LXX- dangerous

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(Y/n) could've escaped. It was really the perfect opportunity.

Cosmo had come stumbling in, not even locking the door behind him, looking just about ready to collapse. She didn't even need to see all of the blood to quite easily tell he was wounded. Walking out of a door would never be so easy.

So why the hell was she sitting by his side and nursing him back to health?

She likely would struggle to answer that.

Pity? He did look pretty pathetic. Hopelessness? The realisation that if she were to escape he'd probably just find her again.

Part of her liked to believe that she was being clever and that this deed she was doing for him now would earn her some of his trust, similar to her tactic with Āvo of acting all nice so that a sudden attempt at getaway won't be as expected.

In reality it was just her human consciousness that didn't want to leave him bleeding out on the floor, even if they weren't on the best of terms.

So now she was trying to fix him up, not saying much to him as she did. Cosmo stayed pretty quiet too, nothing much was made in the form of noise past groans of pain. Although his lack of words were more from a place of wonder. (Y/n) was helping him- healing him even. This must have meant something! She must care for him in the very least if she was going to do this.

"Does that hurt?" (Y/n) asked through the silence as she dabbed some alcohol to one of the cuts on his face. This was of course after addressing the more major injuries.

Cosmo was still stuck staring into (Y/n)'s eyes as he was so filled with childlike awe just watching her in action. "No, uh, that's not a new cut. It's my permanent scar."

"Oh, sorry." She mumbled, moving onto a different cut. "There are just quite a lot...does this one hurt?"

"A bit but it's okay." Cosmo smiled, despite still being in immense pain (Y/n)'s presence seemed to soothe it quite nicely.

"How'd it happen?"

"I was only a kid," he let out a pained laugh at the memory. "Me and some neighbors were messing around and-"

"I meant how did..." She gestured vaguely to his entire being. "Today happen?"

"Oh..right." He smiled sheepishly, still not reacting to the stinging sensation that came with every gentle wipe over the bloody areas of his face. "Some guys sent by Perdax cornered me." Cosmo paused, he was more nervous than he let on because he had the feeling that someone could've followed him. He didn't care if they tried to jump him but what if they came to the house when he wasn't there? (Y/n) was as good as dead.

He knew that this living situation had to be temporary but he'd expected to have this place be safe a bit longer.

Not to mention, Perdax wasn't the only one after him- he had Lūsis to worry about too.

(Y/n) didn't need to know that though.

"Why're you doing this?" Cosmo didn't want to jinx (Y/n)'s behaviour, but he was too shocked to not bring it up. She had been so sworded around him and now she was softly nursing him from a place of weakness when she truly didn't have to.

She shrugged and stopped. "I can stop."

"N-no! Uh, you should keep going."

She looked over him, she'd tended to him for the last hour. "No...I think you're just about fine now. Throw a band aid on yourself if you really want to." (Y/n) began to walk away from him, going back to the bedroom she had confined herself to most often.

Cosmo didn't try to stop her, he'd gotten more than what he deserved out of her for the day and even if he could spend eternity by her side he knew that she found him difficult to be around right now. He was still clinging to the hope that her attitude towards him would change in due time.

She had to love him at some point, right?

But that was him getting ahead of himself, at least her doing this showed that she could halfway tolerate him.

It was difficult for Āvo to work while feeling so shattered, but his motivation for finding (Y/n) kept him going. All of his usual responsibilities were temporarily diffused down so he could focused on pinning down a location.

It seemed like after just a few days he had just what he needed.

Cosmo had been spotted a few times but never approached, Āvo had been very clear on the fact that he didn't want to make any moves before he was sure if it would work. If one thing went awry then Cosmo would just whisk her off someplace else and they'd have to start from scratch.

There was a house that didn't appear to be owned by anyone under the Exeter name but he was at the very least squatting there.

Finding the location didn't bring Āvo as much relief as he hoped it would, he was still terribly worried about her wellbeing.

Ross was reading over a list of resources that Āvo had requested and felt necessary for taking (Y/n) back, Ross personally felt it was overkill but would never say so. "It will likely take us the next week to gather all of this and prepare."

"You can cut that time down," Āvo responded sternly, "I want this done in two days...maximum."

"Sir!" Ross's eyes shot wide open. "That would be..im-impossible!"

"Not if you start making some calls now." Āvo placed his fists atop his desk. "This is our top priority, okay? Two days."

"...two days."

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