XVII- special case

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Sorry for making yet another author's note - but there is a Q&A on 'my notebook' if there's anything you wish to ask about this book or any of my others!
More information is there, I hope you'll check it out.
Without further ado, enjoy this chapter!

-L.T. May

(Y/n) silently stitched up the second deep cut that Cosmo had been inflicted with. It was the worst he'd seen in over a week but still wasn't nearly as bad as when he first arrived or what she'd seen happen to others.

"Does that feel okay?" (Y/n) asked, usually the people she treated would at least wince when she'd go into their flesh without anything to numb the pain.

"Oh? Um, yeah that's fine."

She could tell he was exhausted, (Y/n) regularly thought about ways that Cosmo could get out of there while still alive. Their disagreement not long ago had revealed that he was confident in his ability to escape while (Y/n) felt that wouldn't be possible.

"You should try to get some rest... I understand it could be hard but-" (Y/n) stopped herself as she saw something flash in the corner of her vision.


"One second..." She placed her supplies down and stood up. "I think I saw something."

"Is it a rat? There's a rat that always comes in here, I think he likes me."

(Y/n) paused and looked back at Comso. "Are you sure it's the same one?"

"Pretty sure. I even gave him a name... Or her, I don't know."

She scoffed lightly. "That's cute." (Y/n) continued to slowly approach what she thought she saw. "But I don't think I saw a rat."

"There's a ton of shit that those idiots leave behind." Cosmo said dismissively.

"Is this...?" (Y/n) lifted a miniscule device from the ground. It was barely flashing, and it was honestly impressive that she'd spotted it. "What it this?"

Cosmo tried to crane his neck to see what (Y/n) had got but couldn't physically do so.

She returned to him and showed it to him.

"I think it's a microphone." Her nose scrunched up. "These rooms aren't normally bugged... At least I never thought they were. Why would they be? This is way too sensitive to risk getting recordings of."

Cosmo seemed less than interested in what (Y/n) was discovering, she never stayed for very long and he wanted to use that time to talk to her, not to listen to her spiel on about microphones.

She flicked at the tiny device in curiosity, this made Cosmo raise an eyebrow.

"Is there a problem?"

"No... I mean... No, there isn't." She paused and put the microphone back where she found it. "It's just a bit weird. I might go ask Darcy about it now, I finished up with your stitches and other than that you-"

(Y/n) stopped speaking when a cry of pain left Cosmo's throat. She was immediately alarmed, not just because of how agonised he sounded but also because it was Cosmo. He had shown barely more than a flinch of annoyance until now.

"What's wrong??" She darted to his side in alarm and rooted through her medical equipment when she saw that one of his new stitches had been torn open.

Too concerned to think about how that could have happened considering her stitches were pretty reliable and that Cosmo had endured much worse pain with a much smaller reaction.

Cosmo's eyes were trained on (Y/n)'s nimble fingers as he continued to pant through gritted teeth. Despite the discomfort that was brought with them, her fingers against his skin was a pleasant feeling.

So what if he'd wriggled his arm enough to rip the stitches on purpose? (Y/n) was about to leave. She had to believe he was hurt and needed attention.

It was only a white lie, he'd be even more hurt if she left so soon.

"Darcy?" (Y/n) said unsurely as she knocked at the door of frosted glass.

After a few moment of silence, she knocked again and an answer came around.

"What?" Her boss's voice was positively exasperated.

(Y/n) pushed the door open and Darcy's eyebrows shot up.

"(Y/n)... I didn't know it was you... What are you here for?"

"It's probably nothing but I found a microphone in room seventeen."

Darcy paled slightly but quickly recovered and smiled. "New protocol. They're everywhere. Was that all?"

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes. 'What's up with Darcy?' She thought in regards to her boss's odd behaviour.

"When did this come in?"

"Oh, just today. Don't worry about it, so long as you're getting your job done then everything will be fine for you." Darcy hurried over to (Y/n) and appeared to be ushering her out of the room. "Now, you must-"

"Are you okay?"

Darcy paused. "That hardly needs asking." She said with a frown. "Please see yourself out."

If that interaction wasn't weird enough, the other rooms (Y/n) worked in that day seemed devoid of a microphone.

She didn't ponder on it that much though, she figured it must have been because this was more important.

But she'd seen the so-called 'more important' cases in the past and...

Oh well, she wouldn't question the methods used by Lūsis.

(Y/n) was in the process of listening to her mother talk about her day eagerly.

"Isn't that wonderful, sweetheart?" The older woman asked through the phone. "We only paid so much lower than the asking price!"

"That's great, mom."

"And how are you? How was work today?"

(Y/n) exhaled from her nose as she nostalgically recalled a day of working at the hospital from her past. "I went down to the medical center today but that was about it for excitement today." She lied.

"Aw, it's still nice to get a change of scenery anyway, isn't it?" Her mother asked, causing (Y/n) to look around herself.

She wished more than anything she could be back to her old life at the best of times but these feelings were particularly prevelant when she called hey mother. "Yeah." She said. "You can always do with a change."

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