VI- and another one

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Later that week (Y/n) found herself in Malachi's apartment while he changed just a room away from her.

"I don't wanna be too fancy, ya know?" He called from beyond the door. "But I also can't look like... Like I've got no sense of style or something!"

He was going to meet Sofia for something that she had emphasised as a friendly affair by that didn't stop Malachi from treating it as a date.

"I don't understand why I have to be here." (Y/n) grumbled.

The door was thrown open and Malachi stepped out, though he hadn't yet buttoned up the loose white shirt he had on causing (Y/n) to turn away abruptly.

"You remember at the weekend when you said you thought you saw someone watching me or Saffi?"

(Y/n) paused to recollect the memory, gathered the nerve to look back at hin and then nodded. She recalled being at the café and seeing a figure peeking from over the bushes.

"I want you to keep a look out and if you see them again..." Malachi walked over to drawer and pulled it open, he took an object out and tossed it into (Y/n)'s hand. She looked to see that he had given her a Swiss army knife. "Just ask them what they're doing."

"Malachi..." (Y/n) trailed off. She wasn't exactly well versed in stuff like this. "Wouldn't it make more sense if I spoke to Sofia and then you could-"

"No!" He said with a more harsh tone than he usually held. Malachi released a deep breath to calm himself down. "Sunshine, you don't know who this person is watching. It could be me for all we know. You don't even need to confront them just try to get a name and profile and I can handle the rest."

She looked at the knife for a few seconds, transferring it from one hand to the other and then placed it in her pocket. "Fine."

"Yay!! Thank you so much, sunshine!" Malachi exclaimed giddily and then rushed back into his room to continue getting changed. "And if you want to see Saffi again, I'm sure we can set up another time for you two to meet?" He said from beyond the door.

"Uh, don't worry about it. I'll sort something out."

"I tell you what, I'll give you her number and let her know that you're gonna reach out." He continued.

"Y-you really don't have to-"

"Too late! Already doing it!"

In a matter of moments Malachi had shared Saffi's contact onto (Y/n)'s phone. She sighed softly at this, if Malachi weren't constantly fawning over Sofia then (Y/n) would be more than happy to see her, but she couldn't help but feel that whenever she'd be around the other woman she'd just be comparing herself. She'd try to see what Malachi liked so much about Sofia that (Y/n) seemed to lack.

In the early days of his obsession, (Y/n) would ask him what drew him to Sofia and often he'd say it was her goodness and the fact that she was far removed from the type of life he lead. This always struck (Y/n) as strange becuase Sofia was by far not the only regular citizen Malachi had ever met.

It also made (Y/n) feel even more undesirable in his eyes because she couldn't leave. That was why he called her 'sunshine', wasn't it? Becuase she was bright and sunny like he said Saffi was. But perhaps (Y/n) was only so-called sunshine when amongst darkness, while Saffi was sunshine in her own right.

Whatever it was that made Sofia so incredible that (Y/n) lacked, she didn't want to mull over it more than she already did.

"Just try to get their name and then you can go." Malachi said while exiting his room, now dressed and ready. "How do I look?"

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