LXIV- in your element

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This is a slightly shorter chapter than normal, I'm very sorry. I hope you enjoy it regardless!!
Thank you so much for reading!

-L.T. May

"We're letting you go."

Malachi gaped at his manager in disbelief. "Hey, I'm sorry I missed work a few times but life has been so-"

"A few times? You actually being here on time is rare." The manager huffed, folding her arms across her chest. "Trust me. We don't want to have to fire you, god knows we don't have a replacement, but you're dragging this company down."

"You can cut my pay! I promise I'll do better!" Malachi was desperate to keep his work, this was his only source of income and he was barely getting by. He hoped that he'd soon have (Y/n) to look after too but that would be difficult if he was dirt broke. "I can do extra hours. I've just been so.. preoccupied."

"We don't want you in the store." She grimaced. "When you do actually show up, you're aggressive with customers."

"If I tell you how stressed I've been-"

"Sorry, dude. Since we hired you our ratings have gone into negative numbers. I didn't even think that was possible!"

"Y-you don't know that's because of me!" Malachi argued.

"Half of them mentioned you by name!" She yelled and then cooled off with a sigh. "We're gonna give you an advance for the next two weeks but don't bother coming in."

Malachi clenched his fists, not bothering to fight his release anymore. "Fine. Have fun going bankrupt."

His now ex-manager rolled her eyes and saw him out of the store, solidifying his defeat. He walked away slowly, feeling utterly aimless.

He felt as though his life had descended into shambles and placed the blame of this on not having (Y/n). If Āvo weren't holding her captive then he wouldn't have fired Malachi in the first place, right?

Malachi knew he needed (Y/n) back, as if she could suddenly flick that switch that would make everything okay again. Hopefully things would pan out as he hoped on Saturday.

Rudy was sitting among some friends at the fast food restaurant he and (Y/n) had met a few times. His longing gaze was fixed on the table by the window that they'd sat at.

"Chin up, man." One of his friends said with an encouraging yet sad smile. "She's in a better place."

"How is that place better??" Rudy snapped and then paused when he realised that his friend was referring to Sofia being in the afterlife and not (Y/n) being in Āvo's house. "Oh...uh, sorry."

"Don't worry, you can get your ....emotions or whatever out however you need to."

He leaned back silently, allowing the conversation to drift into the back of his mind. (Y/n) didn't even know how he felt, she might even still think that he didn't like her and yet here he was, in actual physical pain from her absence.

All this worrying still kept him up at night and on top of that he had to think about not being caught for killing Sofia. He'd had a lengthy police interview which he thought went well but was honestly so sleep deprived that he couldn't quite remember everything that was said.

He only hoped they didn't dig too deep into his past record, but from what he'd spoken to Sofia's family about, no one seemed to be pointing the finger his way.

Cosmo leaned against the phone box lethargically, tapping his foot as he waited for the call to connect.

He was a little out of town, still wanting to avoid populated areas so Perdax couldn't trace him.

It was difficult to keep up but once he had (Y/n), the two of them would have to go to an entirely different location.

And yes. It would be the two of them.

Cosmo never had any intention of sharing, why should he? He needed Malachi and Rudy for this tiny part of the plan but after that he could run circles around them. He felt no guilt about using them for his own gain because Malachi was in love with (Y/n) and whether Rudy shared that sentiment or not he was still bad news.

He knew that life on the run would be hard for (Y/n) to adjust to but he'd make it as easy for her as possible. Once she had settled in and was with him willingly, he could reach out to central intelligence for some new identities and give (Y/n) the normal life she wanted.

His possessiveness may prevent him from letting her work again but only time would tell.

Once the call had finally connected, he was immediately transferred to a waitlist. Timeless and repetitive music started to play and he pulled the reciever away from his ear with a huff.

He had always been a confident person, never doubting his own abilities and this was no exception. Cosmo couldn't even fathom a future where he didn't end up with (Y/n).

Someone greeted him on the other end and he smiled. "Hi, I'd like to call in an anonymous tip. It pertains to Sofia Bell's recent murder."

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