LIV- a nice evening

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Once again, (Y/n) found herself enamoured with the dress Āvo had sent. This one was even more grand than the last, fitting the fact that she was attending a ball by being...well, a ball gown.

It was made from various shades of her favorite color, complimenting her skin tone nicely. There was silk, ribbon, tulle, diamonds and more underskirts than she could count to create the pouffy effect.

When she first received it she thought she'd need an instruction manual just to get it on, but now she found herself surrounded by the fabric as she sat next to Āvo in a limousine. He'd obviously sent for the larger vehicle to account for the massive dress but she still felt squished.

"Sorry." (Y/n) repeated again as the fabric kept falling onto Āvo's lap.

He smiled at the positively adorable display of her not knowing how to behave in such a dress. Āvo wanted nothing more than to calm her nerves with a soft kiss to the lips and to tell her how wonderful she looked.

"You don't need to apologize."

She rearranged how the skirt sat for the upteenth time before giving up with a longheld sigh. "This is dress is beautiful but impossible. I can't tell if I want if off immediately or if I want to wear till the day I die."

"We're almost there, I promise it's easier to stand in than sitting down." Āvo assured her.

Soon enough they were stood in the ballroom, the smooth floor almost reflective of the massive chandelier that hung up above. (Y/n) felt like she was in the kind of palace that only existed in princess movies, her heart swelled with childlike wonder as she looked around.

Women dressed in similar gowns as (Y/n) drifted around as men did the same in tuxedos and suits. (Y/n) couldn't deny that Āvo looked handsome wearing a black suit with a black shirt underneath, it contrasted his innocent appearing freckled rosy cheeks, baby blue eyes and golden blond hair. But the dark attire matched up with his reputation that (Y/n) was yet to see him live up to.

Āvo wouldn't ever allow her to see such a part of him.

He took a lot of pride in seeing her reaction to the ballroom, he would happily treat her to many more opportunities to feel like royalty in good time.

(Y/n) was too overwhelmed to even notice that the same starnge occurance that happened at the dinner party was happening again...everyone was avoiding her. No one spoke to her, no one even looked in her direction. Well, apart from Āvo of course.

"Can I...take a picture?" She asked hesitantly, almost embarrassed to say it. "I'm sorry, it just looks so cool in here."

Āvo chuckled at her apprehension, it was very sweet. "You can do as you wish."

(Y/n) grinned and took her phone out of the small purse that matched her dress. She snapped a quick few pictures, not wanting to be in the device for too long.

"My mom will freak out if I show her." (Y/n) said, smiling at the thought. Of course she'd have to concoct some lie about how she got an invite to such a place.

"I can show you around if you like." He offered. "Unless you'd like to stay in here and dance."

(Y/n) bit her lip in contemplation and looked around at the couples who had taken to the floor. It looked fun and she was sure she could pick up something basic quite quickly but the thought of humiliating herself in this environment was too scary.

"I'd love a tour if you can give one."

It was surprisingly nice to be away from the main party, all of the music and people were overwhelming. But as Āvo led (Y/n) around this magical seeming building she could just simply enjoy her surroundings while chatting to someone she genuinely got along with.

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