I- corrupted

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(f/s)= favorite show

(Y/n) took a quick bite of her breakfast as she checked her clock for the upteenth time.

She was late.

It wasn't her fault she had slept in, she only binged half a season of (f/s)... Okay, it was a whole season but she started rewatching it and couldn't help but keep going.

And now she was late.

Her phone rumbled and she instantly knew who would be texting her.

Malachi: where r u??

She winced at the message, she was meant to be meeting her best friend of several years part way on the walk to work since he lived far closer than she did.

(Y/n): Go without me, I slept in :/

Malachi: k

Malachi: still good 4 lunch?

(Y/n): Yep, see you then.

Malachi: c u

(Y/n) turned off her phone and was out of the door in an instant, not before taking a quick glance of her lock screen.

It was a picture of her and Malachi, her favorite one of the two of them. Their faces were pressed close together as they both smiled cheerfully at the camera. The picture showed his hooked nose that he was pretty insecure about but (Y/n) found attractive. She found almost everything about him terribly attractive.

She's been suffering a crush on her close friend for majority of the three years they'd known each other. How could she not fall for his scruffy dark hair with matching chocolatey eyes, his short temper was impossible to find anything but cute due to his scrawny stature, the way he laughed at his own jokes with the most adorable dimples appearing on his skin where he allowed some of his beard to grow out but only enough for it to be slightly scratchy, oh and how could she forget about the way he'd hold her hand whenever she was sad and squeeze it lightly to let her know he was there.

There were so many things that she could say about Malachi but there was a vital problem that meant the possibility of a relationship between them was slim if not nonexistent.

But more on that later.

(Y/n) was now dashing through the streets. She's already accepted that there was no chance of being in on time so now she was just trying to be a least late as possible.

They wouldn't fire her over this, right?

She'd never been late before!

But then again her job was anything but typical.

For as long as she'd known Malachi, (Y/n) had been involved in the world of organised crime. That was how they met after all.

She wasn't exactly in on the action so much as her friend was, she was a medic while he was one of the lower level henchmen.

But her job also wasn't that of most of the medics in their conglomerate. In the warehouse where both she and Malachi were based there were many 'interrogation' rooms.

'Interrogation' was a nice word used for torture.

(Y/n) would go to whoever had been tortured and basically make sure they didn't die before all the information was viciously wrenched from them.

It wasn't a noble profession and wasn't what she had imagined herself ever doing but it payed the bills.

Not to say she didn't feel guilty about her work, of course she did, but that feeling had become part of the status quo of her life over time.

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