LXVII- the devil you don't

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(Y/n)'s breaths were short and shallow as she woke up. Luckily the room she was in was dark so there was no sudden shift in light as her eyes batted open.

"Ughhh.." She mumbled out, uncomfortably shifting only to find that she was tied down to a chair, the pain in her back explained by the fact that she'd been sitting up for so long.

"You okay? You must be pretty dehydrated." A shadowy figure she recognised to be her captor spoke and made the last memories of consciousness come flooding back.

"Cosmo?" Her hoarse voice confirmed his statement.

He hummed softly in an almost mocking manner. "Aw, honey~" He knelt down in front of her with a bottle of still water and held it to her lips. "Tilt your head for me."

(Y/n) pulled her face away lethargically, not completely over whatever drug he'd given her. "N-o." Her dry throat made her voice break up and crackle.

"(Y/n)." He took on a sterner tone. "I'll explain everything, just drink a little water for me. It's completely fine." Cosmo sipped some himself just to show her that it was safe.

Reluctantly, (Y/n) caved into her craving for hydration and sacrificed the better part of her dignity by allowing him to help her drink while she was restrained. It soothed her throat that had been dried out as a side effect of the sleeping medication.

"Sorry about the chair." He said while pulling the water away. Some dribbled from her lip and Cosmo took his time wiping it away with his thumb with a slight grin. "I'll untie you before bed, I just needed you to be still in case you freaked out. Plus," he paused and pulled his hand from her face to place it on her thigh. "I thought it would be a fun little role reversal, like from when we first met."

(Y/n) hadn't really paid much attention to whatever the symbolic meaning of him tying her to chair was and was more focused on trying to get out. Her face fell flat. "Cute." She said sarcastically.

"This time I'll play nurse." Cosmo stood up and patted her head. "I've got to make sure Lūsis didn't hurt my angel."

A fear flashed in her eyes. "That's not necessary. He didn't do anything."

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna take anything off. I was just going to touch some areas and you tell me if they hurt." Cosmo spoke rather innocently and (Y/n) would've liked to believe he had genuine and pure intentions. Whether he did or not, it would still be uncomfortable- but there wasn't very much she could do.

Cosmo started by touching her right leg, starting at her ankle. He kept on looking up to (Y/n) to check if she winced or was in any pain.

"Where are we?" She asked him, the darkness all around reminded her of room seventeen but it made it difficult to make out what sort of place she was in.

"A house that belongs to someone who owes me a favor." It was a different owner from the apartment Cosmo had stayed in, only unlike that time he actually had permission to be staying here. "He's vacationing in Monaco right now, so we can't stay here forever but I'm expecting to come into quite a lot of money soon and I can get us off the grid. Away from Perdax and Lūsis, somewhere you'll be safe."

(Y/n) gulped as his hand got closer to her thigh, she was tense all over and trembled despite the warm temperature.

"I know that you're scared." He said pitifully. "I know how it feels to be locked up, and it's not fun but...this is for your own good, okay? You'll know that soon."

A long session of sobbing was replaced by simple sniffles that occasionally broke the silence.

Malachi had been escorted off the premises shortly after (Y/n) was absent from her room, it didn't take him long to figure out that Cosmo must have taken her for himself. He scorned himself for his naiveté and the fact that he had believed in Cosmo.

Rudy held some silent emotion that Malachi couldn't detect beyond the heavy mask he wore. Malachi, on the other hand, very much wore his heart on his sleeve and cried openly and violently the whole bus ride back to his apartment.

The two had gone their separate ways for the time being but said that they wouldn't give up on finding (Y/n). In a way, they might even be in an easier position now it was Cosmo who had her as opposed to Āvo- but the betrayal and extreme sense of loss translated into a grief that couldn't really be removed by any kind of silver lining.

He tried calling Cosmo over and over to try to get through to him and that point just beg to see (Y/n). Malachi was beyond anger now, it had been blotted out by sheer desperation. Each one of these calls went unanswered.

After that failure, Malachi went to the place where he knew Cosmo had been staying.

It was empty and he should have expected as much. He was shocked that he still had tears to cry because that was when the waterworks started up again, his bottom lip wobbled as he futilely looked around.

Even though Malachi knew, he knew for a fact, that she wasn't there he still tirelessly searched from top to bottom, consoling himself by saying her name every now and then.

This defeat lead him to where he was now, sniffling through the silence while laying on (Y/n)'s bed. He'd broken in yet again but it didn't matter so much, Āvo had ensured that the police weren't looking for her at all.

He only came into her apartment so he could feel closer to her when he was so helpless.

Malachi grasped at the sheets and sighed shakily, his sunshine could be anywhere by now. Cosmo knew how to remain under the radar better than anyone, not to mention the fact that Āvo would be searching for her too. He couldn't compete with that.

Useless was the only way he could describe it.

He felt truly and utterly useless, and so undeserving of (Y/n).

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