LX- show of faith

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Rudy was having trouble sleeping. More than just trouble, since he and Sofia made (Y/n)'s missing person's report Rudy had been lucky if he got two hours of sleep a night.

While he stared at the ceiling alternating between agonising over (Y/n)'s wellbeing and wondering why he cared so much, Sofia slept soundly on the other side of the bed.

He often spent the night at her apartment, and at one point he'd die before letting her out of his hold during the night. Rudy didn't care how warm it or uncomfortable it got, he had to have Sofia in his arms.

But more recently they'd kept to their sides very strictly.

He rolled his eyes when she let out a particularly loud sigh in her sleep, everything she did was getting on his nerves. She breathed to loudly, the minimal shuffles in bed she had were too frequent and distracting. He honestly wished he were back home so he didn't have to be in bed with her at all so he could focus on figuring out how to get to (Y/n).


That girl was on his mind 24/7 now and he didn't know quite how to stop it.

Or even if he wanted to.

Rudy glanced over at Sofia as he realised what was going on, what had been going on for longer than he'd like to admit. Similarly to Malachi, the commitment he'd built up in his head for Sofia had overshadowed his rapidly growing true feelings, and only now that said commitment had fully waned was he able to see and feel just what he wanted with (Y/n).

It was definitely more than friendly.

He stiffened where he lay. This complicated things...a lot.

Maybe it wasn't really love, perhaps he was just missing her a bit. Missing the way they'd poke fun at each other, and then she'd smile that smile that gave him the type of joy that started in your soul and spread through your entire being. When she smiled like that it made him feel so proud because he knew he did something right, and don't even get him started on her laugh.


So maybe he was in love with her.

But what would that even mean in practice?

Rudy didn't move physically, but his irises shifted to the side to look at Sofia's sleeping figure. He slowly went to sit up and leaned over her.

She was so vulnerable just sleeping soundly, she wouldn't even feel a thing. He focused on the sound of her breathing and looked over her face, the delicate features that he once admired from afar and then was proud to call his own were now ignored as all he could think about would be what her complexion would be in death.

He lifted his pillow slowly, not wanting to wake his soon to be ex-girlfriend. Even if this action was a spur of the moment type of thing, Rudy really thought he would be more emotional than he was. All he felt was that justification that this was okay because it was a necessary evil in order to get to (Y/n).

He wasn't like Malachi in the way of despising Sofia, he just felt very little for her.

Rudy got his grip and then went to straddle Sofia, lowering the pillow over her face before applying pressure.

"Thanks for meeting with me."

Malachi grimaced, placing down the shoe boxes in his arms. "I did not agree to meet with you. You just showed up to my place of work and my manager will kick my ass if I ignore you."

Rudy laughed slightly at Malachi's misfortune. "Nice uniform by the way, you look like the world's worst referee." The ugly black and white striped polo shirt that Malachi had been kitted out in certainly didn't flatter his typically handsome appearance.

"Did you just come here to gloat? I don't care about Sofia anymore, you can have her." His folded his arms.

"Actually...Sofia was found dead in her apartment this morning."

"Really??" Malachi didn't even try to hide the wide smile that came to his face.

Rudy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, psycho. She was murdered."

"Thanks for telling me." Eerily, that seemed to have lifted Malachi's mood quite a bit. "Now unless you're here to buy some discounted sneakers, you may kindly fuck off."

"I want to help you find (Y/n)." Rudy said lowly. "And then..you know, get her out of there."

"What? So you can threaten her again? You're lucky I haven't skinned you alive for that."

"While I think it would be hilarious to watch you even try to do that, I don't plan on threatening her again. I... Care about her a lot, and I want her to be safe. Even if our relationship doesn't seem that way to you, an outsider." Rudy sat down on one of the benches, typically used by customers who wanted to try on their shoes. "And don't bring that up like you're all innocent, you literally just said you wanted to skin me alive."

"I thought you and Sofia went to the cops." Malachi said dismissively, even if it was an extra about of hands he wasn't in love with the idea of working with this guy.

"If her disappearance has something to do with her job then there's no way the police are gonna do shit about it." Rudy clenched his fists passionately. "Besides, can't trust a system like that to actually deliver justice to the bastard who took her away."

Malachi was taken aback, while he agreed on both of Rudy's points he found the latter one quite extreme for someone who claims just to care about her. "Okay..." He said cautiously. "I just need to..uh, contact my... business associate." Malachi dashed to a different corner of the store and pulled his phone out, dialling Cosmo.


"Rudy's here! Sofia's boyfriend- well, not anymore because Sofia's dead but-"

"Wait, Sofia's dead??" Cosmo sounded alarmed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Malachi ploughed on with what he was saying, not giving that particular point much mind. "But he's saying that he wants to help me find (Y/n)- should I let him join us?"

He heard Cosmo sigh deeply from the other end of the line. "Are you crazy?"

"Depends on who you ask, why?"

"This is bad enough as it is, we don't want to add someone else into it."

Malachi looked back in the direction of Rudy contemplatively. "Too late, I'm gonna say yes."

"What? Malachi!"

"You're the best!!" Malachi yelled down the phone, taking it away from his ear.

"Don't you dare hang u-"

He clicked the red button that ended their phone call.

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