XII- nesting dolls

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Surprise in 'my notebook' for the holidays!! I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season, and that you enjoy this chapter.
Thanks for reading!!

-L.T. May

Two days had passed since Reed died, (Y/n) had expressed her anger to Malachi, but it was like talking to a brick wall. Even though he hadn't been the one to kill him Malachi still felt fully justified in what he had wanted to do.

So (Y/n) didn't bother chiding him all that much, it would just make them both feel worse, it wouldn't stop a thing.

She really wished she could drop the feelings she had for him and leave him at times like this.

He was a murderer!

A stalker!

He was crazy and yet... (Y/n) still stayed by his side as his best friend, his sunshine and still wanting to be more.

"Do you wanna do something?" Malachi whined in boredom. "I've not been called in today.."

"I've got work." (Y/n) said, she saw him pout at her answer. "I would love to do something but I've got to earn money somehow."

"When do you have to go in?"


Malachi groaned. "Can I come in with you?"

"You're not allowed to." (Y/n) walked over to him and patted his soft dark curls. "Sorry, but we can see each other later."

"What am I gonna do all day?" He looked up to her with pleading eyes like he was a small woodland creature.

"Why don't you see Saffi?" (Y/n) suggested while walking away from him to grab her stuff, he didn't notice the way she grimaced that way.

"She's been with her parents after Reed died... To mourn or whatever.."

"Well, that's your own fault."

Malachi's eyes narrowed. "I didn't even kill him.. it was that.. Rudy."

"There you go, the two of you should hang out since you've got so much in common."

Malachi snickered and threw a pillow at (Y/n). "Fuck you."

"I'm being serious." She threw a coat over her shoulders.

"If I see him... I'll kill him." Malachi's chocolate eyes flicked onto his best friend. "Is that what you wanna hear?"

She shrugged half heartedly. "Do what you want, but I don't want the police knocking down my door."

"I'd never let anything like that happen to you, sunshine." He said sweetly, butterflies erupted in (Y/n)'s stomach and she covered her face to hide her unavoidable grin.

Malachi saw her shield her face and furrowed his brow. "You okay?"

"Y-yes!" (Y/n) insisted, she couldn't help how flattered she felt everytime he showed his protective instincts towards her. "I need to go!"

(Y/n) shuffled through the warehouse, she wasn't seeing Cosmo that day but partly wanted to. He wasn't like anyone else she had treated, he reminded her of friends she'd had at the hospital... He was just so much less drama than she'd become accustomed to.

But it was still work and she couldn't pick and choose when to see him, she only hoped he was doing okay.

"(L/n)." Darcy barked as she spotted (Y/n) meandering past her office. "Go up to the main building, there's a meeting about your little room seventeen project there."

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