LXVIII- never leaving

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(a/n): Apologies that this chapter is coming late. I've had a difficult few days. I hope you enjoy this chapter regardless- thank you for reading!

It was soothing when the restraints were removed. Adhering to Cosmo's request, (Y/n) didn't make any sudden movements. She didn't feel like she could do much anyway, her joints were stiff from being in the same position all day.

"Can you stand?" He asked with a slight worried expression.

(Y/n) pushed down onto the armrests. "Yeah." She wasn't sure if she could but didn't want to accept any help from Cosmo.

Her legs shook for a moment but she was able to get to solid ground by pushing herself up. Cosmo immediately took her hands in his, she was unsure if he did this with the intent of giving her physical support, to show affection or just to keep her from getting away.

"You'll have to be in some of my clothes for the time being." He said apologetically. "I've laid out just a t shirt and a pair of sweatpants for you to sleep in, that okay?"

(Y/n) just nodded, not really looking at him or offering him much verbally.

"I'll get you some of your own stuff...soon, I promise." He said, beginning to lead her through to a bedroom.

The whole place had an expensive yet tacky looking modern interior and the bedroom was no exception. Not that the interior design of the place was her largest concern.

"I'll wait outside while you change." Cosmo let go of one of her hands and held the other with both of his. "Let me know when you're done, okay?"

"Fine." She was being short with him, but he understood so didn't get too hurt by it.

(Y/n) tried not to think too much about it all as she got changed, she didn't want to break down now when he'd be coming in soon. Similarly to how she was with Āvo, she wanted to reserve her emotional outbursts to the nighttime.

Her hands ran over the t-shirt, whose band logo had eroded almost totally, to smooth it down. It was oversized on her, as were the dark blue sweatpants that still sat low on her waist when the string was pulled taut. She placed her own folded clothes at the foot of the bed and looked down at them on the floor for a few fleeting moments.

Tears almost came to her eyes but as soon as she detected them they were expertly held back.

(Y/n) opened the door to see that Cosmo was patiently waiting outside.

He resisted the urge to tell her how cute she looked with his clothes on, and how happy it made him to see her clothed in something that belonged to him. Cosmo decided that she didn't want to hear anything like that.

"I was thinking we could chat a little longer before bed." He laced his fingers with her's and pulled her towards the bed.

(Y/n) tugged her hand away. "I'm not sharing a bed with you-"

"Oh! No, no, no." He chuckled, his cheeks heated up with the thought of such a thing. "I was just going to sit with you here but then go across the hall to sleep."

She still glared at him, walking around the other side of the bed and sitting cross-legged on top of the pristine sheet.

Cosmo mirrored her action and ended up sitting opposite her.

"I didn't know if you had anymore questions for me..?" He absentmindedly twiddled his thumbs, keeping his hands occupied so they wouldn't unconsciously reach out for (Y/n) and risk making her uncomfortable. "I may not be able to answer all of them but..." He shrugged.

(Y/n)'s brow furrowed inwards. She didn't have so many questions on her mind as she had demands. "Let me go." She said quietly but with force.

Cosmo released a long breath, he had expected this kind of a reaction from her but still had to try to not let it get to him. "I can't do that...I love you so much, baby, and I refuse to be without you any longer. Besides, you have no idea the kind of danger you're in."

She scoffed. "When will you and Āvo realise that it's you two who are the real dangers to me?! I have my parents who'll be wondering why I haven't called in so long and Malachi who's-"

"Malachi?? He's crazy!" Cosmo exclaimed with maybe an inch of hypocrisy.

"He's my best friend."

"God, (Y/n), this is why you need me." He was growing more frustrated as he went on. "He wants you locked up even more than I do!"


"You know what he told me? He said that he had made plans with you the day after Lūsis took you. That's true, right?"

(Y/n) regretfully nodded her head to control the claim, already guessing where this was going.

"He told me that he was planning to drug you that day and then take you to his apartment...and never let you leave."

(Y/n) shook her head in denial. Even if her romantic feelings for Malachi were gone that didn't mean she stopped loving him. Hearing this was too hard. Why was it so hard?? She knew about the murder he'd committed for Sofia but he'd never expressed an interest in kidnapping her, he always wanted their relationship to be 'natural'...whatever that meant to him. "No...he wouldn't.." Her shoulders dropped, realising that she sounded foolish. "Ma-malachi would never."

Cosmo calmed when he saw (Y/n)'s true sadness begin to creep through, it had been held back all day, masked by her resentment. The tears she'd been holding back finally showed themselves and began to drip down her face.

"Awe, honey..." He cooed, wrapping his arms around her. "It's okay, I'm going to keep you nice and safe." He started to rub circles into her back, the rythmic movements began to lull her to sleep, that in combination with the emotionally exhausting day she'd had. "You can be so happy with me if you just allow yourself to be. It's that easy."

Once Cosmo felt that she was surely out he gently set her down and tucked her into bed, he'd never been so...domestic before in his life and never imagined he would be. He'd had partners before but none were long term due to his work, he cared about a lot of them at the time but hadn't been in love. Some time ago, he would've scoffed at tooth-rottingly sweet romantic gestures like tucking your lover into bed so they were kept warm overnight.

A light kiss was placed in her forehead. "Sweet dreams, (Y/n)." He whispered with a smile. Even with all the drama that came with it, he had (Y/n). That was the most important thing.

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