XXVI- life of luxury

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The bed (Y/n) was almost too soft for it to be comfortable. It was so cozy and perfect that it scared her... Too unnatural. She would have preferred some slight imperfection with it so at least it would feel real; maybe a lump in the mattress, or the duvet was a bit scratchy.

'Is that weird? Am I being weird?' She pondered while laying there in a set of pyjamas which Āvo had laying around in multiple sizes 'in case of any unexpected guests'. She found the perfect fit of them strange too but chalked it up to another instance of odd rich people stuff.

(Y/n) had actually insisted that she slept in her clothes that she was wearing but Āvo wasn't having any of that, he said she'd get sick sleeping in them because they were soaked with the rain. He was right but (Y/n) already felt like she was imposing on him and the next thing she knew she was being whisked into a guest room in soft white cotton PJ's as her own clothes were being taken to the dryer.

'Stop being weird and go to sleep.' She told herself. Things being 'too perfect' was not a real complaint, she'd never give a restaurant one star becuase the food was too good.

(Y/n) shut her eyes. God, she felt as though she was laying on a cloud. It didn't take her too long to drift off after that.

There was a moment of panic when she came to, momentarily forgetting the events of last night. Once all the memories came back, she calmed down and reached over to the nightstand where her phone was being charged by the wire that Āvo provided.

She was initially going to see if Malachi or Rudy had given her any kind of apology but instead what caught her eye first was the time.

'It's already ten in the morning!! I'm so late!'

(Y/n) was baffled as to how she could sleep for over nine hours but she supposed the suspiciously comfy bed had something to do with it. She was quick to realise that all her clothes were in the dryer and she was still in the white pyjamas so it wasn't as if she could actually get to the warehouse immediately.

She threw off the covers and scurried to switch the light on, only now did she see just how truly ornate the room was since it had been dark when she first came in. She felt like she was in some fancy hotel but that image had to be pushed back for another time becuase she knew very well that Darcy wouldn't be happy with her.

Dashing out to the hallway, she was unsure of where to go. The only person here who she knew was Āvo, and she barely knew him. She had a slight hunch he liked her but she didn't want to go bursting into his bedroom. Besides, he was probably in his office already and there was no way she was going there dressed as she was.

Gingerly, she retreated back into the room and checked her phone once more. There were no messages from either Rudy or Malachi. She was about to send one to the latter to see if he could somehow get in and bring her some clothes when there was a soft knocking at the door. It was so delicate she almost didn't hear it.


There was some muttering between multiple people, some hushes and hisses thrown in before one spoke up. "It's Āvo." A very obviously female voice said. "May we come in?"

"Uh, yeah." (Y/n) switched her phone off and placed it back in the nightstand.

Āvo was first to walk in, followed by another man and a woman who she often saw him with. (Y/n) felt embarrassed when she saw that they were all dressed and ready and had clearly been up for hours. Meanwhile she was in nightwear and still rocking her bed-head.

There was some silence before the dark haired man stepped ahead of Āvo, seemingly annoyed that his boss hadn't taken the initiative to speak first. "Good morning, (Y/n). How did you sleep?"

"Very well, thank you.. um, sorry-"

"Ross. And this is Agnes." He gestured towards the woman who was stood to Āvo's left.

"I should probably get my clothes and go to work. I'm already very late." (Y/n) said civilly, trying to hide how much she was inwardly freaking out about losing her job.

Sure, Āvo could technically save her skin, but did he care enough?

"I've already contacted Darcy to give you the morning off." Āvo eventually said quietly.

Oh...he did care enough. That was nice of him.

"Thank you, I'm really sorry if this has inconvenienced you at all." She emphasized.

Āvo nodded a little. "It's alright. I'll have your clothes brought to you and then you can join me for a late breakfast."

(Y/n) was about to question how he could take time out to just eat breakfast with her but stopped herself. He was the boss, what he said went ahead.

Her real question probably shouldn't have been how he could take the time out, but more why.

Pastries of all kinds were laid out on the table, just the sight of the sugary feast had (Y/n) salivating.

After changing into her clothes from last night, she was guided down to the dining hall where the table was laid for just her and Āvo. The maid who had led her down was out of the door in an instant, leaving (Y/n) alone with her boss.

"This all looks amazing." She said with a small giggle, it was such a weird scenario to be in that she almost found it amusing. She couldn't wait to tell Malachi-

'Nope, nope, nope. If he doesn't have a good explanation for leaving me hanging last night then I am silent treatment-ing the FUCK out of him.'

Āvo smiled at the noise of her laughter and went to pull her chair out for her.

"Thank you." (Y/n) said for what felt like the millionth time.

"My mother always taught me to be a gentlemen." He responded softly.

This brought another laugh from (Y/n)'s throat.


"Sorry, I just feel like I'm being... Pranked or something." She shook her head lightly and continued. "Everyone told me about how merciless you are, and- and terrifying. Hell, even I remember when I first started working for you literally shaking when you said a single word in my direction." She paused and looked into his oceanic eyes that seemed to hang onto her every word. "But you're..not like that at all. You're being really nice."

He wasn't sure where she was going with the whole thing but the conclusion soothed Āvo's heart. She thought he was nice. And even better - she wasn't afraid of him!

"You've got to keep a reputation in a position like mine." He looked over the various treats and placed one into his plate. "To an extent it's real, but it's also an act." Āvo found it difficult to hold eye contact with her but somehow did so despite himself.

"Can I...can I ask you a question?" (Y/n) asked tentatively, taking some food for herself.

"Of course."

"You said that you invited me to that dinner party just.. because. Like, it was only because I was there." She began to fiddle with her fingers and looked away. Āvo noted that she seemed to be growing uneased, and even though her nervousness was quite cute he didn't want her to fear him or his reactions. "And you only picked me up last night because you wanted to help but... Is that true?"

"Excuse me?"

"S-sorry. It was a dumb question."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "It's not dumb at all. I suppose I invited you because I'd seen you recently, you're good at your job, I know you're loyal and..." He sighed deeply and his cheeks reddened. "...and I find you charming."

Apart from the bit about him finding her charming that was all a complete lie. Him seeing her recently had fuck all to do with it, she was okay at her job and seemed passionate but was by no means amazing, and her loyalty to him didn't extend much past her working for him.

"I'll admit that what I did for you last night I wouldn't do for every one of my workers. But I'm fond of you, (Y/n)." He finished with a sweet smile that (Y/n) couldn't help but return.

He was acting like such a sweetheart she could just forget he was a bloodthirsty murderer.

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