LXXXII- broken

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This upcoming party was a massive cause for concern for (Y/n).

'It's not like I can get out of it now.'

She thought as she shifted into the cheaply made red dress that had been tossed in he direction just a few minutes ago.

Since she was still 'under inspection', most of her clothing came from a communal pile of old garments that was shared around with other workers who were being kept hold of and couldn't buy their own.

Included in this was some formal wear that would just about scrape past in a celebration such as this.

It appeared very cheap and most certainly was but at least it was clean and that was good enough for (Y/n). The red dress she was squeezing into wasn't really her main worry at the minute anyway. Āvo was.

She knew what the purpose of the party was, and knew he'd likely be there. But thanks to him specifically requesting medical staff she truly couldn't get out of being there.

Him saying that was enough of a red flag on its own and confirmed her suspicions that he knew she was working for Perdax, or at least he'd considered it enough to do this.

(Y/n) wasn't sure what scared her more: the idea that Āvo would be so confident in his ability to find (Y/n) that he'd ally with Perdax for her, or that Āvo would be so desperate to find her that he'd conduct this arrangement even without full certainty. Both of them spoke to his raging obsession and neither gave her much hope.

Then there was Cosmo who she just couldn't seem to rid herself of no matter how hard she tried. He would always wrangle his way back to her side.

She pulled the dress down and caught a glance of herself in the small mirror on the wall. It clung to her shape in an unflattering manner, too tight in some places and too loose in others. (Y/n) just sighed and took it as it was, figuring that it didn't matter all too much if she wasn't belle of the ball.

The party certianly had a very different air to it than the ones (Y/n) has attended with Āvo, this one appeared far less dignified as she felt the smoke of several contrasting substances fill her lungs.

She, along with others under watch, were transported in some kind of van and then were told by a handler that they'd be taken back to Perdax's headquarters in three hours.

'Three hours...' (Y/n) thought with a shaky breath. 'I can avoid him for that long.'

She was of course blissfully unaware that it wasn't just Āvo searching for her at the party, and that this was all orchestrated to lead her back into the arms of those that had obsessively fallen for her.

The choice lay between staying out in the open main hall where most of Perdax's workers were celebrating or hiding away somewhere Āvo was less likely to see her. Of course the issue with the latter option was that if he got her alone then she was done for.

Then again, there probably wouldn't be anyone leaping to her aid against the much feared Lūsis if he took her away in front of everyone.

(Y/n) decided it would be best for her to take the initiative to shuffle out of the door and take herself up a flight of stairs. 'I'll just find some place I can lock myself in...and stay there for three hours.' The very near future was all that (Y/n) had the energy to consider.

It wasn't like the looming problem of Āvo would just go away after the party was over.

Then there was Cosmo who had broken out of both the clutches of Perdax and Lūsis before and seemed confident that he could again.

Malachi was also a problem she couldn't ignore, Cosmo said that he was going to try to hold her captive to and she was inclined to believe that, despite the affection she held towards her best friend. Rudy was also possibly involved with Malachi now, she'd seen them together in the store after all.

Even supposing none of them could quite grasp her, (Y/n) was still trapped here. It was just one shit situation into the next even shittier one.

As she got to one of the bathrooms and decided that it would be her designated hiding spot she sighed and leaned against the wall.

'I should've stayed down there and got a drink.' She thought, resting her palm to her forehead. A slight fever could be felt, most likely from stress and exhaustion.

(Y/n) began to sink the floor, the hopelessness beginning to set in. She thought again of Malachi and Rudy and wondered how they felt about her sudden disappearance before and after the confrontation. A small humorless scoff left her at the idea. She didn't imagine Rudy would care too much but Malachi? He'd lose what was left of his mind. (Y/n) was, of course, unknowing of the fact that they too were hunting her like prey right as those thoughts crossed her mind.

It was then that her brain drifted to Sofia, (Y/n)'s head drooping at the memory. Malachi's precious Saffi and the only one who could bring a smile to Rudy's face. Dead. It still hadn't quite sunken in with everything else that had been on her mind. (Y/n) wondered if Sofia ever felt quite as stuck as she did while trying to resist such a thing, in a way she was lucky to never know the lengths Malachi and Rudy had gone for her. She never had to be disturbed by the stalking, the violence and the fantasies that manifested in their minds.

The three hours passed unexpectedly quickly. (Y/n) forced herself to her feet, relieved that she'd made it through the whole party without being intercepted. The hardest part was over, now all there was to do was walk to the exit. How hard could that be?

She unlocked the door and navigated her way back, finding the place slightly emptier than it had been when she first traipsed off to the restroom.

(Y/n) reached the main hall again, tugging down the scarlet dress that had started to ride up. Her eyes wandered across the crowd, trying to find the handler who had transported her here and was responsible for ensuring her return.

Instead, her vision landed on possibly the last person she wanted to see.

Shaking her head in disbelief, (Y/n) squinted her eyes as if the sight before her would change at all.

The familiar scabbed and scarred face of Cosmo Exeter turned towards her. His green eyes locked onto her own, prompting a grin to stretch across his cheeks, but not even one with malice behind it. His smile instead showed copious amounts of genuine joy when he saw her, that frightened (Y/n) more than any smug leer could.

She didn't have time to think about how he could have broken out and got here, the only thing she could do was turn and run like hell.

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