XXXII- recollection

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The rest of the dinner party had gone smoothly. (Y/n) and Āvo made conversation with each other and practically no one else, the food was incredible and they departed without so much of a goodbye in the early hours of the morning.

(Y/n) was driven back to her apartment and said her thanks to Āvo before going to sleep.

The next morning she was woken up by a loud knocking at her door.

"Ugh... So earlyyy.." She groaned while shuffling around in her sheets to try and get up.

(Y/n) stumbled to her feet and was still rubbing sleep from her eyes when she opened the front door.

"Malachi? Why are you here this early?" She mumbled, still adjusting to the light.

"Early? It's midday." Malachi walked past (Y/n) and into the apartment. "I wanted to make sure you were okay after last night."

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" She pushed her messy locks of (h/c) hair back.

Malachi caught himself smiling at this action. She almost looked cute? Nope, nope, nope. 'Cute' was a descriptor reserved for Saffi.

"It was you and bunch of crime bosses in that place." He shrugged. "Something could've happened."

"Nothing did." She assured him and flopped onto the couch. "But everyone there was totally sketch. No one apart from Āvo spoke to me or even looked at me."

"Oh. Well, at least you'll never have to do anything like that again." Malachi sat beside her cheerfully.

"I mean, it was a nice evening. Āvo was super kind and he talked about his childhood and-"

"You don't actually want to get caught up with a guy like that." Malachi sneered. "He's dangerous and he's just gonna hurt you, sunshine."

(Y/n) scrunched her face up in confusion. "When did you change your tune about this? When you first started yapping about him liking me, you were all excited about it and now he's the worst? Also, I never said anything about being into him. I just wanna see what happens."

"...let's change the subject." He sat up and smiled. "Saffi's buying a new car soon which is pretty crazy because..."

(Y/n) leaned back and indulged Malachi in his maddened ramblings. While she usually hated these, there was a plus side to them becuase when she completely tuned out to what he was saying she could just watch him. He was going on and on about insignificant details about Sofia's life all with the most amazing smile, his dark curls bounced up and down as his head moved and those beautiful brown eyes were enthused.

He annoyed her like no one else, but everytime he did she'd circle back around to wanting him so badly and wanting nothing more than to hear him say her name.


All the bad things that she knew he had done wouldn't matter anymore becuase when he said her name, (Y/n) felt like it would be all okay.


Or even better that adorable nickname.


Whenever he used that to address her it reminded her that she was special to him. That was all she really wanted to be-

A firm slap collided with the back of her head, it wasn't painful but was startling all the same.

"Hey! What the hell?"

"You've been staring off into the ether for like the past minute. Are you okay?" Malachi asked.

"Oh... You noticed that?"

He scoffed. "It's impossible not to notice." His hand reached out to her head again but to ruffle up her hair this time. "Anyway, you seem all good so I'm gonna head off. Do you wanna come around my place on Monday after work? I've got this new blender I wanna try."


"We can make smoothies!" He exclaimed with a grin.

"Sure...that sounds great."

"Awesome, sunshine." Malachi gave her a quick hug before hopping to his feet. "Have a great rest of your weekend!"

"You too." She said with a longing sigh as he left.

(Y/n) was hardly even aware the weekend had ended by the time Monday began. Her week at work was started off by treating Cosmo in room seventeen as usual.

As strange as she found it that he wasn't being questioned so much as anyone else would be, (Y/n) wasn't complaining. She had taken a liking to Cosmo and definitely didn't want him to be tortured- although, not wanting someone to go through agonising pain was a pretty baseline opinion for her. The more cynical part of her also recognised that it gave her less work to do, but his wellbeing was more the reason that she was able to not be too concerned over it.

"Good morning." She hummed when walking into the dim room.


"I'm just gonna look over the wounds you had on your head a few weeks back." (Y/n) said, she knew that there would be nothing new to look at.

"Uh, sure." Cosmo's eyes were cast over, the optimism and confidence in his voice seemed absent.

"Are you okay? You seem quieter than usual."

"Yeah.. how was your dinner thing?" He asked, looking up at her. In that moment, he appeared almost pathetic. (Y/n) hadn't ever really pitied him, she knew that wasn't what he wanted from her but right then pity was all she felt.

It was obvious he felt somewhat betrayed by her. But there was also the mutual recognition of their positions in this relationship. She wasn't on his side because she couldn't be.

"It was alright." She said vaguely. (Y/n) knew he didn't actually want to hear about it. She started to move her fingers through his short hair to touch the bruised and cut up areas of flesh.

"When you're done, can you get me out of the chair again?" He asked in a small voice, like a child asking their parent for a toy they knew they'd never get.

"I... don't think I can." (Y/n) replied regretfully. "I could get in serious trouble if anyone found out."

"Please, (Y/n)." He emphasized. "I'll take total responsibility, I promise."

"That's not your decision to make."

Both of his hands gripped the arms of the chair as hight as he could. "You don't understand what it's like being cooped up like this."

"Come on, you know how bad I feel-"

"So help me out. I'm pleading with you, (Y/n)."

She'd never seen him look so desperate before.

"Cosmo...I'm sorry."

"Just a second!"

"I can't." She removed her hands. "Does anything hurt?"

"Everything hurts all the fucking time!" He yelled. "Just undo the restraints and-"

"Your old wounds are fine." (Y/n) cut him off. "If there's nothing new for me to look at them I'll just go."

"You don't have to go. Please don't go."

She cringed at his display. Guilt blossomed in her heart but she forced herself to walk out. Of course he was in an awful position but she wasn't going to be able to free him and live.

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