XXXVII- going rogue

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Cosmo had no idea of the time when he awoke again. Part of his vision was black and from what he could see around him there was a whole lot of blood.

To put it plainly: he felt like utter shit.

The memory of his interrogation was blurry but him bringing up (Y/n) to peeve Malachi was a mistake.

"Fuck..." He groaned and moved to the best of his ability to find that practically everything hurt.

The door opened and a soft gasp was heard.

"They told me it was bad but..." (Y/n) was quick to be at Cosmo's side. "Okay, I'll clean you up first."

"I'm fine." Cosmo assured her hoarsely.

"You are not fine." She stated, looking away to take some stuff out of her first aid kit. "If you could see yourself, you would know that."

"I can barely see at all." He added.

"Go figure. The sclera of your left eye is fully red." (Y/n) huffed. "You're in a lot of pain, you don't need to pretend that you're not."

"Like I said, I'm-" He whimpered when (Y/n) applied some pressure against his head. "-Fine."

Her first course of action was to make sure that there wasn't anything actively bleeding and stop it if there was. "Phil really did a number on you, huh?"

"It wasn't Phil." Cosmo scowled. "It was your idiot friend. Malachi."

"Malachi did this..?" She sounded shocked even though she was aware of him doing much worse. "He was just...doing his job. He took it too far though."

Cosmo released a shaky breath. There wasn't any emotional turmoil that made his breath shaky, oh no, his lungs were genuinely damaged and he just couldn't quite breathe properly.

"After you're done- ow! Not so hard!"

"Sorry!" (Y/n) stopped wrapping the gauze so tight. "I just have to make sure this keeps in place."

"Ugh, I shouldn't be such a pussy about it. Next time I say shit like that, slap me in the face."

"You're not being a pussy- you are covered in bruising and this is going to hurt you." She was filled with sincere concern for him, wanting more and more to help him out of this situation. "I'm not allowed to give you painkillers." She sighed and looked up. "I wish there was something I could do."

Cosmo watched her face, more specifically the guilt she was clearly holding onto. Even if that guilt was misplaced it don't mean he still couldn't use it.

He didn't want to use (Y/n)'s emotions against her but... He wanted to be stuck here less.

"Once you're done fixing me up..there might be something."

It was probably the longest amount of time (Y/n) had spent in room seventeen in just one visit. Three hours later it wasn't fair to say Cosmo was 'good as new' but he certainly wasn't as rough as before.

"At least knowing the schedule they've got you on for some reason, no one is gonna touch you for the next week." She said while picking up her things.

Cosmo's mouth quirked up. "Hey, can you do something for me? You know earlier you wanted there to be something you could do?"

" depends on what it is.." She said sceptically.

"I just want you to take off the restraints again-"

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