XLV- caring

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It was late that night and (Y/n) was staring quite blankly at the screen. Not even her favorite movie could truly lift her mood.

Her fight with Malachi from yesterday was replaying in her head. Over and over it went... She couldn't imagine her life without him, but at the same time she couldn't see herself making up with him anytime soon.

She lazily checked her phone for the time. Midnight was long gone and sunrise would be within the next few hours. 'God, I need to get some sleep... Maybe I should have taken Āvo up on his offer of more days off...'

Even though (Y/n) knew she should probably try to soak up as much sleep as she could since she had to work tomorrow, she just wasn't tired at all. Her racing mind kept her up.

Everything was stressing her out, not just the stuff with Malachi. Cosmo was also a major cause of panic, as was Rudy's relationship with Sofia that (Y/n) felt wholly responsible for. She didn't want anything bad to happen to Sofia.

She grabbed her hair and pulled it harshly, hoping the pain would snap her out of it.

'Fuck it.' She eventually thought, throwing on some shoes and putting her phone and key in her pocket. She figured that she may as well get some fresh air, it would calm her down and a small walk could do good to tire herself out.

(Y/n) also took a jacket with her in case it was cold out but was pleasantly surprised by how mild the night was, she was a little cold but not enough that it bothered her.

The streets were empty, a common occurrence in her area for a weeknight. Well... Almost empty.

She had no idea how it was possible to be so silent but without hearing so much as a footstep, (Y/n) suddenly felt someone grab her.

Before she could scream, one of the calloused hands moved to cover her mouth, the other went underneath her jacket to put a knife to her back. She could feel the obvious threat through her shirt.

"Hey, honey..."

Her face lost color at the breathy whisper in her ear.

It was Cosmo, and he was likely here to make good on the promise in his letter.

"Let's go somewhere quieter, huh?" Even though there was not another soul in sight, Cosmo would much rather move to a less populated area where he wouldn't have to worry about any interruptions. "I'm gonna move my hand and you're gonna stay quiet, 'kay?"

She could feel his hot breath as he spoke, there was no way that it was necessary for his face to be tucked into her neck like this. (Y/n) nodded warily, the knife and intimidation working against her better judgement.

Cosmo made sure to deeply inhale her scent and release a chuckle before he lifted his head and moved his hand away from her mouth. He kept the knife to her back in order to prevent her from doing anything...rash.

They walked in silence as he led her to a nearby alley, cornering her against the wall.

"I really don't want to hurt you." He said with a pout. Despite it still being the nighttime, this was probably the best lighting they'd ever seen each other in. Cosmo was utterly taken with how enchanting the expression on her face was- so terrified yet trying hard not to show it, adorable. What caught (Y/n)'s eye was the large scar on his cheek, she'd noticed it before but hadn't seen just how bad it was. "So it's best you just listen real carefully."

The knife was now poking her abdomen. Cosmo wouldn't dare stab her...well, not in such a vital area at least. If she gave him a lot of trouble then maybe he'd cut her up a bit to make a point, but he wanted to avoid any permanent damage.

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