V- weak at the knees

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Monday morning and (Y/n) was back on the clock, more specifically she was strolling into room seventeen.

She walked in and not only did Cosmo have the everpresent smears of blood but he was dripping with water. Despite how undoubtedly uncomfortable he was (especially in the extremely cold room) he still smiled upon (Y/n)'s entrance.

"Hey, how was your weekend?" He asked her as if... Well, as if their circumstances were ordinary.

"You got waterboarded?" (Y/n) didn't answer his question, instead focusing on the wretched state he was in. She was seeing him far less this week than she did last week.


(Y/n) glanced down at the first aid supplies she'd brought with her. "What am I supposed to do then?"

"I'm sure I'm bleeding somewhere." He shrugged to the extent that he could while being tied down. "Anyway... Your weekend?"

"Oh... Right, it wasn't great." (Y/n) started to look him over and found a gash near his hairline that she decided to focus on. Even if it wasn't life threatening and she was meant to do just that and no more- she was merely there to keep prisoners from dying, not to make them comfortable or healthy to any degree. But (Y/n) had developed a certain liking towards Cosmo, he was the only person who really spoke to her.

"How come?"

"It's dumb but I..." She paused and wondered if she was going to go this deeply into her personal life with someone whose best interest was to kill her and all the people she worked for. "Nevermind."

"What is it?" Cosmo sounded genuinely concerned for the medic who was dabbing at the gaudy mark on his forehead. He recalled being tossed to the floor and receiving the wound just a few hours before.

"It's really nothing."

"It's obviously not."

With frustration, (Y/n) pushed the saline soaked pad more harshly into the open wound, forcing Cosmo to wince and hiss.

"What happened to you being invincible?" She remarked.

Cosmo scoffed and clicked his tongue at her behaviour. "I just wasn't expecting it from you." (Y/n) was normally very gentle with him so this switch was clearly emotionally motivated. "Sorry if I was prying, you're the only person who I talk to about... Actual shit, y'know?" He laughed a little and felt (Y/n) going back to her regular soft treatment. "Everyone else who comes in here just asks me some questions and beats me around. Hell, I'm alone most of the time."

(Y/n) looked down guiltily. "You're not prying, it's just really stupid especially compared to what you got up to." She got out some gauze and began to cut it up. "I just have this friend, he's my best friend and has been for years now... his name's Malachi. I've had a thing for him for a while and..he doesn't know, he's also in love with this other girl." (Y/n) strategically chose not to mention quite the extent of Malachi's feelings, not wanting to get into it. "I was hanging out with him over the weekend and we bumped into her. That's all."

"First of all, that's not stupid. You are allowed to have feelings."

"I know." (Y/n) shook her head swiftly. "I don't really want to get into it."

Cosmo frowned for a moment before easing up. "Fair enough. I'm sure you can tell that I didn't have the best weekend in the world either."

She smiled briefly and then focused on patching Cosmo up, knowing that her work would be undone soon.

"Hey..." He said after a few seconds of silence.


"I don't know if you're allowed to but... If you could bring in some toothpaste that would be great." He bore his teeth and she could see a slight tinge of yellow beginning to show, honestly (Y/n) was more surprised that he hadn't lost them by now.

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