to some, uh, some friends and... I mean, this might sound ridiculous but..." She paused and sighed. "Some of them think that you inviting me to the dinner indicated that you had... You wanted to take our relationship in a non-professional direction... Is that.. is that the case?"

Āvo's cheeks were naturally rosy but (Y/n)'s accusation made them flare to a deep red. "That-that does sound ridiculous." He said instinctively. "I can assure you that you don't need to worry about any unprofessionalism. I apologize if you felt my invitation was unprofessional."

"No! I knew you didn't feel that way, it's just that other people were saying that." She said frantically. "But I'm glad to have that cleared up." Her heartbeat was now at a mile a minute. He could probably kill her just for suggesting that.

"That's..good." Āvo's vision flicked downwards. "You should probably head off. I'll send for you if I need you."

(Y/n) nodded and kept her head bowed as an act of submission. She felt stupid for being so casual like that around her superior. After a quick farewell she was hurrying out of the door.

As soon as she was gone, Āvo planted his face into his hands.

Why must he be like this??

She could've been about to express interest and he basically stopped her! These nerves made (Y/n) discovering his feelings his absolute worst fear, and now those nerves had come around to totally fuck him over.

He felt tears in his eyes. It had been so much easier when he kept his distance because he could blame everything on others. But now it was him who was keeping her away.

All because of a stupid knee-jerk reaction.

He pulled the framed photo of his beloved out of his drawer and placed it upright on the desk. It was such a darling picture of his dear sweet (Y/n).

Āvo clambered to his feet and to the nearest wall. Without even removing his signet ring, he allowed his instincts to take control again and swung his fist harshly at the wall.

A grunt of pain was released as he pulled his bloodied hand away from the hole that had been made.

It wasn't so much the now growing ache in his fist than it was the emptiness in his chest that caused him to sob.

"Oh god, this pain! Why must love hurt so badly??"

"Is it really love? Or is the hole you just punched in the wall." Ross said as he walked inside with Agnes close behind. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I was an idiot. (Y/n) asked if I had romantic feelings for her and I lied." He sniffed and allowed his lip to wobble. "I lied to my angel."

Ross and Agnes shared a look. The latter approached their boss and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, teen angst, let's get you some water."

"So, we were wrong. You've got nothing to worry about." (Y/n) said nonchalantly as she cut up some fruit.

"Are you okay about that?" Malachi asked her.

"Yeah." She shrugged. "I probably would've said yes if he asked me out too, but I don't really know how I really feel...deep down, you know? I think... I could like him, but you were right about me not wanting someone with his lifestyle. I don't he'd want something casual."

"Like you said, no use worrying about it now."

"Amen. I am always happy to have one less thing to think about." She grinned. "Now, are you ready to blend some shit?"

"Are you kidding me? I was born ready!"

They laughed into the afternoon, creating and drinking multiple smoothies each until they had to lay out on the couch feeling completely full.

Malachi couldn't quite say why he was happy that Āvo wasn't interested in (Y/n), but the revelation had certainly lightened his mood.

He always pictured (Y/n) marrying a good man who he would get along with and would treat her well, but any and every man who had ever shown interest in (Y/n) never seemed good enough.

Until now, he had always chalked it up to the sort of protective instincts one would have over their sister. But more and more recently, comparing these feelings to that of siblings seemed grossly inappropriate.

He still didn't know what they were though.

They could not be romantic.



That was reserved for Saffi and only Saffi.

But when Malachi looked over at (Y/n) as she sipped on a smoothie and then grimaced as she realised she drank far too much... Well, it wasn't important. How cute she appeared wasn't important and had to be suppressed because Saffi was his one true love.

His one and only true love.

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