XXIX- peas in a pod

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"How're you doing, prick?" Rudy barked while pulling out the chair (Y/n) previously sat in to sit across from Malachi.

"I should be asking you that." Malachi responded stiffly, referring to the shiny dark purple bruise that forced Rudy's right eye shut.

"You need to leave Sofia alone or I'll end your pathetic little life." Rudy spoke quite casually, he reached across the table to take a piece of food from Malachi's plate and tossed it in his mouth.

"No way in hell."

"You're really asking for it, huh?"

"You're obviously scared of me." Malachi said smugly. "Why haven't you done anything yet?"

Rudy chortled loudly, leaning back in the chair. "Why haven't I done anything? Man, you're funny." His laughter died down and he lowered his voice. "Why would I? You're not a threat to me. At all. She doesn't like you. I'm pissed off becuase you're bothering Sofia, not because you actually stand a chance."

"What? And I guess she's totally into you."

Rudy gave Malachi a lopsided smile. "She is actually. We text almost everyday, she actually tries to see me instead of actively avoiding me."

"She doesn't avoid me!!" Malachi spat. "She's just... She's shy, okay??"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Rudy remarked. "As long as you're not giving her any trouble then-"

"I would never give her any trouble. I love Sa-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you love her. I get it." Rudy sneered and looked around to check that the girls weren't returning yet. "I'm not gonna fight you. Not here. Not when Sofia and (Y/n) will be back so soon."

"There's one thing you're right about but don't think that-" Malachi paused abruptly. "Wait, how do you know (Y/n)'s name??"

If Rudy still had motion in both of his eyes then both would've widened at that point. "I-"

"Rudy?! Is that you?"

Both men instantly swooned at Saffi's calling, although Malachi's was quickly followed by the disappointment at her obvious excitement at seeing the other man.

Rudy stood up and Sofia dashed to throw her arms around his shoulders and squeeze him tight.

If Malachi wasn't so susceptible to the delusions of his own obsession then he probably would've noticed by now that Sofia had greeted both (Y/n) and Rudy with a warm hug but seemed loath to even look at Malachi.

"What are you doing here?" Sofia asked, her angelic voice forcing a longing sigh from Malachi's lips.

"Oh, just picking up some shit." Rudy replied nonchalantly.

Sofia proceeded to giggle childishly despite him not saying anything funny.

"Is your eye feeling any better?" She touched it gently. "It looks less swollen than the photo you sent a few days back."

"Hey, I can handle a black eye."

Her shrill giggle chimed again. "I didn't realise you two knew each other. I should've suspected it since you're both friends with (Y/n)."

(Y/n) felt herself grow cold. 'Oh shit.' She looked quickly at Malachi who was showing her a confused expression.

"I wouldn't say I'm friends with Rudy." (Y/n) slipped in awkwardly.

Sofia frowned. She had introduced him as a friend when she brought him to her house. "But-"

"Let's change the subject!" (Y/n) suggested loudly, she looked back at Malachi who still seemed on edge but was obviously more bothered by Sofia's relationship with Rudy than (Y/n)'s.

"What are you three doing here?" Rudy ended up asking, knowing the source of (Y/n)'s unease.

"I only came here to get some makeup." (Y/n) said. "I had to drag Malachi out here but luckily we bumped into Sofia and she helped me out." She glanced at her best friend and smiled warmly. "This one doesn't know the first thing about makeup."

Malachi returned her happy expression. "Yeah, I'm pretty much clueless in that department."

(Y/n) turned her attention to Rudy. "We should've seen you earlier. You know a little about makeup, with your eyeliner and that."

"(Y/n)!" Rudy yelped.

"You wear eyeliner?" Sofia smirked at Rudy.

"I m-mean I wouldn't say that I wear eyeli-"

"I can't believe I never noticed!" Sofia exclaimed. "I always thought your eyes just popped." She twirled some hair around her finger with a giggle. "I think it's so hot when guys can embrace their feminine side, y'know?"

"Oh totally." Rudy took a total one eighty. "I was trying not to brag but... I know a bit about it."

Malachi gritted his teeth at the way Saffi's cheeks flushed into such a pretty color from the words of another man. "I'm, uh, in touch with my feminine side too! Last year when I was buying (Y/n) some flowers for her birthday, the florist told me I had 'a good eye for color' ..a-and that's a quote." He attempted a boast.

(Y/n) patted his arm sympathetically as she saw that neither Sofia nor Rudy were listening, too wrapped up in flirting with each other.

(Y/n) kept glancing at Malachi tentatively on the drive home. This trip to the mall was supposed to be an easy way for them to make up while fulfilling an errand but instead it just lowered both of their moods.

She knew it was wrong to be pissed at Sofia, and (Y/n) knew full well that it was just her jealousy talking when she did. But if Sofia wasn't there then none of this would've happened!

It wasn't Sofia's fault though. Sofia liked (Y/n) and was well within her rights to hang out with her, and she understandably disliked Malachi.

(Y/n) wished he'd give up already. Sofia was so clearly into Rudy and wanted fuck all to do with Malachi.

His knuckles were going white from his unrelenting grip on the steering wheel somehow got even tighter.

"I..." (Y/n) ventured to make conversation after mostly driving in silence. "I know that was rough for you."

"Rough?" His voice went to a higher pitch than usual. "Why was that rough? I thought it went great." He said with a smile of sheer denial.

"Come on, you can be honest with me."

Malachi sighed, keeping his dark eyes on the road. He winced before speaking. "I don't want to talk about it. I'll work on it and I'll try to fix whatever she so clearly hates about me."

"I think you should just take it easy." She encouraged, if she could draw him away from his own toxic (and illegal) tendancies then it would make not only his life easier but her own and Sofia's.

She could tell by the look on his face though that the idea of 'taking it easy' did not appeal.

It was times like these that (Y/n) despaired, becuase she was reminded that if change was even possible for Malachi, it was the last thing he wanted.

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