XX- sofia bell

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"Make sure you try to mention me." Malachi whined, following (Y/n) around her apartment as she threw some stuff into her bag.

"If you come up then I will." She assured him and glanced at the time. "But I'm running a little-

"Oh! And take pictures!" He exclaimed. "Please, I'd love to see Saffi."

"I... I'll see, but I'm not gonna be a creep about it." (Y/n) insisted.

It was the weekend and (Y/n) was about to leave to go to Sofia's place. Malachi was of course concerned about every tiny detail.

"It'll be fine, okay?"

"Just make sure she knows that there isn't anything between us."

(Y/n) drew in a deep breath. "Sure."

"Okay... You'll call me as soon as you're on your way home, right? And tell me all about it?" Malachi rambled on.

(Y/n) firmly placed her hands on his shoulders. "Malachi, breathe. Chill out."

He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, sunshine. I just want things to go well."

"I can tell." She chuckled. "It's not a big thing, we're just having some snacks, maybe a drink and talking."

"Maybe I should come along.. you know, I could say that you invited me!"

(Y/n) shook hey head gently and began to walk out the door."No, I think you should go home and watch a movie to keep your mind busy."

Malachi mumbled something under his breath but as (Y/n) opened the front door he spoke up. "Oh and (Y/n)!"


He paused for a second before continuing. "Is that a new perfume?"

Her eyes widened momentarily; honestly shocked he noticed. "Um.. yeah." She looked out to the hall and then back at him. This action was partially to hide the ill-fated smile on her face "I'm gonna go, I'm late as it is."

"Can we go in now?" (Y/n) groaned, looking over to Rudy in the passenger seat of her painfully old car.

He was brushing his black curls of hair over with his hands for the upteenth time whilst staring at his reflection in the mirror. "I need to make sure I look good - this is the first time I'm meeting Sofia!"

'I don't care.' Is what (Y/n) wanted to say but she didn't think that would go over well with Rudy so she stayed quiet. They'd been parked for easily over ten minutes and were already half an hour late.

All (Y/n) could do was send Sofia increasingly apologetic texts to inform her of their late arrival.

She never really noticed before quiet how focused on his appearance Rudy truly was.

"I know what you're thinking." He mumbled with some aggression, his caramel eyes not leaving his reflection. "You think I'm a vain prick."

"I never said that."

"That's why I said you were thinking it, dumbass."

She smiled and let out half of a laugh. "Just hurry up."

"I wanna make a good first impression!"

(Y/n) clenched her jaw then an idea suddenly struck her. Rudy was more alike Malachi than she'd like to think- if she wanted him to do what she wanted then she had to play his game. "Oh? So you think Sofia is that shallow?"

"What?!" Rudy looked at (Y/n) in alarm. "What the fuck are you saying??"

"If you think she'll care that much about your appearance then surely you think she's shallow." (Y/n) said calmly.

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