LXVI- transfer

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(Y/n) knew she wouldn't make it out of the front so she ran down the hall, deciding she would take her chances with one of the windows, since in some of the other rooms they actually opened up enough for her to fit through.

There was one window that she could see from the garden that would land her in a plush growth of shrubbery.

She was panting slightly from her quick sprint after not having done any real exercise in some time. (Y/n) slowed to a fast walk, watching from side to side to make sure no one was after her.

"There you are." A relieved voice came from in front of her.

(Y/n) was paralysed where she stood, just fifteen feet away from Cosmo. Her heart leapt to her throat and she gulped loudly.

"Do you-...do you know how worried I've been?" He started to walk closer with slow steps, (Y/n) mirrored him and backed away. "Are you hurt?" Cosmo asked.

She shook her head but Cosmo didn't appear convinced.

"You don't have to lie."

(Y/n) looked to the side, no one was near. Did she even want anyone near? She'd just be locked up again as opposed to going with Cosmo. Neither option was particularly desirable.

"Back off, o-okay?" She failed to speak with much strength and her little stammer made Cosmo smile sweetly at her nervousness.

He took another step which triggered (Y/n) to turn on her heel and break out into a sprint. She decided that Āvo was the lesser of two evils, at least she knew what to expect with him and had already made all of this progress.

She didn't get too far before getting tackled to the ground with a thud, her cry going unheard by anyone apart from Cosmo and herself. He manhandled her to be laying on her back so he could straddle her waist and grin down at her.

(Y/n) used her hands to swat and hit at him, kicking the whole while too but Cosmo seemed pretty undisturbed, he didn't even bother to hold her down since he knew she wasn't going anywhere. "Get off of me!!" She shrieked.

"I usually wouldn't mind a little chase with you but time is of the essence today." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe. "You probably won't even feel a thing."

(Y/n)'s blood ran cold at the sight of a drug that would likely be used to subdue her, this made her struggling increase tenfold.

"Please! Help!!" She kept moving so Cosmo couldn't prick her skin without tearing it.

"No one can hear you, sweetie." He cooed, using his free hand to lightly caress her cheek. "They're all... occupied."

'What the hell happened to all of the guards??' She thought, not giving up on crying out. But it only went on for so long, Cosmo took advantage of a moment's stillness to press the drug into her arm.

About fifteen minutes prior, Rudy and Malachi were invited into Āvo's office.

As they walked in Āvo found himself wondering (as he often did) what (Y/n) ever saw in Malachi. He supposed it shouldn't matter now since whatever it was was no more but it still bothered him.

There were two seats sat opposite Āvo's desk, a change from the usual one.

"Please, sit down." Even if Āvo was less than fond of Malachi and Rudy, his purpose of seeing them was not to exercise that dislike so he kept his good manners. "This is...highly unusual as I'm sure you're aware-"

"Where's (Y/n)?" Malachi spat out, cutting him right off.

Āvo's eyes narrowed a tad, his neutral expression turned into a fast glare before he got it under control and reverted back. "...Do allow me to finish. What I've requested you for doesn't concern (Y/n)." His words were vague and not incriminating enough to convict him of anything. "What I need to speak to you about is-"

The telephone on his desk began to ring, an uncommon occurance. All calls to the building went to the front desk downstairs, so this must be a call from his receptionist. She knew not to contact him during a meeting so this must be am emergency.

He muttered an apology and answered the call.

"Mr Lūsis, the police are here and they're coming your way."

He frowned, the police department was long payed off so what they were doing here was beyond him.

"Get all interior defence here." He said, wanting to be prepared for a shootout if it was called for.

Rudy and Malachi looked at each other in alarm.

"What's going on?" Rudy spoke up, not liking the idea of being cornered in by 'interior defence'.

"This should only take a moment." Āvo stood up, he only seemed mildly inconvenienced at most.

Malachi was about to follow up Rudy's query with one of his own but the door was suddenly broken in by five or so police officers.

"What's the meaning of this?" Āvo stayed behind his desk, putting Rudy and Malachi between himself and the armed cops who were soon surrounded by security of his own.

"We're not here to interrupt your business, Mr Lūsis." One of the officers spoke, his gun pointing at Rudy. "We're here to place Rudolph Russell under arrest on the suspicion of homicide."

Rudy felt his heart damn well stop.

Āvo raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lip pulled up and he slowly sat down again. However satisfying it would be to have Rudy convicted, he had to complete what (Y/n) asked of him.

The situation was still in deadlock as both Rudy and Malachi the guns of the police pointed at them while each officer had the guns of Āvo's guards pointed at them.

"I can't allow you to do that." Āvo said. "I'm sure if you took the time to review your evidence again... you'll come up with a different story." Of course, this was just his own cryptic way of telling them to get lost.

"But we-!"

"We'll be sure to that, Mr Lūsis." One officer interrupted the other and lowered her gun, knowing that Āvo had ties to the force. "Pardon our intrusion."

"If some of you could escort the police out." Āvo requested his guards, there were around fifteen of them and five left with the cops. He looked at the ten left and narrowed his eyes at one, a guard he always left outside of (Y/n)'s room.

"Did anyone fill your post?"

"No, sir, you requested all interior detail."

Rudy, despite being severely shaken up, could see the panic set in Āvo's eyes when he blurted out. "(Y/n) was left alone??"

"So you do have (Y/n)!" Malachi leapt up and pointed his finger in accusation, but he went ignored as Āvo quickly got up and left presumably to check she was still where he left her.

But when he reached her room it was too late and she was already gone.

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