IX- stories

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(Y/n) winced more than Cosmo did when she pulled another deep splinter from his hand.

"You're sure it doesn't hurt?" She checked yet again.

"They've been going even easier on me than they were before." Cosmo said with a slight casual shrug. "Fuck knows why."

(Y/n) scrunched her nose up a little. "I hate to be so blunt about it but... I don't understand how you're still..."

"Still what?"

"...alive?" She mentioned while plucking another embedded object. "Usually the interrogators would've cut their losses by now... No one usually lasts this long anyway."

"I've got valuable information." He said with a grin. "And if I'm not released alive then Perdax and Lūsis aren't gonna get the old 'looking the other way' at their illegal activity."

"Āvo wants to information you have... But he doesn't need it. Couldn't he just pin your death on Perdax anyway? He's the one who would benefit from you being dead." She theorised to which Cosmo was quick to shake his head.

"Everyone who's involved in the slightest knows I'm here, Perdax wouldn't send someone to kill me here because he's not trying to start an all out war." Cosmo clicked his tongue, keep his rather nonchalant composure over the whole thing. "All I've gotta do is hang on before I can break out."

(Y/n) couldn't help but release a small snicker.


"You seem very... Confident."

"I will get out."

"I'm sure you will." She couldn't even look him in the face as she said this.

"I'm not like the other idiots who you've had to patch up, okay?" He scoffed.

'That's definitely for sure.' (Y/n) thought.

"But that's besides the point. How are you?"

"I think that's my line." She pulled her latex gloves off with a sharp sigh. "And you're all done unless I'm missing something."

"Can you stick around? You're usually here longer." He said with a pleading look.

(Y/n)'s eyes flicked between her medical supplies and the man ahead of her.  "I mean... I guess I can, what do you want me here for?"

"I don't know.. to talk?"

The (h/c) haired woman laughed slightly.

"How are things going with that... That friend of yours, what did you say his name was? The one you're in love with?"

"Malachi and pass." (Y/n) huffed, not wanting to get anywhere near that topic. The whole situation with Malachi, Saffi and Rudy was something that she didn't want to touch with a ten foot pole if possible.

"Well... What about your other friends?"


"From when you were a nurse."

(Y/n) frowned at Cosmo. "Why do you want to hear about my life so bad?"

"You're the only person who comes in here that I actually give half of a shit about... Maybe becuase you're the only one who doesn't torture me but that's besides the point."

(Y/n) scoffed and turned away as Cosmo continued to speak.

"I don't do shit in here, hearing about other people's lives would be nice and it would make me feel a bit more... I don't know...human?"

She looked back at him after a moment. "...I'm not friends with anyone apart from Malachi." (Y/n) sighed and looked for somewhere to sit but the only placeseemed to be the dirty floor so she remained standing. "I was fired for malpractice, the Lūsises are the only reason I didn't get sent to prison for it. My friends were mad at me and... Confused, so when months later they tried to reach out again I just didn't pick up. I couldn't tell them what I was doing or explain what happened."

Prin saddened as she watched (Y/n) go by, just having handed in the uniform the hospital provided her. "Just explain that it was an honest mistake. If it wasn't then... Then you would've been arrested, right?"

Prin's shoulder length burgundy hair framed her brown freckled face. She was in her scrubs, the same ones that (Y/n) also donned not long ago.

"Prin... It's okay, really, I have.. another job I can go to." (Y/n) said with uncertainty in her voice and a fake smile.

Prin and (Y/n) had met while training to be nurses yet after under a year of working together in a hospital, (Y/n) had lost her job.

"Do they have any vacancies?"

"You can't quit your job for me." (Y/n) stated quickly and looked away. "You've got a really good thing going here and-"

"We were meant to work together though! You're like my best friend, (Y/n)!" Prin exclaimed and then sighed.

"... I'm sorry, I just made a dumb mistake and it cost a man his life.." (Y/n) gulped. "I'm lucky this is the only consequence."

Prin winced and wrapped her arms around herself. "Where are you going?"

"Prin, I-"

"I know, I know, I won't leave here but... I want to still see you..." The nurse averted the gaze of her friend by looking down at the floor.

"I... I think I need to recooperate for a while if that's okay." (Y/n) was still severely shaken from having her life threatened, killing someone, losing her job and being thrust into the tricky world of organised crime in a very short and recent period of time.

"If you need anything at all... Even if it's just to talk! I'll always be happy to help out." Prin insisted, rushing up to take (Y/n)'s hand in her own.

"That means a lot, I'll call you soon, okay?"

That had been the last time (Y/n) spoke to Prin. She thought about her old best friend often, it came part and parcel with thinking about her old life in general.

(Y/n) often felt the urge to reach out to Prin but it had just been so long, and the longer she waited the weirder it seemed... So she never did.

"I had a friend before I got fired... I miss her a lot."

"I get that. I lost a lot of friends over the years..."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in alarm. "Oh, I'm so sorry. My friend isn't dead, we just don't talk anymore."

"Shit, yeah, sometimes I forget that not everyone is in that same... Lifestyle."

She sighed, even after the past few years she couldn't imagine losing loved ones left and right. Perhaps that was one of the unconscious reasons that she didn't make many connections other than with Malachi.

Cosmo watched (Y/n) remorseful eyes and spoke up. "You don't need to feel bad... God, I should feel bad for bringing that up."

"It's okay." She said with a brief smile. "You can tell me about your friends if you want."

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