XXVII- arms

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Following their breakfast together, Āvo had to be rushed into a meeting with one of his inferiors who managed a segment of henchmen.

"You can join me if you wish." Āvo said as they were driven to the warehouse. "You don't have to see Cosmo Exeter for another hour."

"Yes, I'll join you for that." (Y/n) responded instinctively. It wasn't as if she really could deny him.

Āvo seemed to sense her sense of obligation and frowned. "I don't want you to just agree with me because you work for me. You aren't obligated to do anything."

Her (e/c) eyes unintentionally widened. "Oh... I-.. I'll still go but thank-"

"You may also stop thanking me."

(Y/n) laughed a little and rubbed the back of her neck. "Got it."

She couldn't see the way that the driver smiled. Everyone who worked closely with Āvo - hell, anyone who wasn't at the very low level (Y/n) and Malachi were at - were very aware of Āvo's obsession. Most were invested enough in Lūsis' happiness to root for the two of them to be together and the rest pitied (Y/n) but couldn't do or say a thing about it.

When they got to the conference room and (Y/n) sat beside Āvo she immediately zeroed in on one of the henchmen.


'That asshole.' She narrowed her eyes at him as he stared back.

He had most definitely noticed her since she walked in with their literal boss who could have anyone killed with the a snap of his finger. Malachi was in total disbelief, he tried to mouth something to (Y/n) as she glared back at him.

Āvo took note of their little staring competition and sought to out an end to it. "Are you alright?" He asked (Y/n).

"Oh, uh, yeah." She replied disjointedly.

Not long after a man stood up and began to speak about the work this segment had done over the last month. (Y/n) absorbed practically nothing, she didn't even have to be here after all. She spent the entirety of the half hour speech thinking about what she'd say to Malachi once it was over.

Āvo also found himself paying less attention than he ought to. It was difficult with the love of his life right there. Her stunning eyes and radiant skin, the way her facial expression would change in the slightest even if it was just a twitch of the eyebrow, and the way her hair sat so perfectly.

He was just so drawn in by every part of her and was now telling himself off for not talking to her sooner. If he got over his stupid fears then they could have been together by now, but instead she was still yet to be comfortable around him.

It would take time and Āvo thought himself to be patient but he couldn't help but want things to go quicker. He'd do all the work happily! He just wanted to speed up the time it would take.

It would be so easy to reach out and take her hand. Oh, how gently he'd hold her hand and rub his thumb over her soft skin.

But he had to wait.

It was small luxuries like that which Āvo missed before even having experienced them.

Meanwhile, Malachi was also too preoccupied to be listening. He saw the way Āvo stared at (Y/n). Why had they even entered together? Was she in trouble? Was that why she tried to call him last night?

She couldn't possibly be in trouble though. No, the look on Āvo's face was filled with awe.

Malachi uncomfortably shifted in his seat. He'd teased (Y/n) about the possibility of Āvo liking her but seeing it play out had his stomach in knots. It stemmed from his protective instincts, (Y/n) wasn't from this world like he was. A relationship with Āvo would plunge her into a danger that Malachi couldn't hope to protect her from.

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