LXXIII- moving on

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When (Y/n)'s eyes opened up slowly the next morning, Cosmo was standing right above her.

"Get ready quickly." He said bluntly.

"...hm?" (Y/n) hummed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. The two hadn't shared a word since their conversation last night.

"We're getting out of here." Cosmo was quite clearly on edge, not having so much patience within him. "It's too dangerous. We're going to a motel and you're going to be good, okay?"

(Y/n) was still hardly awake and took a moment to process his words.

"Okay??" Cosmo repeated. "You try anything and people are gonna get hurt."

"Okay." She kept it brief and quiet, beginning to kick her covers away.

"I've packed your stuff already and laid out some clothes for you. Be ready in ten and we can go." Cosmo said, he stood still for a moment and contemplated if he should say any more. "I love you." Even when mad he had to make sure that she knew. He rushed out of the room to finish finalising everything, not wanting to leave any traced of where he was headed.

There was a tremendous weight on Cosmo's shoulders, he didn't like being so stern with (Y/n) but they didn't have much time. He had both Lūsis and Perdax to worry about already, now Rudy and Malachi were added to that equation. The latter two would be a minor issue in some respects since the two of them have so few resources, but they have enough determination between them to almost make up for it.

He traced the house up and down for the upteenth time to ensure everything was in order, he couldn't risk being found again- (Y/n) had to be somewhere safe.

All the bags were already loaded into a car he was 'borrowing', so all he needed now was (Y/n) herself.

Cosmo would be lying if he said he didn't feel guilty about being so snappy with her, but he also felt angry that she would run away. Didn't she realise that he wanted to give her endless love and affection but he couldn't do that so easily if she was going to be so goddamn difficult.

In an ideal world they could just stay here, she'd walk up to him and apologise for trying to get away and he'd forgive her. He'd hug her close, kiss her head and just melt into (Y/n). He wanted to share that affection that he had not even that long ago, but the weight was crushing him and her little attempt at escape had him even further on edge.

He barely regarded her when she came down the stairs, just grabbing her wrist when she got close and dragging her out to the car.

Apart from a lecture in the parking lot about her behaviour, no words were shared between Cosmo and (Y/n) the whole car ride.

He took the key out of the ignition and looked over at her.

"I'll carry our bags and sort out the room. There's no reason for you to speak to anyone."

She was about to get away with her usual answer of a vague nod but Cosmo wasn't having it this time.

"Come on, use your words." He rebuked, narrowing his eyes. It was a different side of Cosmo that (Y/n) was unfamiliar with, even when being tortured it seemed his anxiety levels had never been so high as they were now. He had something to lose now and the thought of losing it scared him, he couldn't leave any room for leeway.

"I won't say anything to anyone." (Y/n) promised, she hadn't planned to anyway. An escape attempt on the back of her most recent stunt wouldn't be received so well. She considered herself lucky that the most she was getting as punishment was a few harsh words but she didn't expect to be treated so nicely if there was a next time.

That was why next time had to be the last.

Āvo wanted this blasted place burned to its very foundations. He was stood in the house that Cosmo and (Y/n) had fled just hours ago, a shameful collection of his men stood around unsure of what to say.

"You've looked everywhere?" Despite Āvo's inner fury, he kept a scarily calm exterior.

"The whole house top to bottom, sir."

Āvo's lips formed a straight line, the room went cold. "This is a disgrace." He spat. "I want both of them located and do it correctly this time."

He was far more hurt than he let on, Āvo wasn't so used to failure, thus the last week or so had been otherworldly in the worst of ways. This was a particularly harsh blow because even when he found that (Y/n) was gone initially, he was confident she'd be retrieved and fast.

Āvo knew that he was now on a downward trajectory- the longer (Y/n) was gone, the less chance he had of getting her back. His entire being relied on getting her back, everything else was second rate compared to her.

Combined with his feelings of both hurt and anger was humiliation. Cosmo Exeter besting him in this way was embarrassing, he had the numbers, the manpower, the money and yet this individual was able to run circles around him.

It wouldn't be for long though if Āvo had anything to do with it.

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