XXII- cleaner

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Sorry for the delay on this chapter- I thought I had posted it earlier but it must have glitched or something.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

-L.T. May

On Saturday morning, (Y/n) was awoken by a text notification.

She grumbled and lumped herself closer to her nightstand in order to grab her phone.

Malachi: brunch??

(Y/n) was much too tired to be charmed by the invitation in the slightest.

(Y/n): Why did you text me this earlyyyyy

Malachi: ur fault for not turning off notifications overnight

Malachi: plus it's already 11

'11? There is no way it is-'

(Y/n) glanced at the time and had Malachi's text confirmed.

(Y/n): Give me an hour - I'll pick you up!

Malachi: got it sunshine <33

(Y/n) allowed a small smile on her face at the message, her eyes were squinted from how the light from her phone interrupted her otherwise pitch black room.

"This week at work has actually been great for me." Malachi said quite cheerily and then shovelled another forkful of food into his mouth.

"Really? What were you doing?"

He swallowed all the food in his mouth with a big gulp after a few more seconds of frantic chewing. "It was all just easy going this week. Practically all the jackasses I tortured fessed up after one hit." Malachi laughed sadistically. "Too easy!"

"That sounds...fun."

"I know it's not for everyone." His foot pushed into her's from beneath the table. "What about you? How was your week?"

"I saw Cosmo on Monday and get this: the microphone was gone." (Y/n) said suspensfully. "That's weird, right?"

"I think you're too hung upon that mic thing."

"But it is weird. It was right after he tried to escape so surely-"

"Cosmo tried to escape??" Malachi cut her off and then giggled boyishly. "That's so sick!"

"I don't think he finds it 'sick', he failed and had the shit beaten out of him."

"He's Cosmo goddamn Exeter! He can take a few hits." He leaned back in his chair. "He's doing okay, yeah?"

"Whose side are you on?" (Y/n) asked with a small laugh.

"The side of whatever's gonna be cooler to talk about." Malachi said, a satisfied smile on his face. He shifted forward to change the subject away from work. "You're not up to anything today, are you?"

"Don't think so."

"Awesome. I wanna hang out with you."

(Y/n) felt her cheeks warm very slightly. She was about to say something but just smiled like an idiot instead.

'This is amazing! He wants to hang out with me - and he hasn't even mentioned Sofia this morning at all!!'

"Saffi's out of town for the weekend so I need something to take my mind off of it." He clarified.

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