LI- involvement

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(Y/n) shut and locked the door as soon as Malachi was out, looking to her broken window in disdain.

Of course he had to have fallen for her after she got over him. Things could never be too easy, could they? She walked over to the shattered glass to assess the damage- her landlord must think she's totally insane by now with all the times she'd accidentally broken locks and now the window was smashed in.

She heard a text notification come from her phone which was left on the table. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, expecting to see something from Malachi but was surprised with what she saw instead:

Unknown Number: Hello, (Y/n). Are you able to get lunch with me today? There are matters I want to discuss.

(Y/n) felt her blood go cold at the message, feeling deeply unsettled by it.

Unknown Number: This is Āvo Lūsis.


That somehow made sense.

She made him a contact name and then went to respond to his message.

(Y/n): Sure! What time, and where do you want to go? Also, can I ask what you want to discuss?

Āvo: I'll send a car to you at one. I'd rather not disclose what we'll be talking about over text.

(Y/n) wasn't sure if she liked the last part of that answer and gulped. If Āvo knew that Cosmo breaking out was basically all her fault then she was a goner for sure. Ironically, that would be the best time for Malachi or Cosmo's obsession with her to come in clutch and save her ass.

Who was she kidding? If Āvo wanted her dead then no one was even gonna hear about it, she'd be gone before she'd even known what was coming.

But her anxiety aside, (Y/n) knew she would still have to go to this thing whether or not it turned out to be an execution.

She still had a few hours and figured she may as well get ahead on this window business, making a mental note to tell her landlord before the evening so she didn't freeze to death that night.

(Y/n) began to sweep up the glass and put the larger pieces into a bag. She hissed at a sharp shock of pain on her palm which was followed by a warm fluid trickling down her fingers. (Y/n) grimaced at the gaudy cut and dashed to the bathroom to clean it off.

Several drops of blood got both in the floor and on her clothes, but she was more concerned with stopping the bleeding. She turned to faucet on cold with her good hand and started to run the cut under some water while she tried to use her other hand to grab some gauze from the first aid kit she kept on her bathroom.

Her hand was in pain and the whole ordeal brought a tear or two to her eyes, but she knew it would turn out fine so wasn't overly concerned with it.

(Y/n) was left alone with a driver she didn't recognise throughout the drive to the restaurant. She kept on looking down at her bandaged hand and squeezing it lightly.

Once they'd arrived at the restaurant, she got out of the car and was immediately ushered through the building to a room at the back, keeping her and Āvo away from the prying eyes of the other high class patrons of the luxurious restaurant.

"My god, your hand!" Āvo gasped out as she entered, his eyes seemed to train right to her injury. "Who hurt you?"

"Oh, uh, sorry." (Y/n) said sheepishly, walking towards the table for two and sitting opposite him. "I cut my hand on some glass. It's okay though, just a small cut."

Āvo reached across the table to take her hand, he looked over the expertly wrapped gauze. Even though he was well aware that (Y/n) was a medical professional, he still worried for her. A gentle finger ran over a spot where some of the blood showed on her bandaging.

"You must be more careful.." He said quietly, a soft frown fixated on her hand. Āvo shuddered at the thought of a wide gash oozing with great amounts of blood despite the reality being a simple slash.

(Y/n) laughed nervously at his behaviour and tried to pull her hand away, it took a couple of tugs before it got released. "What did you need to talk to me about?" She changed the subject.

Āvo's concern seemed to just grow with that question and he glanced down. "It's about Cosmo."

'Oh god, he knows I let him out.'

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

(Y/n) raised her eyebrows in surprise. Āvo definitely knew...something, but he was wanting her to admit it.

She knew he somehow knew about either the part she played in his escape or the run-in she'd had with him more recently. Both were bad news since the first made her a treasonous traitor and the second made her someone who was withholding that information.

"Um... I don't know what you're referring to?"

The other option was that he knew nothing, and he was just trying to get her to confess to something.

"You're not in any trouble." Āvo was hurt that (Y/n) felt the need to lie to him, he wouldn't dream of harming her! She'd know that soon enough. "We're aware of Cosmo's attempt to take you hostage."

(Y/n) let out a deep breath, he said she wasn't in any trouble but she still felt the need to explain herself. "I should have told someone when it happened, but I was unsure because I left him when-"

"You aren't expected to bring him in. That's not in your job description." He attempted to reassure her. "Do you know anything of his location?"

"No... I- I don't know where he went after I attacked him."

"That's okay." He said, placing on a warm smile if only to assure (Y/n) that he wasn't mad. "Are you okay? The incident must have frightened you."

"It really freaked me out if I'm being honest." She tensed up. "I feel like he could pop up again at any minute."

Āvo hung onto each word like to was gospel, committing all of them to his memory. The thought of (Y/n) being scared wasn't one he took pleasure in but at least now he knew that she'd be safe and sound in his arms within the week.

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