XXXIX- unengaged

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(This chapter is shorter than usual- sorry! I still hope you enjoy it.)

-L.T. May

Malachi felt like total shit.

The week was coming to a close and (Y/n) wasn't responding to his calls or texts. He didn't want to spook her by just showing up at her house unannounced, but was getting close to doing that.

He wasn't mad at her; he just wanted his friend back. Malachi hoped these romantic feelings would fade over time. Maybe he should encourage her to find someone else, even if it hurts. He'll ensure they're good enough for her, anything to get things back to how they were.

This was probably the longest he'd gone without thinking about seeing Saffi since he first laid eyes on her. All he could think about was (Y/n) and how she was doing.

He could only pray that even if her feelings for him didn't pass that her ignoring him would. It was so lonely without her.

What an idiot he had been to not realise sooner, if only they could have had that dreaded conversation years ago so they could move past it instead of allowing her love to fester beneath the surface.

He was distracted at work, distracted at home- all in all lost in his thoughts. He regretted not talking about it more, he had just driven her home in silence after she asked. Malachi should have kept her there and talked it through instead of leaving things so horribly open.

What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't drop her, he also couldn't return her feelings and things wouldn't just go back to how they were instantly.

As he lay on his bed that night, Malachi checked his phone just in case (Y/n) had decided to message him. But there was nothing from her, there was a notification to say that Saffi had posted something new to her social media but he didn't even look at it. He couldn't be bothered and he knew he wouldn't appreciate it in the sour mood he was in.

(Y/n) wasn't feeling much better than Malachi, she was probably narrowly better just because she had at least predicted this.

She didn't want to ignore all his texts and calls but she wanted to see him even less. (Y/n) couldn't think about how awful it would be face him after putting herself out on the line. She was aware that this was a band aid solution and she'd have to see him eventually but for now she wanted to use the rest of her week off to emotionally recover.

Not just from Malachi but also everything with Cosmo. She was worried about him! Even if she was pissed about that kiss. (Y/n) was doing her best to owe that to his instability following the torture he suffered at Malachi's hands.

There was a knock at the door while she was sprawled out on the couch, eating junk food and indulging in a rewatch of her favorite show. She turned it off and kicked the blanket she thrown on off of her.

She knew Malachi would come over eventually and was bracing herself for seeing him again. (Y/n) took a deep breath before opening her front door.

"Jeez, you look awful."

That was not Malachi.

Rudy walked past her, right into her apartment. "And this place is a dump." He grimaced.

"Thanks. And please do come in." She said sarcastically.

"Sorry, you're clearly very busy." He gestured towards the empty takeout boxes and other miscellaneous items scattered around.

"I could've been at work for all you know." (Y/n) folded her arms. "And I know after that tall bill for my lock, you wouldn't break in again."

"Just because you're stupid doesn't mean everyone else is." Rudy remarked. "I know you got the week off when that guy got away. Lūsis is sweating about that now, huh?"

(Y/n)'s mouth fell open in shock. " could you even know that?"

"I have my ways... But that doesn't explain why you're acting like a rom-com lady who got dumped."

"I told Malachi how I feel about him-"

Rudy instantly cringed. "Bad move."

"I couldn't lie forever. Anyway, he turned me down... obviously."

Rudy rolled his eyes. "Shocker."


"What? We all saw that coming." He said, not intending for it to sound as cold as it did. When Rudy looked back at (Y/n), she was looking down at her feet. "He's an ass anyway. You could do way better." Rudy followed up as an attempt at being nice.

"I don't want to do better." She mumbled and scratched the back of her head. "That's the problem."

Rudy looked around uncomfortably. "I'm gonna clean this place up. You should.. fix yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"Not 'fix yourself'." He face palmed at his poor choice of words. "Just brush your hair or something."

"Why? I don't wanna go out."

"I'm not gonna make you." Rudy sighed while beginning to gather up some of the stuff on the floor. "You just shouldn't live like some...sad goblin woman."

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