IV- sidelined

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"I really can't tell you... Not that there's much to tell anyway." (Y/n) insisted.

"Come onnnn..." Malachi whined, he grabbed (Y/n)'s hands from across the table and squeezed them with his own.

Her cheeks warmed at this action. Anyone watching them would think that they were... Together.

"Are you trying to get me killed??" She pulled her hands out of his before she got anymore flustered, and placed them in her lap.

"I'll never let that happen, sunshine."

(Y/n) tisked and turned away. It was a Saturday and after a week of treating Cosmo (Y/n)'s invasive best friend desperately wished to know more about the mysterious figure.

They were getting breakfast together, but (Y/n) was painfully aware of the fact that Malachi saw this as the furthest thing from a date.

"He hasn't told me anything that you wouldn't know anyway." She shrugged.

"But I mean... What's he like? Is he like super badass?" Malachi asked, his large brown eyes dripped with childlike excitement.

"He's pretty tough, it's like he doesn't feel pain."

Malachi leaned back in his chair and sighed. "That's so awesome. Do you think Āvo would let me punch him in the face?"

"Why would you want to do that?" (Y/n) grimaced.

"Just to see if his face breaks my hand. That would be so cool if it did!!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, Malachi was immature at the best of times but uncover agents and the like always had him particularly starstruck. She had grown to find his 'fangirling' quite sweet if not confusing.

"You don't want to punch him in the face... He's actually pretty nice."

Malachi raised his eyebrows suggestively. "Oooh, do you like him??" He teased as if they were in grade school.

"No." (Y/n) said with a huff. "I think you're forgetting that we're not on great relations with this guy."

"It's like a forbidden romance!!" He gasped out, already plotting out (Y/n)'s whole life with this guy in his head. "You'll make me maid of honor at your wedding, right?"

(Y/n) forced herself to smile. "I hate to shatter your dreams but it will never happen."

"You're so boring, I want a best friend with an interesting love life to help out with." Malachi pouted, resting his face in his hands.

"It's not like you ever date either."

Malachi's mouth fell open in offence. "Um, no, but I have my lovely future wife, Saffi. There must be someone who you like that I can help you out with?"

'Only you.'

"There's literally no one who I'm into."

"For real?"

'Nope. I like you so much.'

"For real."

"God, you're boring." Malachi joked while kicking at (Y/n)'s feet beneath the table. "You better find someone cool so you can double date with me and Saffi."

"At this point you should just pick who I go out with." (Y/n) commented and then her eyes lit up. "Our food is here!" She clasped her hands together when she saw a server approaching with an atrociously large stack of pancakes for her and Malachi to share.

"Holy shit!" Malachi exclaimed happily when it came into his view.

"Language." (Y/n) frowned at him, fearing that one of the children around them may have heard.

strange craving ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now