LXII- what the future holds

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Cosmo and Rudy left shortly after Malachi told them about the meeting Āvo had set, they agreed to see each other the next day in Malachi's apartment again to think about how to get (Y/n) while they were there. It was likely the closest they'd get to her and planned to use it to their advantage.

They found themselves sat around Malachi's living room, looking over a rough blueprint Malachi had attempted to draw up of the interior of Āvo's home. Unfortunately, all of the more homely areas such as the bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, dining rooms were all sectioned off to all regular workers apart from carefully selected and highly trusted guards who wouldn't dream of betraying the Lūsis conglomerate.

"This looks like shit." Rudy said brutally. "How are we supposed to figure anything out from this?"

"I never said it was perfect but it's a start!" Malachi defended himself, lifting up the paper. "There are multiple conference rooms but since it's just the two of us we'll probably be called into Āvo's office." He crudely circled where that was.

"Okay?? We still don't know where (Y/n) is."

Cosmo watched the two of them bicker boredly, he knew this meeting was their best chance of getting in, and while Rudy and Malachi planned this out for the trio, Cosmo had his own plan running in tandem.

"There's no chance you could get into the building before Saturday?" Cosmo asked, cutting off the argument between Rudy and Malachi.

Malachi froze and winced. "I...don't think so, it's pretty heavily guarded."

Rudy just rolled his eyes and leaned back.

"What?" Malachi snapped.

"I didn't say anything."

"You were rolling your eyes-"

"Can we not get sidetracked?" Cosmo felt like a parent having to reign in two siblings at each others' throats.

"Yeah, Malachi- OW!" Rudy nursed the hand that had been fiercely swatted.

"You're right we should be focusing on (Y/n)." Malachi said, a slight proud smirk on his face from successfully hurting Rudy. "So, the meeting's at midday but if we got in earlier then maybe we could spend some time scoping out the place."

"I should probably be the one to do that." Cosmo strategically volunteered, knowing that this would put him the closest to (Y/n). "Y'know, since they'll be expecting you two."

"Good idea." Malachi grinned, willing to agree to pretty much anything Cosmo suggested. He (perhaps misguidedly) trusted that Cosmo knew what he was doing and was too busy daydreaming about getting (Y/n) back as soon as humanly possible to even think about the possibility of a betrayal.

"Is it?" Rudy was more sceptical. "If anyone sees you then you'll go back to the...I don't know, dungeon?"

"Warehouse." Cosmo corrected.

"Same difference." Rudy responded dismissively and then kept going with his point. "Anyway, it would be more believable if I went looking for her, I've never been in there so I could say I got lost."

Cosmo held back a scowl. He didn't like Rudy, and it wasn't just because of him loosely knowing of his unsavoury connection to (Y/n). He didn't like that he was being challenged by someone with such murky motives. Rudy hadn't really mentioned how he felt for (Y/n). Malachi hardly shut up about how much he loved her and Cosmo wasn't too shy about it either... Rudy neither called the two of them out on their abnormal behaviour nor confirmed if he felt the same.

He claimed that he cared for her. As a friend? As more? Why kill Sofia? Cosmo suspected that he had another Malachi on his hands only this one was more level-headed and calculated.

It was a good thing Cosmo was both of those things too.

(Y/n) wasn't really watching the television even if her gaze was firmly fixed in the screen. Āvo wasn't absorbing the movie they were watching either, he kept on looking over at (Y/n). It wasn't his usual longing stares to simply see her beauty, instead he was checking for any emotion on her face.

He was waiting for an emotional reaction to Sofia's death, he knew that the meltdown must be coming even if it wasn't solely owed to grief. (Y/n) hadn't had an outburst since she first woke up here and Āvo suspected she'd snap at him again. He only wanted to be emotionally prepared for it.

The disassociation (Y/n) was in was only ended when the movie paused. Confused, she turned to Āvo to see him holding the remote.

"I wanted to let you know that I'm speaking to your friends on Saturday. At twelve."

(Y/n) was surprised to say the least, she had forgotten that she even asked him to do that. "Oh...about Sofia?"

"Yes." He frowned a bit, not getting the reaction he had hoped for. "That's..what you wanted, isn't it?"

She quickly nodded and straightened up. "Y-yeah, sorry. Thanks for doing this."

"You know I'd do whatever's in my power to make you happy."

"So...should I be there or-"

"(Y/n)." There was disappointment evident in Āvo's voice. "You know I can't let you do that."

Her mouth opened, ready to plead but she stopped. "Right.." (Y/n) mumbled. "Sorry for asking."

Āvo's heart panged with guilt at her little apology, she fiddled with her fingers idly. "You don't need to be sorry." He said sweetly. "Just remember that you should only be interacting with me and those that I allow near you. Malachi and Rudolph...they are too dangerous."


"Apologies, you know him as Rudy."

(Y/n) failed to hold back a smile at his real name. If she ever saw him again then she'd be sure not to let him live it down. 'When.' She said in her head. 'When I see him...not if. I'm getting out of here.' Although seeing Rudy wasn't top of her list, she was still concerned about him and had regretfully grown the tiniest fondness for him.

Āvo was pleased to see her smile again, however small.

"Why don't we go out on a walk?" He suggested.

"A walk?" (Y/n)'s eyes lit up.

"Just in the garden." Āvo quickly clarified before (Y/n) got the wrong idea, she visibly deflated slightly but still nodded her head in agreement.

She hasn't been in the garden yet, and even if she was still on Lūsis grounds it was a step in the right direction. If she could gain enough of Āvo's trust between now and Saturday then she could have a shot of getting out.

(Y/n) rarely knew the exact timings of when Āvo work be occupied and this was likely on purpose but now she did and could use that to her advantage.

Taking the hand he had offered her, they headed for the garden.

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