LXIII- in love

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(Y/n) didn't realise how much she missed fresh air until she was out in the garden. Sure, she had a window that Āvo so kindly allowed her to open just a crack, but that wasn't the same as actually being outside.

Especially in such a beautiful garden with flowers, fruits and vegetables growing as well as a large patch of pristine grass in the middle.

"It's fake." Āvo said.


"The real grass was too difficult to maintain...so it was replaced with fake grass."

"It still looks absolutely amazing." (Y/n) said in awe. Āvo's cheeks went pink, so happy to see she loved the garden as much as he did.

He began to walk through the greenery, keeping (Y/n)'s hand in his. "I'm glad you think so."

"How could I not?" She squeezed his hand playfully, even if she was genuinely enjoying the garden she played up how comfortable she was there in order to earn his trust. "Do you come out here often?"

"I'd like to but, as you already know, my work can be a lot."

(Y/n) looked up at him, trying to detect if the comment about his work was more than what it seemed. "You like your work though, right?"

Āvo was unable to give an immediate answer. "There...are definitely aspects which I like more than others but that's like any job, isn't it? I suppose I always knew I would take on this post one day so it never really mattered if I enjoyed it or not." He didn't seem to notice quite how sad it was, (Y/n) did though. So much of her childhood was aspiring for things in the future and that wasn't just limited to his career. Despite all the power Āvo had, he still wasn't really free to do what he wanted. "I consider myself lucky to have all this...this money and power, most don't get it so easily if they do at all."

(Y/n) nodded along, reaching out her free hand to brush over a group of daffodils. "Yeah, I get that... But didn't you ever think about other stuff?"

"No point in entertaining hypotheticals." He said briefly. "I'd been preparing and training my whole life for this."

It was strange for (Y/n) to think about the fact that at one point Āvo was just a little kid, but he never really got to live as one.

"The only thing I used to want was more friends." Āvo continued. "I had my friends at boarding school but once I left I never saw them again, I wasn't allowed to. After that, I was close to taking over and everyone was too scared to even look at me. The only people I consider friends now are Ross and Agnes, but they work for me and...it's not the same."

(Y/n) bit on her lip, recalling all the terrifying stories she'd heard about Āvo about how he was a ruthless killer. "It's kind of funny, I was expecting you to be so intimidating when you asked me to meet you about Cosmo, but you were so nice to me."

Āvo laughed dryly. "I'm afraid that sort of attitude is something you only get to see."

"It was so...jarring! Compared to what I'd always heard and when you first hired me."

"You know it's because I love you, right?"

(Y/n) hesitated before saying a small 'yes'.

"G-good morning, sir."

Āvo glared up at the woman who had just entered his office, about to tell at him for entering but stopping himself when he saw who it was.

Despite managing a group of medics, Darcy wasn't considered very high up in the conglomerate so she was pretty shocked when she was told that Āvo wanted to speak to her specifically about an important matter. Half of her was sure that he was going to have her executed for one reason or the other and her shaking legs gave away this fear.

"You got that new medic two months ago. The nurse." He stated to her.


"The young girl from the hospital downtown." He shifted through some papers and glanced at one. "Name's (Y/n) (L/n)."

"(L/n)? What did she do?" Darcy asked nervously

"Oh, nothing." Āvo muttered. "She's doing okay?"

Darcy gulped. "Yes...? Well, she still seems sad to be here but she does her job just...fine, I suppose."

(Y/n) had been stuck on his mind since he hired her, he didn't know why but he just wanted...more.

"Is this what you wanted to speak to me about, sir?"

He narrowed his eyes. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"N-no! Not at all!" Darcy insisted and plastered on a smile. "Do you want me to fire her? Promote her? Cut her pay?"

"None of that." He shooed her away with his hand. "See yourself out."

Āvo leaned back in his chair as Darcy left, she wasn't who he needed to be speaking to if he wanted more information on (Y/n).

He stepped back from the wall, looking at the layout of pictures along with the new ones he'd just put up.

All were of (Y/n). All candids taken without her knowledge.

Āvo released a shaky sigh, he knew how selfish it was to have his men stalking this poor girl, but he was invested now. At first it was just interest but then he started to get worried about her, obsessed with the idea that if she wasn't being watched at every moment then something terrible could happen to her.

Deep down, he knew he was the terrible thing. The perverted creep who was cursed to watch this angel from afar. But that thought went unconfronted.

He knew that he was in the process of falling in love with this woman. They'd never even spoken apart from when she was first employed by him, forcibly employed at that. Āvo wished he could stop himself from doing this, maybe then he'd be able to stop himself from falling in love.

If he loved her he could never let her go, he'd ruin her and never forgive himself. No amount of self-awareness, insecurity or guilt would help stop the inevitable.

It was too late.

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