XXV- helped out

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It was like he was in heaven for Malachi everytime he entered Saffi's room.

Even if it was the dead of night.

That was the only time he could get in anyway.

Her whole apartment was a sanctuary to him really. Little hints of her interest peaked out like her badminton racket, adult coloring books with multicolored pencils scattered around and the pretentious books she had out on display but Malachi knew she would never actually read.

He was giddy while walking around trying to make as little noise as possible. Each time he made excursions such as this he made sure to bring home little keepsakes, but never enough to make her suspect anything.

It was always something small. Some hairs from her comb, maybe a single sock from her laundry basket (though taking a pair of her underwear had crossed his mind many times), a pen that she left out on the counter or something else that she was unlikely to miss.

Tonight he trod around the living room, carefully spying through the dark for something he could take. Malachi never started the night in her bedroom, that was always the final stop since it was his favorite part and ensured he'd head home with a smile on his face.

Unfortunately, Malachi soon found himself being gracelessly ripped from his fantasy when his ringtone blared from within his pocket.

"Shit, shit, shit..." He hissed to himself when he clawed his phone out and declined the call he was receiving and promptly turned his phone to silent mode. 

His eyes narrowed when he saw that it was (Y/n) who he'd missed the call from. What could she possibly need him for at this hour?

A pang of guilt struck his heart, he almost wanted to-


He was in heaven and was about to spend some precious quality time with Saffi.

And anyway, Malachi was sure that if this was serious then (Y/n) would find someone else to help her.

His phone hummed again and he was even quicker to deny his sunshine this time. He wouldn't allow himself to be led away from Saffi, the most important person in his life, even if the person trying to reach him was second place.

One final vibration emitted from his phone, this time it was a text.

(Y/n): PLEASE pick me up. It's urgent.

He winced at the message and paused. If it was urgent then he really should help her...

But Sofia's distant snores made him forget all about (Y/n) and whatever problem she had.

(Y/n) was despairing as she traced the streets with her arms wrapped around herself. The night felt so much colder now she was alone.

There weren't many people out and most stood alone but she couldn't help but shiver with every figure she passed, praying that she wouldn't find herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What (Y/n) didn't know was that around half of those eerie figures were actually there for her protection.

Āvo agonised from the confines of his office, still there despite how late it was. As long as (Y/n) was exposed to the elements then he knew he would not sleep so there was no point in retiring from work.

He was receiving constant word from those watching over her and was close to sending a car. That had worked in getting her home safe before, but she had been blackout drunk before.

If he sent a car now then it was sure to set off sirens in her head. She'd never love him if she knew what a horrible, horrible creep he was.

At first it seemed like a good idea to just let her walk home and have his workers watching her to make sure she was okay. But with each update he got with every passing minute he felt more tempted to intervene.

They said she appeared tired, scared and cold.

His poor darling!

One more update came through to say that it had started to rain lightly and that sealed it for Āvo. He was livid that Rudy had left her out there in the first place, but saving (Y/n) had to come first.

But the rescue had to be staged carefully so she wouldn't know he'd been watching over her... No, that would probably frighten her quite a bit.

(Y/n) groaned when she felt rain begin to spit down. 'You've got to be kidding me!' She thought to herself and began muttering curses directed at both Rudy and Malachi under her breath - mostly Malachi. She expected this from Rudy at the very least, but Malachi was meant to be someone she could rely on.

Dwelling on it wouldn't get her anywhere though. She knew she just had to focus on getting home in one piece for the time being but that became increasingly difficult when the rain picked up in its ferocity.

She walked for a few more minutes, feeling ready to collapse with the thought of how much further she had to go. Honestly, the aching in her legs had made her forget about her fears of being attacked.

(Y/n) almost jumped out of her skin when a slick black car pulled up beside her, mainly because of how silent it was so she couldn't see it coming.

She quickened her steps to avoid any awkward confrontation but paused when her name was called out in a familiar voice. Turning on her heel cautiously, she saw her boss stepping out of the passenger side door.

"I thought it was you." He said slowly, his eyes looking her over.

(Y/n) initially became defensive when seeing his wandering pupils but then realised that he was probably looking at her like that because she was drenched rather than checking her out. In reality, it was likely a mix both.

"What are you doing out so late?" Āvo asked, with a surprising amount of genuine concern laced into his words.

"My ride home... Got caught up with something." She admitted. "What are you doing.. so late?" (Y/n) returned the question.

"Oh, um, returning home after a dinner that got dragged out a bit. I can return you home if you wish, the rain will only get worse from now." Āvo offered gently.

(Y/n) watched him with wide eyes. 'Maybe Cosmo and Malachi are right...maybe Āvo is interested.'

"I would hate to make you drive out of your way." She said with a polite smile.

"Then stay the night in one of my guest rooms, we have plenty of room as you know and you won't be trouble." He was trying to remain calm, but at certain moments hints of his true excitement at the prospect of (Y/n) staying the night leaked through into his speech.

(Y/n) opened her mouth but then shut it. Could she really deny him? She worked for him and if he was offering...

"I'd be very grateful. But only if it's no problem."

The corner of Āvo's lip ticked upwards. "No problem at all."

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