LXXVII- omitted

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It was (Y/n)'s third day staying with Prin when she left the house for the first time. She felt bad staying in while Prin worked and did basically everything so she thought she'd do something small by just picking up some groceries. Prin lived far enough away that (Y/n) suspected she could evade capture.

Walking down the street was nothing short of jarring for (Y/n), she was tense all over and kept looking over her shoulder.

She wished she could occupy her mind with anything but her own impending doom but that was the only thought she returned to.

It would be bad enough with just the events of the past few weeks still fresh in her head, but on top of that she felt very watched.

There was nothing solid she could point to that would explain the feeling. Perhaps it was just some paranoia left as residue from what happened but it felt like far more than that.

Not only was it the feeling of eyes on her back but also a looming shadow as if someone was following her.

That could only be bad news in (Y/n)'s mind.

Faces in the crowd of people seemed to morph into ones she'd rather not be seeing. It was all too unsettling to think that she was just biding her time until one of them inevitably got their hands on her.

That moment was coming far sooner than she expected. Treading down a quieter road, (Y/n) heard the cocking of several guns and could quickly see that she was ambushed.

'Well, shit. That was fast.'

Rudy wasn't really thrilled with the new set up. He was sat awkwardly in Āvo's office mostly just listening to the conversation that happened around him.

He and Malachi had somehow been roped into teaming up with Cosmo again, even after his last betrayal. There was a moment where it seemed like Malachi was going to strangle the other man to death but after a brief explanation for how it would bring (Y/n) to him quicker, Malachi was totally sated.

It annoyed Rudy that Malachi was so gullible even if it made reaching (Y/n) easier. To an extent, Āvo seemed to also be blinded by the mesh covering of hope for (Y/n)'s return.

Cosmo, however, shared in Rudy's more acute nature.

They were similar in many ways...and that was exactly why Rudy couldn't trust him.

The conversation, that Rudy was only partially engaged in, concerned (Y/n) and what was to happen when they got to her. No one was gunning for the idea of sharing, all being too protective to trust the others and too possessive to tolerate her being in their sight.

All of what they were spewing was lies, and that was why Rudy didn't listen. He didn't want them to know about his motivation for finding her anyway, admitting the obsession made things more complicated.

"You can have occasional visitation at my discretion, but she'll reside here with me." Āvo negotiated coolly.

Malachi was about to fly into a rage about how unfair that would be when the phone on Āvo's desk began to ring obnoxiously.

The unexpected noise jolted Rudy back into the present and out of his thoughts.

With a small sigh, Āvo picked up the phone.

"I've got a young woman on the line." His secretary's voice came out the speaker. "Her name's...Prim? Prin? She was cutting out a bit."

"Why do I need to know this?" He asked impatiently.

"She says that she has (Y/n) staying at her house."

Āvo's entire being stopped, his face immediately switching from annoyance to a totally reset blankness.

Cosmo, Rudy and Malachi observed his behaviour and began to look at each other when the sudden change in demenour came.

"...Repeat yourself." He demanded in a small voice, he was trying to stop his heart from pounding out of his chest.

"We can't verify yet but she says that she's a friend of (Y/n)'s and that (Y/n) is staying at her home."

"Send a small division over there right now, tell them I'll be arriving too in good time." He stood up from his seat, wanting to be prepared to leave as soon as the phone hung up. Āvo was making attempts at not letting his hopes get too high up but his uneven and shallow breathing betrayed his otherwise calm attitude. "What did you say this woman's name was? Prin?"

"Prin??" Malachi squeaked out upon hearing the name, quickly realising that the phone call concerned (Y/n).

Āvo momentarily lowered the phone from his ear. "What?" He barked.

"Tha-that's (Y/n)'s friend! They worked, they-they worked together, they were best friends!" Malachi stammered out, tripping over the words that came from his wide grin- too excited to say anything properly. "Is that her? Does she know where my sunshine is?!"

Taking no time to answer Malachi, Āvo lifted the phone again. "Thank you very much for this." He slammed the phone back into he receiver and set off to grab a jacket before he went on his way.

"What the hell was that??" Cosmo called after Āvo who was nearly out for the door. He scoffed and looked back to the other two.

"I'm going after him!" Malachi announced, sure that (Y/n) had been located.

Cosmo and Rudy looked at each other, in shock from what had gone down in less than a minute.

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