XLVII- unfeeling

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The silence was too much to bear. Early in the morning following (Y/n)'s narrow escape of Cosmo, someone had tipped off the incident to Āvo.

Ross and Agnes were the only ones allowed to see him, they both expected some sort of temper tantrum but instead he stayed dead still...dead quiet.

"Sir..." Agnes began slowly, fearful that a break in the quiet would trigger his anger. He calmly looked to her with a raised eyebrow. "We have a team trying to trace Cosmo's location, we're still unsure of his motive."

Āvo hummed quietly.

"Is there any initiative you want carried out in regards to your girl?" Ross followed up, his words equally cautious as Agnes' had been.

"...Yes, I believe there should be." He drummed his fingers on the desk. "Don't you agree?"

"Whatever you think is best, sir." Ross said. Ordinarily Ross and Agnes could get away with referring to Āvo as his first name thanks to their friendship, but neither of them wanted to do anything that could possibly piss him off right now.

"Do you want a meeting organised with her?" Agnes asked, getting her phone out in preparation to call Darcy.

"No, that won't be necessary." Āvo lifted the framed picture from his desk. He was disgraced with himself that she almost got stolen away, clearly what he was doing to protect her wasn't enough. "I think it's time I welcome (Y/n) home."

Both Ross and Agnes widened their eyes in shock, quickly sharing a look before stumbling over their words.

"What happened to taking things slowly? There's a lot of planning and waiting that we'll need to-"

"We'll do the necessary planning, but the time for waiting and taking things slow is done." Āvo emphasized the final word. "It's no longer safe for (Y/n) out there. If I have to sacrifice her temporary comfort for her safety then so be it."

"Perhaps we should wait-"

"Wait??" Āvo cut Agnes off. "Are you listening? I don't wish to wait any longer! If anyone here could actually do their job then she'd be here right fucking now!"

"Sir, please, give us..a week, we'll need no more than that. It's Friday now, she'll be with you by next Friday." Agnes quickly said in an effort to calm him down, not focusing much on how achievable the goal was. Ross, however, was focused on the insane deadline she'd set.

Āvo visibly calmed. "Next Friday? Do you think he won't strike again over the next week?"

"We weren't expecting her to leave her home so late." Ross clarified, earning a glare from his boss. "O-of course, we will improve our teams!"

"Perfect." The smallest of smiles crept onto Āvo's face. "We should get to work immediately."

After just an hour of sleep, (Y/n) had to get up for work. She felt like she could collapse at any moment while at work, the screams faded into the background as she just focused on doing one thing at a time.

But she powered through all the same.

At her lunch break, (Y/n) grabbed a sandwich from a nearby coffee place. She had contemplated inviting Malachi to get lunch with her but ended up stopping herself. He clearly wasn't ready to be thrown back into their friendship, he still hadn't forgiven her for helping Rudy.

She ended up scrolling through her phone in her boredom. Other than Malachi who never posted and Sofia who was the opposite, most of the people she followed on social media were her old friends.

(Y/n) liked a new picture that Prin, her old best friend, had posted. She smiled at it unconsciously, despite how much she missed Prin, she was glad that she was happy.

She kept scrolling mindlessly, liking some pictures and leaving others. She landed on a picture of Sofia and Rudy and paused.

They were cheek to cheek and smiling wide, the caption was just a heart but clicking on Saffi's profile would reveal that her status had switched from 'single' to 'in a relationship'.

Panic diffused through (Y/n) as fast as wildfire. She could already imagine Malachi losing his shit. Yet again, (Y/n)'s desire to ignore him had been trumped by imminent danger. Her panic grew even more when she saw the picture was posted almost an hour ago.

Her fingers were tapping away to ring his number and stop him from doing anything rash.

He picked up quickly but before he could answer, (Y/n) was getting her peace out.

"Where are you?? Stop whatever you're doing!" She yelled while throwing shit into her bag, ready to walk out and find him.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get you?" He sounded confused yet concerned, none of the rage (Y/n) had expected was present.

"No...I..." (Y/n) saw that a few people were looking at her due to her earlier volume. "Have you heard about Sofia and Rudy?"

"Oh...yeah, I have." No anger, very little sadness, practically no emotion was evident in his voice. "Was that what you were calling about?"

"I thought you'd be freaking out." She said, feeling her heartbeat return to a more regular pace. "Are you at work?"

"I'm going in this afternoon...why?"

(Y/n) was going to ask him to join her but didn't go through with it. As long as he wasn't murdering anyone then it was best for her to stay clear. "I was just wondering. I'll, uh, see you around."

"Yeah, see you." He was first to hang up.

She still felt some anxiety over the fact that Malachi could have been lying to make her back off, but she still tried to convince herself he was being honest. If last night was anything to go by then it was possible that he could move past his obsession with Sofia.

Malachi honestly felt fine, he saw the picture along with the status update and stared at them in anticipation of his emotions blowing up. But the explosion never came, he was totally unaffected.

It was a strange revelation to have. Had he truly fallen out of love with Saffi? There were no happy memories that he really had to mourn, no relationship that he was letting go of.

The trash can in his room was filled to the brim with photos and things he'd stolen, seeing as he had no use for them. It was bittersweet in a way but Malachi was sort of looking forward to moving forward.

It wasn't exactly what (Y/n) was hoping for since he wasn't feeling regretful over his actions, more that they were directed at the wrong woman. Saffi wasn't the right person for him, Malachi knew that now, but he had an inkling of who was.

He looked over to his phone. It didn't help that he and (Y/n) weren't meant to be speaking despite the short phonecall they'd had.

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