ENDING - home at last

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"Just-just keep your eyes shut-"

"I'm gonna walk into something!"

A light laugh sounded. "I'm right behind you."

(Y/n) jolted when she felt a hand on her shoulder, her vision was dark so she had no way to predict the sudden touch.

"You good?" Cosmo asked, laughing further at how jumpy she was being.

"Ugh, yes, can I open my eyes yet??"


He kept guiding her as they walked further. (Y/n) could hear the sounds of birds, leaves beneath her feet and nothing of the city she was used to. She guessed so much that they were in the woods but wasn't any further than that.

She was covering her eyes with her hands and had them shut in addition, and as much as she wanted to take a quick look, (Y/n) knew that Cosmo had been ever so excited to show her this and had built up the surprise for months.

"And....we're here." Cosmo placed his hands on her waist and pulled (Y/n)'s back towards him. "You can take a look." She could hear the smile on his face just from his tone of voice. Cosmo leaned in to give her cheek a quick kiss right as she took her hands from her face.

After taking a moment to adjust to the daylight, (Y/n) saw a house ahead of her. She was correct in the assumption that they were in a heavily wooded area but despite that the house was large and well kept. It was beautiful, really, melting seamlessly into the natural environment.

(Y/n) knew what she thought she was looking at but couldn't be too sure. She spun around to face Cosmo's grinning face.

"Is this-?"

"Yes." He responded with pride. "Our own home, no more going from place to place."

Gasping with joy, (Y/n) launched herself into his arms. The last year and a half had been dramatic if nothing else, she and Cosmo never stayed anywhere more than a month. They usually stayed in a mixture of hotels across a range of prices to the empty houses or apartments of those that owed Cosmo a favor. (Y/n) not being willing made it all more difficult to the tenth degree at the start, but that was all behind them now.

The reason why they couldn't settle anywhere was Lūsis and Perdax, the former being far more relentless in searching for Cosmo. His determination and skills allowed him to stay at least three steps ahead at all times, protecting (Y/n) from any semblance of danger the whole way.

Cosmo had never been one to plan ahead, always happy to take things as they came and keep it moving. But with (Y/n), it simply wasn't an option.

He recognised her need for roots, for normalcy, she'd said she wanted a settled life after all. He was long decided on the fact that he was going to give (Y/n) everything she could ever want or need, so how could he deny her such a thing?

It took an awful lot of work and money to ensure they could be off the grid, work and money Cosmo happily put in.

He held her to him tightly, feeling the love and gratefulness she held for him seep through her actions.

"What do you think?"

(Y/n) pulled back slightly, taking care not to actually let him go but enough so she could look back at the building. "It's really ours?"


Her smile grew even more if that were possible. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She repeated breathlessly. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too."

(Y/n)'s adorable smile and joyful mannerisms never failed to blow Cosmo away. He didn't think that another's emotions could be so infectious but a majority of the time he found himself feeling whatever (Y/n) was. All the more reason to make her happy when so much of his own happiness was derived from her's.

"Thanks for putting up with me and my..." He paused, shook his head and then abadoned that train of thought entirely. "I know things haven't been the easiest for you but you've been very patient, and now you don't need to wait anymore."

She let go of him to rush up to the front door, more than thrilled to have a house she could call her own. Somewhere to settle, to stay with the one she loved, and grow old together. (Y/n) inwardly knew that this would be it for her, no more of the outside, but oddly enough she didn't mind it. She more than understood Cosmo's terror of someone taking her away, and after all the moving she'd done she wanted somewhere quiet they could be alone.

Maybe her mind would change after a few years and the realisation of those walls being her life would really sink in, but in that moment the house appeared to be a luxury rather than a dressed up prison cell.

(Y/n) pulled at the door to find it locked, she had gotten ahead of herself. She turned back to Cosmo desperately.

"There are a couple of keys, hang on..." He walked up beside her. (Y/n)'s eyes trailed down the numerous locks that were installed, the garish metal contrasted against the otherwise welcoming and friendly looking exterior.

"How did you find a place like this?" She asked in wonder as he worked through all of the locks.

"I built it."


"Well, I commissioned it to be built." He corrected with a chuckle. "Specially designed for you and all." His heart fluttered when he caught a glimpse of the awe in (Y/n)'s eyes. Cosmo undid the final lock and propped the door open. "It's away from everything, I can get us whatever we need, I've built up more than enough money over the years to keep us set for life, enough for our kids too if you're...uh, into that kinda thing."

(Y/n) looked in cautiously, tentatively unsure if she should enter. Cosmo took her hand and kissed her knuckles softly.

"Welcome home, (Y/n)."


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