X- boyfriend

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(Y/n) stared at her phone, her fingers almost typing out a message but hesitating to do so. She was sat in her living room, Rudy was sat opposite her, though he had entered the house through her front door this time.

"Just ask her to do whatever girls do together." Rudy said.

(Y/n) pulled a face of confusion. "What does that even mean? I've only met Sofia once, she doesn't even know that I have her number."

"Just say Malachi gave it to you." Rudy spat out the other man's name in disgust.

"He did, but....This is so weird..." (Y/n) grumbled as she started to type out a message. "She's not gonna agree to this."

He frowned, his yellow eyes took on a darker shade. "Sofia is the kindest person on this planet, if you say that you need help she'll give it to you."

"So why don't you try to talk to her instead of getting me to do it?"

"Just... Just send her the fucking message!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes at his outburst and then handed Rudy the phone so he could check what she had written before she sent it off.

His eyes scanned over it in approval before tapping the button that would send it to Sofia:

(Y/n): Hi Sofia! This is (Y/n) (Malachi's friend), I know you guys have been getting close lately and I thought it would be fun to hung out just us two?

(Y/n): Let me know if you can meet me.

"I really don't think she's gonna want to do this..." (Y/n) muttered as she took her phone back.

"I know Sofia better than you." Rudy stated bitterly.

(Y/n) scoffed, he was much like Malachi in his shameless admissions of stalking this poor woman.

"Yeah, but she doesn't know me that well and-" (Y/n) was proven incorrect by the pinging of her phone.

Sofia: That sounds awesome! I'm gonna do some shopping after lunch today and you could tag along?

"She wants to meet me after lunch." (Y/n) said as she read the message and then looked up to a smug Rudy. She was slightly shocked at how easily Sofia agreed to it considering how little they know one another.

"I just need you to get me some closer information." He responded, leaning back into the chair he was sat in.

(Y/n) spoke as she began to type. "I feel like I get enough information about her second hand from Malachi."

"He's gonna misrepresent things because he's delusional... He's crazy." Rudy said venomously.

(Y/n) knew those things to be true but the accusations sounded quite hypocritical coming from Rudy's mouth, she also felt some need to defend her best friend and longtime crush but none of the will.

A chirpy grin greeted (Y/n) as Sofia waved in excitement as if meeting a childhood friend after years apart.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Sofia pulled (Y/n) into a tight hug. "It's so good to see you!"

"Hi." The (h/c) haired woman responded with more composure.

Sofia pulled away and quickly began to walk downtown the street with (Y/n) by her side. "Malachi talks about you so much, all good things of course, so it's really nice that we can see each other."

(Y/n) was relatively surprised to hear that and her cheeks warmed. "Really?"

"Yeah! You two are like best friends, right?"

(Y/n) smiled and nodded. "I just don't have many friends who are girls so I thought-"

"I totally get it!" Sofia assured her while looping her arm around (Y/n)'s.

"So... What did you want to shop for?" (Y/n) asked, she didn't really shop with others for fun instead she would order whatever she needed online or just go get something specific on her own.

"My boyfriend's birthday is coming up."

(Y/n)'s heart dropped to her feet.

'Boyfriend... Fuck! How did neither Rudy or Malachi know about this... Oh god, this is... Not good.'


Sofia chuckled with a blush. "Yeah, it's a pretty new thing but I thought I'd get him something small."

With wide eyes (Y/n) opened and shut her mouth several times while trying to think of some way, any way, to articulate herself.

"That's sweet... How long have you been together?"

"Oh, only a couple of weeks. It's nothing too serious yet we just went out a few times, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I thought why not!" Sofia said cheerfully, ignorant of the dark clouds that now fogged (Y/n)'s mind as she knew all too well what would happen to this man. "All the guys I date seem to run off pretty quick, but Reed seems really great."

"Reed..." (Y/n) mumbled under her breath, committing the name to her memory. There was an urge to spare him of his inevitable fate by not saying anything but Rudy and/or Malachi were bound to find out at some point and she was interested in not getting killed.

"Are you okay?" Sofia asked with a small pout on her pink lips.

"Oh.. yeah, I just thought I might have known someone with the same name. That's all." (Y/n) masked her true feelings and smiled. "What did you want to get him?"

(Y/n) was sat at a table for two in the corner of a rundown fast food restaurant.

Rudy eventually sat down across from her with a tray a food that had both of their orders on it and the change he had received.

"So, she has a boyfriend, huh?" He said quite calmly.

"You're taking it well." (Y/n) commented with some surprise in her tone.

Rudy replied with a mere shrug. "Usually everytime I find out Sofia's seeing someone he goes off the grid pretty quickly, I'm assuming that's thanks to your Malachi."

She released a sigh and grabbed a few fries. "Malachi doesn't know about this one, not yet anyway.... Not that I know of at least."

"He doesn't know?" Rudy hummed.

(Y/n) was put on edge by his reaction, in a way she would have preferred the screaming and thrashing around that Malachi performed whenever he found out Sofia had a boyfriend. That way everything was out in the open... Rudy could control himself to an extent which made him dangerous.

Based on their interactions so far she had presumed he was pretty impulsive but his reaction to this news suggested this impulsivity had its bounds. Of course, (Y/n) didn't know of the way his blood was boiling beneath the surface.

strange craving ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now