LV- the devil you know

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The feeling of lightheadedness overwhelmed (Y/n) as she woke. Her eyes had solidified sleep digging into the corners, painfully shifting as she groggily forced her eyelids to lift.

It didn't take her too long to notice that she was not in her own bed, after a few moments of looking around she found the switch for a bedside lamp. Once the previously dark room was filled with light, it was revealed to be the spare bedroom in Āvo's house that she'd stayed in before.

'Why am I here? Wait... What happened last night?' She racked her brain for the last thing she remembered. (Y/n) knew that she got tired after drinking that champagne- it could have been drugged. 'Malachi called me..shit, he must be so worried!'

(Y/n) checked the nightstand for her mobile phone but it wasn't there. She also noticed that she'd been dressed in a white linen nightdress that stopped just below her knees. (Y/n) was sure she'd remember the chore of getting out of that massive, someone else changed her?

This was all weird as hell.

She marched right up to the door but her tugging revealed that it was locked. This made her already rising panic take a steep uphill climb.

Her head whipped around back to the room. Was she just forgetting some vital piece of information that would make her remember what she was doing here? The sudden head movement gave her a slight headache, akin to a mild hangover.

(Y/n) knocked at the door. "Hello??" She called through, hoping she was heard by someone. (Y/n) crouched down to take a look at the lock but as she did, she heard it being undone.

She prayed that this was just some big misunderstanding.

"Āvo." She sighed out when she saw him. "What's going on?"

"I...took you back here last night." He wasn't fully ready for the day yet, his hair was unruly and his shirt was yet to be tucked in. "You probably don't feel great right now, you should lie down."

(Y/n) tilted her head. "Um, no, I think I should head home. Do you know how I got..into this?" She gestured towards the thin dress.

Āvo turned red at the insinuation he changed her himself. "O-oh, I had a female maid change you."

"Well, if it's not too much trouble could I borrow some clothes to go home in? I'm supposed to be seeing my friend today." (Y/n) fiddled with her fingers, although she was asking to go she had this unsettling feeling about the whole thing.

"Can I..." He paused and frowned. "Ask you to sit down? I need to speak to you."

(Y/n) didn't like his tone, she didn't like anything about the situation. "I really should be going."

"I can't allow you to do that." Āvo's voice was calm and steady, if he were saying any other words then it might have even been soothing. "I brought you here for your own protection...against Cosmo."

"I didn't ask you to do that. I don't want you to do that." She said with vigor.

"This isn't something you have a choice in. Please sit down so I can explain-"

"Why do you think you need to protect me??" She interrupted him. As much as (Y/n) wanted an explanation, she wanted it of her own accord. "I'm just some woman who works for you."

"I value all of my workers greatly-"

"What?" (Y/n) scoffed. "Let me go home right now."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." He seemed sad in his words but not exactly remorseful. "You're safer here. Cosmo's dangerous if he got to you he would-"

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