XVIII- painfully unrequited

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(Y/n) was sat at a table for two the next morning, she received an urgent text from Malachi that demanded her to meet him for breakfast.

She wasn't quite sure what it was about specifically but could easily assume it had something to do with Sofia.

There was still a whole lot of anxiety swirling around her in regards to Malachi finding out about her deal with Rudy. Well... It was hardly a deal, was it? Her choice was to help him or to die.

When Malachi sat down he didn't look very pleased; a short tempered, poorly hidden frown was painted across his face.

"Are you okay?" Was (Y/n)'s immediate question.

Malachi exhaled sharply and didn't regard his best friend at all.

"Malachi?" (Y/n) said his name in confusion as he kept up his silent treatment of her. "Malachi." She repeated.

He paid no attention to her words and glanced over the breakfast menu, his hair flopped in front of his face when he looked down at the table.

'He invited me here... Why the hell is he ignoring me?' She thought.

"Hello?" (Y/n) ventured.

Malachi seemed to look around at the restaurant, still acting as if (Y/n) wasn't there at all. She sighed, beginning to get pissed off.

"Stop acting like a pouty toddler and tell me what's up."

His dark brown eyes connected with her's then with a hint of anger. "I'm mad at you."

(Y/n) tilted her head. "Can you tell me what I did?"

He looked away once more, seeming to resume his act.

"Oh come on, you said this was important."


(Y/n) took her bag in her hand. "I guess I'll be going the-"

"No, I need to talk to you!"

She sat back down in triumph. "Just tell me what I did and I'll fix it."

Malachi looked down sheepishly and then back up to (Y/n). "It's about Saffi."

Though it came as no surprise to her, (Y/n) wished they could talk about something besides Sofia.

"I was trying to plan to see her but she said she was busy this weekend.."

The realisation dawned on her and (Y/n) made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"Busy becuase she's already made plans to see you without me!" He accused in a hushed anger, no t letting the full extent of his disgrace show in the public setting. "What the hell, (Y/n)? You're my best friend! My sunshine! You're meant to support me, not keep the woman I love away from me!"

(Y/n) shook her head quickly at the information being thrown at her. "Hey, look, let me explain.." She began whilst conjuring up an excuse in her head. She could hardly say that the whole purpose of this was to help Rudy get closer to Sofia but it seemed that his presence hadn't been disclosed to Malachi.

"I'm going over there to... You know, put in a good word."

"...huh?" He didn't sound overly convinced.

"Well..." (Y/n) hesitated as she threw a string of words together on the fly. "Some guys are only nice to a girl to get in her pants... So if I, someone who you're not trying to date, tell Sofia that you're a good guy then it's more believable... Right?"

Malachi looked to be contemplaying her words for a few moments. "I guess that makes sense..." He muttered. "But next time tell me!"

(Y/n) nodded, purely glad that she had got him on her side again and he didn't know a thing about Rudy.

"And I do want you to be friends.." He continued, warming further to (Y/n)'s plan. "Oh, sunshine. I feel horrible for thinking you'd ever try to come between me and Saffi!"

She showed him a tight-lipped smile. 'Face it, (Y/n), he's never going to see you as anything more than a friend.'

After spending an hour with Malachi, him being delighted to spend time with (Y/n) after that misunderstanding was cleared up, (Y/n) left for work but took a detour to the public restrooms.

She dabbed at her eyes with the thin tissue from within a tiny cubicle. There was only so much of it she could take... 'it' being Malachi singing Sofia's praises.

(Y/n) liked Sofia; Sofia wasn't the problem.

Malachi was... (Y/n)'s feelings for Malachi more specifically. If it wasn't for those stupid feelings then she probably wouldn't even be friends with him anymore, everything rational about her disliked him.

But her feelings were anything but rational.

She had the words caught in her throat as she sninvled quietly to herself on the toilet seat but the only one she could manage to breathe out was a low 'fuck'.

"Good morning." (Y/n) unlocked and swung room seventeen's door open. She cringed when she saw the great splodge of red in the centre of Cosmo's face- a dead giveaway that his nose was broken.

"Oh, hey, (Y/n)." He sounded... Slightly out of it, almost as if he was drunk.

"Were you given something?" (Y/n) knelt ahead of him and began to root around her bag. Darcy had told her that Cosmo had been through some longer interrogations over the past day but she didn't think he'd get drugged! "Cosmo? Can you hear me?"

"Hmmm, yeah?" He sounded unsure and his head fell forward.

"Great.." (Y/n) mumbled underneath her breath, at least he wasn't hurt and the extent of his physical injuries seemed to be the broken nose. It certainly wasn't the worst she'd seen.

"I'm gettin' out of here, you know..."

"Yep." (Y/n) nodded along to whatever he was saying as she cleaned up his face. "Does that hurt at all?"

He grunted a bit. (Y/n) wasn't sure what coherent response she was even expecting.

"W-...what's wrong..?" He asked in a slurred voice as she wiped away more of his blood.

"Huh?" (Y/n) didn't pay much mind to the question since he was so delirious.

"Your eyes.... They're all red." He pouted. "Were you crying?"

"No... I was smoking pot." She answered nonchalantly, not wanting to get into the reasons she was upset.

"If you were smoking I'd be able to smell it..."

'Damn it.'

"I've had a weird morning, okay?" (Y/n) placed the wipe she was using down. "Now can you hold still for me?"

Cosmo did so but with a concerned frown on his face. "I don't want you to be sad." He murmured childishly, still sounding drunk off whatever he had been injected with.

It was a sweet sentiment so (Y/n) smiled at him briefly but didn't say anything more. It wasn't as if she could because in a matter of seconds the door had been thrown open.

She turned to see Darcy along with two guards beside her. "Lūsis wants you in his office. Now."

"Me?" (Y/n) looked between Darcy and Cosmo.

"Yes, you. Now step to it." Darcy said impatiently.

"What about-"

"(Y/n)." Her boss said with a warning tone.

So (Y/n) got up with a muttered apology and was on her way.

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