XLIX- changing

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Malachi's heart was swimming with indecision that Saturday morning. He was laying in bed, fully clothed but unable to stand. His blank gaze was fixated on the stained ceiling above.

He had come to the conclusion that he was no longer in love with Sofia and was close to admitting that all these years his love had been misdirected. It was a hard thing to own up to.

He'd always admired (Y/n) and upon reflection maybe that admiration was more than he'd like to say, maybe there was a reason he was so protective of her.

'But what about Saffi?!' was the refrain that repeated in his head everytime he so much as thought about (Y/n).

What about Saffi?

Well, he knew he didn't love her, Malachi was sure he felt something at some point but what if it was all some big projection that came from being too blind and stupid to see what was right in front of him.

Sofia was...clean. She hadn't witnessed the violence that Malachi had witnessed, she hadn't been subject to it or caused it either. (Y/n) was much the same when he first met her but that was no longer the case. Sofia was like a safe haven from his life of illegal activities, a life he couldn't leave even if he wanted to and a life that, whether he liked it or not, (Y/n) was in too.

The time he spent with Sofia was never about her, it was about the way she made him feel. Feeling normal was so rare and so pleasant for Malachi, so incredibly pleasant that he literally killed to defend that feeling, to protect the safe place he had when it all became too much.

But relying on Sofia in that way made him ignorant to all the ways (Y/n) had helped him, he didn't need to lie or hide with her, she accepted him for his flaws and he didn't have to present a normal version of himself because he knew (Y/n) wasn't normal either.

There was still that same innocence in (Y/n) that he saw in Sofia. Unlike everyone around her, she hadn't killed or had tremendous amounts of violence at her doorstep. He so badly wanted to protect that part of her.

It was hurting his brain to think about, but what hurt even more was his heart.

All these years he'd spent pining after Sofia, (Y/n) had to sit and watch. He couldn't imagine the pain of having her heart broken everyday by her own best friend. To think that he caused that was enough to make him notice the tears rolling down his face.

In an instant, he sat up. Had he been crying this whole time? Malachi owed it to the new comprehension that was coming to him like a slap in the face.

He was in love with (Y/n).

"(Y/n)..." The utterance of her name made the love in his heart increase exponentially, a smile broke out on his face.

(Y/n)! That was his soulmate! His one and only sunshine! His sweetheart, his baby, his angel, his love, his everything.

A longing sigh left his lips. He'd been too close all these years to see the truth, but only now that they'd stepped away from each other could he see the whole picture.

This was the way it was meant to be! It all made sense now!

He was the one who was going to save her from Cosmo! He would fulfill her dream of making it out of the Lūsis conglomerate unscathed. Then he would kill Sofia for leading him astray.

Malachi widened his eyes at that last thought, even catching himself off guard. Killing Sofia? That was...well, not long ago it would've been unthinkable.

But now?

Well, now it was the ultimate romantic gesture. Sofia was the roadwork that had kept Malachi and (Y/n) apart for so long so it was only fair he destroyed it.

However, Malachi knew that (Y/n) didn't approve of his methods, she'd made that clear time and time again. So perhaps murdering Sofia wasn't the way to go...he'd file the idea away for a later time.

For now, he had to focus on gaining (Y/n) back. They were still icing each other out but Malachi had been prepared to end that silence from the minute it began.

That was what made him so exhilarated when he saw that (Y/n) had already texted him that morning! For the first time since their fight!!

His bright smile faded as he read the message. Well, all five of the messages. Each one shattered his heart more than the last. He was barely taking it in but the overall gist he took away was that she no longer loved him...


No, no, no, that couldn't be.

He dropped his phone and began to rake his hands through his hair. "This...this isn't real..." He whispered to himself.

The moment that all of the adoration he felt for her finally came to fruition, her own had expired.

Malachi fell to the ground, clawing at the carpet to stop himself from drifting away, his mind had gone into meltdown.

(Y/n) couldn't be turning him away!

Maybe...uh, maybe she was just trying to fix things! Yes! Maybe she didn't actually mean it and she just thought that he'd be more willing to be friends again if he thought her feelings were platonic.

Or she was just so confused! She'd been without him for so long! His sweet, darling sunshine needed his guiding hand to show her just what she was looking for.

"She..she just nee-needs me.." He crawled across the floor to pick up his, leaving the text conversation with (Y/n) as quick as anything and instead going to her camera roll. All those pictures he had with (Y/n), he could see the love in her eyes, that kind of love can't be faked! A shaky smile returned to him as he went to touch the pixels on his screen that made up her face.

Malachi knew he could save (Y/n) from her own delusions, it was the very least he owed her after everything.

A knock at his door rudely interrupted him, Malachi frowned and lifted himself from his position of being sprawled out on the floor.

His frown deepened when he saw he was at the door.

"Oh." Malachi didn't know who he was expecting, but it wasn't Rudy. "It's you." He looked the taller man up and down. "What do you want?"

Rudy grinned smugly upon seeing Malachi's appearance, his eyes were rimmed with redness and his hair was messed up. Not to mention the way Malachi glared at him was a dead giveaway of his low mood. In Rudy's mind, this was a result of his relationship with Sofia, and he drove here as soon as (Y/n) left his place to gloat.

"It's over. I won."

Malachi titled his head to the side before realising that Rudy was referring to Sofia. "Good for you, I don't care anymore."

Rudy tensed up, preparing for some kind of ambush after that unexpected answer. But the ambush never came, Malachi just strolled back into his apartment and Rudy followed.

"Saf-...Sofia isn't who I want."

There was a pause.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm..." Malachi smiled as he realised that this was the first of many times he could declare his love for (Y/n) out loud. "I'm in love with (Y/n)."

Rudy squinted at Malachi, trying to spot the lie. He was just with (Y/n) and she had just told Malachi that her feelings for him were gone, had he even seen the message?

"You're kidding me." He spat out eventually. The thought of Malachi persuing (Y/n) filled Rudy with venom, he didn't even think about the fact that he was no longer after Sofia.

"If you came here to brag then there's no point." Malachi smiled proudly as if (Y/n) had already been won over.

Rudy rolled his eyes, Malachi was in for a rude awakening that would wipe that annoying smile right off his stupid face. "Whatever, man. Sofia's mine and-"

"And (Y/n)'s mine."

Blood was nearly drawn when Rudy bit down on his tongue, fighting the urge to say that (Y/n) was certainly not Malachi's. Then again...why did he care?

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