XLVIII- re-evaluate

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(Y/n) welcomed the weekend with open arms, anything to avoid the pains of work. Of course, even without work her life wasn't sunshine and rainbows but it was one less thing to worry about.

She lazily rolled out of bed, relishing in the feeling that she had nothing to do today. Nothing in the short term at least. Her long term to-do list contained making up with Malachi, getting Sofia away from Rudy and figuring out all this Cosmo shit.

But those were problems that she didn't wish to address.

Unfortunately, life had other plans and this plan came in the form of a folded piece of paper by her front door.

Furrowing her brows, (Y/n) approached it carefully like the paper would sprout legs and scamper away if she moved too quickly.

Usually, her mail would be in her locker downstairs but this must've been physically pushed under her door during the night.

Which was... unsettling.

Her name was written on the side facing up in handwriting that she recognised, handwriting she couldn't get out of her mind.

Throwing away her inhibitions, she snatched the piece of paper, unfolded it and began to read.


It hasn't been too long since I saw you and I know you must've been worried sick about me. You can rest easy, babe, my leg's healing nicely and I forgive you for stabbing me.

I didn't get the opportunity to say this when I did see you but, believe me, I thought it: you looked so beautiful. Even though it was pretty dark out, I could see all those pretty features. You really shouldn't be out that late anyway. It's dangerous you know?

Anyway, I love you and I'll see you - but you know all that. What I REALLY want you to know is that I'm having a tiny bit of trouble at the moment, not only do I have Lūsis on my ass but Perdax too. I just want to prepare you for when I do have you that there's gonna be some running around, a bit of hiding and shit like that. Is that cool with you?

Sending you loads of kisses,


This message seemed more...rushed than the last one. From the penmanship to the actual content of the letter. That sort of haste didn't bring (Y/n) much comfort.

"Fffuck..." She elongated the word while allowing the note to fall out of hands and drift to the floor.

All the emotions she felt just a few nights ago hit her again, she didn't actually process them at the time so now all of her feelings overwhelmed her. Tears began to prick at her eyes. What the hell was she meant to do? What could she do other than freak out?

She wouldn't ever endanger her parents by going to stay with them, Cosmo was obviously keeping tabs on her somehow!

Malachi was aware of the situation but she really didn't want to bug him much more with this, at least until they start talking again which she wasn't ready for yet as a result of a combination of reasonable embarrassment from his rejection and him not having forgiven her for all that shit with Rudy.

Wait Rudy.

There was someone who she was close enough to confide in but didn't feel too bad about putting in danger. I mean...he did threaten to kill her.

(Y/n) only realised after she left that she didn't actually know where Rudy lived. But after using her incredible hacking skills (which was just asking Sofia for the address) she managed to get there.

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