ENDING - sunshine

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(Y/n)'s eyes darted all about the room, she wanted to make sure everything was completely perfect. Several candles dotted the table as well as a vase of fresh flowers. It looked nice enough but she felt like there was something she was forgetting. Maybe she just wanted something to push it over the edge, she always felt like she was being supported by Malachi and wanted to do something for him as a change.

Whatever is was, she didn't find it, the door to their apartment opening up before she could ponder anymore.

"Sunshine! I'm-" Malachi paused his words in awe, the dim lighting and subtle romantic decorations catching his eyes. "What's all this?" He said softly once he saw (Y/n).

She was dressed in one of his favorite dresses on her, looking to emulate a 'date night' atmosphere. She rushed up to him and pecked him on the lips. "Just a little date for us." She couldn't quite read his expression and quickly became cautious that she'd done something wrong in his eyes. "You don't mind, do you?"

"No, no, no, not at all." Malachi pulled (Y/n) in for a gentle embrace to show his appreciation for her efforts. "Just surprised is all."

"You..um, to unpack your things, I just need to plate up dinner." (Y/n) said quickly, needing everything to be precise.

Malachi chuckled at her orders and took his things through to their bedroom.

When he returned, he saw the dish steaming from the two plates. He smiled longingly at the food, it wasn't fine dining or anything, not say it was bad, but it was made by (Y/n) and that made it far more precious to him.

(Y/n) excitedly ushered him to sit down and then took her chair across from him.

"Is this some...national holiday I'm forgetting about?" Malachi was flattered yet still confused by all the effort (Y/n) had expensed for this. He knew it wasn't any significant anniversary, nor his birthday.

"There's no occasion. I just wanted to," she shrugged, "treat you, I guess. You're doing nice stuff for me all the time."

"Ah, you're too adorable, sunshine." He grinned, lifting his glass to clink against her's. "You must have spent all day on this."

"Well, I get bored up in here so..." She trailed off. (Y/n) didn't leave the apartment without Malachi, so when he was out at work she was stuck there all day. He said it was to keep her from being spotted which she supposed made sense, especially when considering the amount for man-power that Lūsis had even though they were far from their old city. "How was work?" She was quick to change the subject, never wanting to focus on the bleaker aspects of captivity.

"Pretty simple today actually." He mused. "I won't gross you out with the details."

"I can see it was a little...bloody." She pointed to the collar of his shirt where there was a small red smudge. "You weren't hurt, were you?" She spoke with great worry, having absorbed some of the protectiveness he regularly exhibited over her. "I can take a look at you if-"

"It's not mine, sunshine." He assured her with a smile, reaching out and giving her hand a quick squeeze. She was so cute when she fussed over him, it always filled his heart with light to know that she loved him enough to flatter him like that.

"Don't put it in the laundry, I read this article on how to best get rid of blood stains."

"I'm not so incompetent that I can't wash my own clothes. You shouldn't overwork yourself."

"I only do it because...well, you do everything for me. You want me to relax all day while you make money, and it doesn't seem fair if I don't do something for you!"

Malachi released a soft laugh, taking a bite of his food after he did so.


"You're such an angel. You don't need to do anything for me but stay right here." He tilted his head and smiled. "You know, I'd only worry if you were stressing yourself out...you're not, are you?"

"Not stressed." She insisted. "Just a little...I don't know." (Y/n) completed her sentence by stuffing another forkful of food into her mouth, not wanting to say much more. She didn't want to send Malachi into a spiral of concern over something small.

Malachi's smile became more strained. "You can tell me, sunshine, really. You can tell me anything."

"There's not much more to say than that." She said in full honesty. Her want to cater to him in some way was born of the sort of debt she felt she owed him for putting a roof over her head, food on her table, supplying her with gifts of whatever she wanted, and only ever requested her presence in return. Of course that wasn't mentioning that he expected all of her attention and affection without question as part of those terms, but he gave her very much the same right back. "I want to repay you in a more tangible way."

Malachi hummed happily, looking around himself and seeing all of the decor (Y/n) had put up and taking the time to truly appreciate it along with the meal. "If you really feel that way then a date night every now and then is pretty nice."

"You like it?"

"Like it? Are you kidding me? I love it!" He exclaimed, grabbing onto (Y/n) hand and holding it close. "Everything's perfect! You're....you're perfect." Malachi kissed her hand. He still couldn't believe he had someone so sweet and darling by his side, he really was spot on from the very start when he indentified her as sunshine.

He'd been temporarily blinded, but now that his eyes had adjusted to her magnificent light he could bask in her glory for the rest of his life. Such a bright and warm light was more than worth killing for.


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